Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Protracted chemical burns (with special reference to skin damages caused by epoxides and propansultone),1970,18,3,144-165,Ippen On an unusual finger injury of a professional musician and its expert testimonial evaluation,1968,16,6,325-332,Greither From the annual reports of the factory inspection of Nordrhein-Westfalen country for the years 1960-1965,1967,15,5,306-308,Gronemann Estimation of the injury of human skin by alkaline liquids,1968,16,1,11-24,Spruit Occupational arsenic lesions in vintagers,1974,22,1,34-47,Wolf Pemphigus vulgaris as disability connected with political persecution?,1970,18,1,35-41,Leyh Toxic ulcerative contact dermatitis due to prefabricated concrete (cement burns),1977,25,3,108-113,Bandmann Burns caused by a lime solvent containing formic acid,1974,22,4,156-159,Milbradt Alkali resistance of the skin in adolescents and its evaluation,1974,22,4,160-168,Schubert Bullous dermatitis of the male genitalia caused by an aminoalkyl compound (halogenalkylamine),1973,21,1,6-11,Gartmann Contact dermatitis in a gardener caused by daffodils,1974,22,3,123-126,Bleumink