Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Prevention of elder abuse: Betty Neuman health care systems approach,1990,4,1,54-58,Delunas Theoretical and clinical perspectives of client stalking behavior,2003,17,6,298-304,Laskowski The role of the clinical nurse specialist in the development of a domestic violence program,2000,14,5,229-234,Mian The health beliefs values and practices of gay adolescents,1999,13,2,69-73,Wells Two stories of adolescent suicide,1992,6,1,51-52,Young-Mason Children of divorce: ways to heal the wounds,1991,5,3,133-137,Anable Integrating trauma theory and therapy into nursing practice and education,1997,11,3,102-107,DiPalma Strategies used by clinical nurse specialists in "difficult" clinician-patient situations,2007,21,2,74-84,Wolf Caffeinated energy drinks: risks assumed with consumption when competing working and drinking,2012,26,5,250-253,O'Malley Most frequently observed risk factors for adult inpatient injurious falls in hospitals,2013,27,6,314-322,Tzeng Fall safety agreement: a new twist on education in the hospitalized older adult,2014,28,3,168-172,Zavotsky The headache electronic diary for children with concussion,2015,29,2,80-88,Kontos Implementing the Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression in mental health units,2015,29,4,230-243,Daffern Safety profile of children in an enclosure bed,2017,31,1,36-44,Sherburne Challenges in the prevention of falls and fall-related injuries in older adults,2017,31,1,20-22,Alexander National attention on opioid use and abuse: National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists in the forefront,2017,31,2,115-117,Ray Enhancing key competencies of health professionals in the assessment and care of adults at risk of suicide through education and technology,2017,31,5,268-275,Ryan A season of self-destruction-the current suicide epidemic in older adults: evidence to consider before writing the prescription,2018,32,6,290-293,O'Malley Child abuse response simulation for advanced practice nursing students,2020,34,4,157-161,Donnell Content validation for an emergency department fall risk assessment instrument,2021,35,5,233-237,Hurwitz Caring for the mental health of youth and families: what is the role of the psychiatric mental health advanced practice nurse?,2021,35,5,246-252,Bonham Increasing understanding and perceived confidence of nurses working in an emergency department in assessing patients at risk of violent behavior,2023,37,3,139-143,Inuenwi