Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Acute renal insufficiency following cauterizing of the skin with impregnating oil for railroad ties,1979,25,1,50-53,Simko Acute industrial poisoning with arsine,1982,28,4,393-398,Dlhopolcek Carbon tetrachloride poisoning,1955,1,5,339-344,Jedlicka A fatal hemorrhagic condition after rodenticide ingestion,1994,40,1,32-35,Dulícek Fulminant liver failure in poisoning by Lepiota helveolla Bres,1996,42,5,342-344,Studeník [Incidence and current treatment of cytotoxic cyclopeptide (phalloidine) poisoning in pregnant women],1996,42,6,414-417,Jaros Amanita poisoning and the importance of sorption hemoperfusion in its therapy,1997,43,10,686-690,Monhart Survival after accidental poisoning with a triple lethal dose of paraquat (Gramoxon),1997,43,10,682-685,Cermák Femur strength index versus bone mineral density: new findings (Slovak Epidemiological Study),2010,56,7,764-770,Wendlova Survival and quality of life in burns,2010,56,7,681-685,Konigova Orientation proof of thallium poisoning in the hair,1969,15,5,471-475,Jindrichova Influence of beer drinking on subjects working in a hot environment,1970,16,12,1150-1156,Dudová Allergy to the bee and wasp venom,1972,18,6,532-536,Liska Acute toxic liver lesion through industrial noxious substances and drugs in higher than therapeutic doses,1975,21,1,58-62,Filipová Toxic (non-alcoholic) and drug-induced hepatitis,1982,28,2,152-158,Sosovec Differential diagnosis of mushroom poisoning,1998,44,8,496-501,Gavorník Prevention and treatment of mushroom poisoning,1999,45,3,193-196,Gavorník Treatment with corticosteroids bone mineral density and risk of fractures,2003,49,1,12-14,Rosa Acute copper poisoning by suicidal attempt,2012,58,4,325-328,Charvát Myocardial infarct after injury by lightening,1984,30,11,1118-1121,Funiak Prevention of sudden death during sport activity in view of new recommendations,2013,59,5,370-375,Sovová Pathogenesis of renal injury in Amanita phalloides poisoning,1981,27,5,481-486,Sevela Poisoning with mushrooms of the Cortinarius species,1978,24,8,822-826,Herink Crush syndrome of today - rhabdomyolysis of intoxicateds,2014,60,3,249-254,Molčányiová Motor vehicle driving and not only diabetes mellitus - certain aspects of the legislations in the Czech Republic,2016,62,3,226-228,Brož Motor vehicle driving and diabetes mellitus - medical aspects,2016,62,3,223-225,Brož Drug and herbal hepatotoxicity: an overview of clinical classifications,2018,64,4,384-393,Szántová Trimeresurus albolabris (white-lipped green pit viper) - bite report: case report,2018,64,7-8,802-806,Nehaj Myocardial injury after carbon monoxide intoxication in suicide attempt with features of both toxic and tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy: case report,2018,64,7-8,797-801,Vančata Falls: a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in elderly people,2018,64,11,1076-1083,Berková Danger of the sea-complications after scorpion fish attack,2020,66,8,51-54,Tresnerová Lethal alcohol intoxications cases: thinking about the causes,2021,67,E-8,29-36,Makovický Schock and other complications after being bitten by a poisonous snake,2021,67,E-6,13-16,Caisová The causes of acute intoxications in the course of one year admitted to intensive metabolic care unit,2005,51,3,299-303,Charvát [Poisoning in patients treated during 4 years at the Metabolic Unit of the Second Internal Medicine Clinic of the Charles University Medical School in Prague],1998,44,11,654-657,Rath