Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Contacts with a Canadian "street-level" Drug and Crisis Centre 1975-1978,1981,33,4,23-31,Clark Young people drugs...and others,1981,33,4,1-14,Bergeret Driving under the influence of drugs other than alcohol,1982,34,1,13-22,Solarz Illicit drugs on ships entering Hong Kong,1983,35,2,57-59,Mortimer Study of deaths related to drug abuse in France and Europe,1986,38,1-2,81-89,Ingold Maritime drug trafficking: an underrated problem,1990,42,1,63-72,Aune Current practice and experience in drug and alcohol testing in the workplace,1993,45,2,155-196,Zwerling Types of drug-testing programmes in the workplace,1993,45,2,83-113,Mørland Drug and alcohol testing in the workplace: moral ethical and legal issues,1993,45,2,45-81,Raskin Rapid assessment of drug abuse in Cameroon,1996,48,1-2,79-88,Wansi Marijuana and adverse psychotic reactions. Evaluation of different factors involved,1971,23,3,15-22,Chopra The involvement of the International Association of Airport and Seaport Police in drug abuse control,1991,43,1,51-53,Mazzone Attitudes to drug users and to the use of alcohol tobacco and cannabis on the campus of a provincial university,1975,27,1,27-36,Hindmarch Some determinants of psychological deficits associated with chronic cannabis consumption,1976,28,1,25-42,Soueif Drug and alcohol use problems and availability among students in Mexico and Canada,1979,31,1,41-48,Smart A review of trends in alcohol and cannabis use among young people,1981,33,4,77-90,Smart Intercollegiate sports participation and non-medical drug use,1981,33,3,23-27,Toohey Relative risk of adolescent drug abuse: Part I. Socio-demographic and interpersonal variables,1981,33,1,1-8,Mohan Drug consumption among the student population of Mexico City and its metropolitan area: subgroups affected and distribution of users,1980,32,4,29-37,Castro The role of testosterone in the development of experimental alcoholism,1980,32,2,41-48,Barkov The frequency of deaths resulting from the use of drugs and chemicals in Los Angeles County,1983,35,1,41-49,Griesemer Six years of cross-sectional surveys of student drug use in Toronto,1975,27,2,11-22,Smart The dynamics of trends in drug use in Australia,1977,29,3,21-31,Bell Drugs and driving: the Finnish perspective,2005,57,1-2,213-229,Lillsunde On-site drug testing,2005,57,1-2,205-211,Drummer Association of socio-economic factors with drug use among college students in an Indian town,1979,31,2,61-69,Khan Patterns and prevalence of opium use in rural Punjab (India),1979,31,2,45-56,Sundaram Pyrolysis of cannabinoids: a model experiment in the study of cannabis smoking,1978,30,3,55-59,Spronck Drug abuse in the Republic of Ireland: an overview,1986,38,1-2,91-97,Corrigan Community programme in Pakistan aimed at preventing and reducing drug abuse,1986,38,1-2,121-127,Mufti Extent and patterns of drug abuse and its associated factors in Egypt,1986,38,1-2,113-120,Soueif The profits of organized crime: the illicit drug trade in Canada,1983,35,2,61-70,Stamler Drug-taking among Nigerian students at universities in the United States of America,1987,39,2,75-80,Duncan Transnational criminal organizations and drug trafficking,1994,46,2,9-24,Williams The role of the Association of South-East Asian Nations in fighting illicit drug traffic,1983,35,4,97-104,Yodmani The cultural and social consequences and effect on families of women's involvement in drug trafficking in Cameroon: crime and imprisonment,1995,47,1-2,31-37,Nouthe-Djubgang Cannabis as an illicit narcotic crop: a review of the global situation of cannabis consumption trafficking and production,1998,49-50,1-2,45-83, Role of drug testing as an early warning programme: the experience of the Republic of Korea,2005,57,1-2,231-248,Chung