Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Anosmia and traffic accidents,1968,40,8,577-582,Saito Dysphonia due to traffic accidents--report of 4 cases,1968,40,1,49-56,Abe Foreign bodies in the paranasal sinuses following an automobile accident,1972,44,5,357-360,Maeda Acoustic trauma---with special reference to acute acoustic injury of the organs of hearing,1961,33,,589-596,Kawamura Asphyxiation and death due to sudden inhalation of baby powder,1961,33,,143-144,Watanabe Neck burn and laryngeal edema caused by exploding fireworks,1964,36,,753-755,Miyajima Acoustic trauma caused by diesel engine noise,1966,38,3,279-288,Ogata Hearing disturbances in monoxide-gas toxicosis,1966,38,8,805-816,Sato Voluntary swallowing of a foreign body (waribashi),1968,40,3,243-245,Nomura Aural trauma caused by electric shock by lightning,1968,40,7,525-529,Kobayashi Injuries of the paranasal cavity,1966,38,12,1275-1281,Takahashi Hot-water burn of the ear drum,1969,41,12,951-955,Sakurai Foreign body in the trachea and bronchus,1969,41,10,816-818,Takayama Vertigo caused by SU 4885 (drug used in the hypophyseal function test),1971,43,3,213-220,Sakashita Result and significance of equilibrium test of vertigo patients following head injuries--can it be used as a therapeutic guide?,1971,43,9,645-652,Ishikawa