Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Knowledge of the causes of accidents,1965,36,9,579-583,Frazier A frequent happening; undiagnosed foreign body of the respiratory tract because physician did not believe the story told by mother of the patient,1953,24,4,243-244,Barani Irgapyrin poisoning in a child; a clinical case report,1956,27,5,311-317,Rodriguez fernandez Aminophylline poisoning in children,1959,30,4,228-235,Portillo Burns in children as home accidents,1959,30,4,201-206,Saldun de rodriguez Home safety for the child,1958,29,10,683-691,Saldun de rodriguez Poisoning by nasal instillation of imidazoline,1961,32,,699-707,Peluffo Focalization of toxicosis,1961,32,,471-473,Schiaffino Poisoning by sodium citrate. Tetany; respiratory insufficiency and arrest; apparent death,1961,32,,261-283,Mantero Accidents in the home. Statistics from the hospital "Dr. Pedro Visca" during the years 1957-1961 (702 observations),1963,34,,487-498,Lansot-blanco Multiple spontaneous fractures in an infant,1962,33,,763-770,Portillo Poisoning by Datura arborea (L.) ("floripon"). Histopathological study of the gastric and rectosigmoid mucosa by aspiration biopsy,1962,33,,14-18,Bauza Efectos adversos neuropsiquiátricos de montelukast,2019,90,2,90-94,Garafoni Factores de riesgo y protección de conducta suicida en adolescentes: encuesta en primer nivel público (diciembre 2016 - setiembre 2017),2022,93,2,e206-e206,Larrobla Méndez Intoxicación aguda intencional por metformina en una adolescente: a propósito de un caso clínico,2019,90,4,203-209,Pascale Autolesiones no suicidas: abordaje integral desde el primer nivel de salud y sector educativo. Capítulo 3,2023,94,nspe1,e404-e404,Ferreiro Lorenzo Intoxicación intencional por paracetamol en adolescentes: un problema de salud creciente: a propósito de un caso,2023,94,2,e309-e309,Herrera Irastorza