Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Traffic accidents and injuries of the urinary tract,1989,57,3,755-761,Mosbah Sexual abuse with regard to children: a serious deed,1993,61,1-2,81-88,Marneffe Unusual case of Munchausen's syndrome: factitious vesical lithiasis,1998,66,4,33-35,el Khader HIV infection and rape,1992,60,2,77-81,Vandercam Scrotal contusions,1991,59,1,105-110,Loup Injuries of the urethra caused by war projectiles. Apropos of 19 cases,1987,55,4,625-636,Borki [Psychological and psychiatric aspects of AIDS],1993,61,1-2,571-587,Hirsch