Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Sexual abuse of children,1980,53,7,7 18,Opalski Child abuse and neglect: reporting preparing to testify and maintaining nurse-client rapport,1986,59,5,3-5,Grodman You can refuse dangerous work if,1981,54,7,14,Bingham Violence towards the caregiver. A growing crisis for professional nursing,2003,76,2,14-15,Archer-Gift Violence towards the caregiver. A growing crisis for professional nursing,2003,76,1,11-12,Archer-Gift Lateral violence: calling out the elephant in the room,2008,81,3,8-9,Sincox Nursing's response to the complex dilemma of violence,2000,73,5,7 28-9,Kondek Lateral respect,2008,81,3,4,Bissonnette Socio-economic roadblocks to good emergency care for people,1971,44,1,8-9 passim,Phaneuf Misuse of child safety seats results in injuries fatalities,1998,71,3,20, Workplace violence: MNA partners with Wayne State University implements three-pronged strategy to address growing problem,2014,87,1,16-17, Saving Frank,2002,75,2,e16,Haen