Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Paraquat suicide in a young woman: results of therapy directed against the superoxide radical,1977,50,5,481-488,Harley Suicide attempts in the Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study,1988,61,3,259-268,O'Carroll Suicidal behavior in children and adolescents: a clinical and research perspective,1990,63,4,325-332,Pfeffer Studies in experimental frostbite; the response of the sympathetically denervated extremity to freezing,1949,21,5,401-414,Shumacker Studies in experimental frostbite; an evaluation of several methods for early treatment,1949,21,4,321-334,Shumacker Public health aspects of atomic disaster,1951,24,2,116-122,James Epidemiology of suicide among college students,1957,29,6,585-595,Parrish Carotid artery injury with cerebral infarction following head and neck blunt trauma: report of a case,2005,78,3,151-156,Liu Yale and the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission,1983,56,1,39-45,Bowers Encounter with disaster: a medical diary of Hiroshima 1945. Condensed from the original publication 1965,1983,56,1,23-38,Liebow The Chinese Nail Murders: forensic medicine in Imperial China,1999,72,6,409-419,Summers Religious commitment in medical practice: a Jewish perspective,1976,49,3,295-300,Adler Body snatching: a grave medical problem,1976,49,4,399-410,Frank A note on urine trans trans muconic acid level among a sample of Thai police: implication for an occupational health issue,2003,76,3,103-108,Wiwanitkit Inquests into London and Middlesex homicides 1673-1782,1977,50,2,207-220,Forbes Environmental chemicals and nervous system dysfunction,1978,51,4,457-468,Damstra The estimation of low-dose hazards by extrapolation from high doses,1981,54,5,339-344,Rossi Epidemiological studies on radiation carcinogenesis in human populations following acute exposure: nuclear explosions and medical radiation,1981,54,6,457-469,Fabrikant Alcohol and hospitalized road traffic injuries in the Philippines,2014,87,3,307-319,O'Connor The incidence of burns among sex-trafficking victims in India,2014,87,3,263-267,Sinha Characteristics of freebase cocaine psychosis,1988,61,2,115-122,Allen Applications of the physiology of respiration to resuscitation from asphyxia and drowning and to the prevention and treatment of secondary pneumonia,1932,4,4,429-436,Henderson Blunt traumatic aortic injury of right aortic arch in a patient with an aberrant left subclavian artery,2015,88,1,93-97,Yeo Sextons' day books for 1685-1687 and 1694-1703 from the parish of St. Martin-in-the-Fields London,1973,46,2,142-150,Forbes The origin of the term ridgeling,1954,27,1,20-25,Forbes Witch's milk and witches' marks,1950,22,3,219-225,Forbes Reflections on how a university binge drinking prevention initiative supports alcohol screening brief intervention and referral for student alcohol use,2015,88,3,339-346,Butt Behavioral economics of self-control failure,2015,88,3,333-337,Heshmat Perceived fall risk and functional decline: gender differences in patient's willingness to discuss fall risk fall history or to have a home safety evaluation,2016,89,2,261-267,Barraco Suicide prevention interventions for sexual & gender minority youth: an unmet need,2016,89,2,205-213,Marshall The effects of gender-based violence on women's unwanted pregnancy and abortion,2016,89,2,153-159,McCloskey Gender-related differences in inhibitory control and sustained attention among adolescents with prenatal cocaine exposure,2016,89,2,143-151,Crowley Social capital health and elderly driver status,2016,89,1,87-90,Berry Neurocardiovascular instability and cognition,2016,89,1,59-71,Kenny Flexibility in attentional control: multiple sources and suppression,2019,92,1,103-113,Carlisle Complexities of young driver injury and fatal motor vehicle crashes,2019,92,4,725-731,Fell The effectiveness of cannabis flower for immediate relief from symptoms of depression,2020,93,2,251-264,Vigil Variation in non-external and external causes of death in Peru in relation to the COVID-19 lockdown,2021,94,1,23-40,Kaufman Firearm injury among children and adolescents in Nigerian civilian trauma setting: prevalence pattern and implications for prevention,2021,94,1,55-63,Omoke Postpartum depression and quality of life: a path analysis,2021,94,1,85-94,Shojaei Before the bullets fly: the physician's role in preventing firearm injury,2021,94,1,147-152,Kaufman Who is biking for? Urban bikeshare networks' responses to the CoViD-19 pandemic disparities in bikeshare access and a way forward,2021,94,1,159-164,Nguemeni Tiako Cannabis use patterns and related health outcomes among Spanish speakers in the United States and internationally,2022,95,3,327-341,Bidwell Positive association of aggression with ambient temperature,2023,96,2,189-196,Kim Conflations of marital status and sanity: implicit heterosexist bias in psychiatric diagnosis in physician-dictated charts at a midwestern medical center,2016,89,2,247-254,McClelland What are the Origins of Chronic Back Pain of "Obscure Origins"? Turning Toward Family and Workplace Social Contexts,2022,95,1,153-163,Volinn