Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Present status of pending legislation regarding the safety of medical devices,1970,32,7,832-836,Tucker Public safety and construction surety,1970,32,4,471-480,Feld The lack of safety standards in medical instrumentation,1969,31,6,734-750,Ben-Zvi Pesticides: toxicology and safety evaluation,1969,31,6,720-730,Eisler H.R. 10726-the Medical Device Safety Act of 1967,1968,30,5,667-676,Pumpian On the psychoanalytic exploration of fear and other emotions,1952,14,7,280-283,Rado The chemistry of poison ivy,1956,18,5,427-443,Dawson Mathematical psychological and engineering aspects of accident phenomena. III. The application of statistical control techniques to the study of industrial and military accidents,1956,18,3,272-277,Littauer Mathematical psychological and engineering aspects of accident phenomena. II. The development of engineering techniques for the evaluation of safety programs,1956,18,3,266-271,Schreiber Mathematical psychological and engineering aspects of accident phenomena. I. Operational aspects of the accident proneness concept,1956,18,3,261-265,Jacobs Internal impulses to aggression,1969,31,2,104-114,Moyer Alcohol and alcoholics: a behavioral approach,1972,34,7,602-627,Nathan Instrumentation in toxicology: assessing toxic materials and products in the body,1974,36,6,511-530,Kay Mindwandering and cognitive structure,1970,32,2 Series II,242-252,Singer