Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Toxic material catcher for gas guns,1975,46,1,99-100,Horning Note: A table-top blast driven shock tube,2010,81,12,126103,Courtney Characteristics and measurement of supersonic projectile shock waves by a 32-microphone ring array,2011,82,8,084902,Chang Diagnostics of underwater electrical wire explosion through a time- and space-resolved hard x-ray source,2012,83,10,103505,Sheftman A high precision instrument to measure angular and binocular deviation introduced by aircraft windscreens by using a shadow casting technique,2012,83,12,123104,Shivananju Non-invasive timing of gas gun-launched projectiles using external surface-mounted optical fiber-Bragg grating strain gauges,2013,84,3,035002,Goodwin Note: "Lock-in accelerometry" to follow sink dynamics in shaken granular matter,2014,85,12,126101,Martinez Line-imaging velocimetry for observing spatially heterogeneous mechanical and chemical responses in plastic bonded explosives during impact,2013,84,8,083903,Bolme A measurement system applicable for landslide experiments in the field,2016,87,4,e044501,Guo Quantitative imaging of explosions with high-speed cameras,2016,87,5,e051301,McNesby Improvement of the shadow tracking setup as a method to measure the velocities values of dark dust in order to reduce the risks of radioactive releases or explosions,2018,89,8,e083306,Rossi Use of synchrotron-based radiography to diagnose pulsed power driven wire explosion experiments,2019,90,1,e013504,Krasik Monitoring driver health status in real time,2020,91,3,e035110,Hamza Cherif Investigating the survey instrument for the underground pipeline with inertial sensor and dead reckoning method,2021,92,2,e19095,Liu Optimization of intelligent guided vehicle vision navigation based on improved YOLOv2,2024,95,6,e065110,Wu