Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Three different types of clinical suicide,1986,236,3,148-153,Modestin Social toxicological and meteorological data on suicide attempts,1986,235,6,367-370,Breuer Suicide risk scales: do they help to predict suicidal behaviour?,1985,235,3,153-157,Moller Suicide and the Italian psychiatric reform: an appraisal of two data collection systems,1987,236,4,237-240,Williams Auditory event related potentials in violent and nonviolent prisoners,1988,238,1,7-10,Drake Combined brachial root and plexus lesions--typical sequelae of motor-bike accidents,1988,237,5,304-306,Hülser Long-term course of schizoaffective disorders. Part III: Onset type of episodes and syndrome shift precipitating factors suicidality seasonality inactivity of illness and outcome,1988,237,5,283-290,Marneros Attempted suicide in those with personality disorders. A comparison of depressed and unsocialized suicide attempters,1989,239,2,109-112,Lester Clinical predictors of completed suicide and repeated self-poisoning in 8895 self-poisoning patients,1990,239,4,270-276,Fisher Psychiatric consultant care in a general hospital in association with inpatient crisis intervention,1986,235,6,388-395,Vogel Social integration and contacts to reference persons of the normal social environment in inpatient treatment in the psychiatric hospital. A prospective catamnestic study of patients admitted for the first time with schizophrenic and cyclothymic psychoses,1984,234,4,250-257,Böcker Correlations between characteristics of the hallucinations in delirium tremens and psychological variables,1986,236,3,187-194,Holzbach Psychomotor disturbances in psychiatric patients as a possible basis for new attempts at differential diagnosis and therapy. II. Cross validation study on schizophrenic patients: persistence of a "psychotic motor syndrome" as possible evidence of an independent biological marker syndrome for schizophrenia,1986,235,5,301-308,Günther Neurotic depression: a diagnosis based on preexisting characteristics,1987,236,6,343-348,Black Diurnal variation of mood and the cortisol rhythm in depression and normal states of mind,1987,237,1,36-45,von Zerssen Systematic EEG follow-up study of traumatic psychosis,1987,237,1,2-7,Koufen Time estimation of depressive patients: the influence of interval content,1988,237,3,171-178,Steinberg Psychomotor disturbances in psychiatric patients as a possible basis for new attempts at differential diagnosis and therapy. III. Cross validation study on depressed patients: the psychotic motor syndrome as a possible state marker for endogenous depression,1988,237,2,65-73,Günther Parental discord divorce and adolescent development,1988,237,2,106-111,Aro Pain as a symptom in elderly depressed patients. Relationship to diagnostic subgroups,1985,235,3,143-145,Schifano The Zurich study. VIII. Insomnia: association with depression anxiety somatic syndromes and course of insomnia,1989,239,2,113-124,Angst Alcohol dependence in ICD-9 and DSM-III-R: a comparative polydiagnostic study,1989,239,2,101-108,Hiller Visual search eeg and psychopathology in schizophrenic patients,1989,239,1,49-57,Gaebel Sensory and motor aspects of saccade control,1989,239,1,17-22,Deubel Impaired performance in a saccadic tracking task in schizophrenic patients,1989,239,1,58-61,Stieglitz Excess mortality by natural causes of Italian schizophrenic patients,1990,239,6,361-365,Tansella