Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Pinochet vs. the Hippocratic Oath,1987,,,A21,Chelala German university said to use corpses in auto crash tests,1993,ePub,ePub,A8, Methods used in suicides follow book,1993,ePub,ePub,25 26,Rosenthal Court allows holding of mental patients who may cause trouble,1994,ePub,ePub,59,Sullivan Man will get prison term for helping his wife kill herself,1996,ePub,ePub,23 26,Belluck Red Cross find detainee abuse in Guantanamo; US rejects accusations; confidential report calls practice tantamount to torture,2004,ePub,ePub,A1 A14,Lewis Panel of scientists supports review of biomedical research that terrorists could use,2003,ePub,ePub,A20,Wade Health data monitored for bioterror warning,2003,ePub,ePub,A1 A14,Broad Dispute puts a medical journal under fire,2005,ePub,ePub,C1 C5,Meier Dutch becoming first nation to legalize assisted suicide,2000,ePub,ePub,A3,Simons The Dutch seek to legalize long-tolerated euthanasia,2000,ePub,ePub,A110,Daley Biology is not destiny,1995,ePub,ePub,A27,Nelkin Disputed meeting to ask if crime has genetic roots,1995,1995,Sept. 19,C1 C6,Angier Murder case damages faith in confidentiality of therapy,1994,ePub,ePub,A1 B5,Hoffman Japanese germ-war atrocities: a half-century of stonewalling the world,1999,ePub,ePub,A12,Miller Brazil rights group hopes to bar doctors linked to torture,1999,ePub,ePub,A15,Rohter Linking drop in crime to rise in abortion,1999,ePub,ePub,A14,Goode Albany debates plan to force treatment on the mentally ill,1999,ePub,ePub,20,Hernandez Algeria to permit abortions for rape victims,1998,ePub,ePub,A6,Ibrahim Colorado children's deaths rekindle debate on religion,2001,ePub,ePub,A10,Janofsky Commission sues railroad to end genetic testing in work injury cases,2001,ePub,ePub,A10,Lewin U.S. set to begin a vast expansion of DNA sampling; big effect on immigrants; law to cover most people detained or arrested by federal agents,2007,ePub,ePub,A1 A15,Preston The Dutch seek to legalize long-tolerated euthanasia,2000,,,A110,Daley Choosing death,2004,,,A23,Kristof Medical board takes up bizarre case at Harvard,1992,,,A14,Butterfield Paths of patient and his therapist cross on dark journey leading to death,1992,,,e38,Butterfield Therapy in suicide case called unique by doctor,1992,,,A16,Butterfield Medical ethics in the dock,1994,,,A16, Agency faults a U.C.L.A. study for suffering of mental patients,1994,,,A1 B10,Hilts An angry man fights to die then tests life,1990,,,A1 A21,Applebome As memory and music faded Alzheimer patient met death,1990,,,A1 D22,Egan Doctor tells of first death using his suicide device,1990,,,A1 B6,Belkin Inventor of suicide machine is arrested on murder charge,1990,,,A1 A25,Wilkerson Physician fulfills a goal: aiding a person in suicide,1990,,,D22,Wilkerson A how to book on suicide surges to top of best-seller list in week,1991,,,A1 A10,Altman Missing in talk of right to die: depression's grip on a patient,1991,,,C19,Goleman The Sexton tapes,1991,,,A21,Orne Terminal cancer patients' will to live is found to fluctuate,1999,,,A8,Goode Missed signals in New York jails open way to season of suicides,2005,,,A1 B6 B7,von Zielbauer Tough U.S. steps in hunger strike in Cuba,2006,,,A1 A20,Golden