Table 1 Crude, stratified and adjusted associations between the position on the moped, helmet use and head injury
1a Effect variable: Head injury
Stratified analysis by helmet use
Exposure variable: Crude analysis
Helmeted riders
Non-helmeted riders
Head injury Non-head injury Head injury Non-head injury Head injury Non-head injury

Position on the moped
    Driver (exposed) 25 211 (15.4%) 138 112 (84.6%) 7342 (7.8%) 86 212 (92.2%) 17 869 (25.6%) 51 900 (74.4%)
    Passenger (non-exposed) 3537 (14.7%) 20 493 85.3%) 485 (5.7%) 7971 (94.3%) 3052 (19.6) 12 522 (80.4%)
OR = 1.06 (1.02–1.10) OR = 1.40 (1.27–1.54) OR = 1.41 (1.35–1.47) Adjusted ORa = 1.41 (1.36–1.47)

1b Effect variable: Head injury
Stratified analysis by position on the moped
Exposure variable: Crude analysis
Head injury Non-head injury Head injury Non-head injury Head injury Non-head injury

Helmet use
    Non-helmeted (exposed) 20 921 (24.5%) 64 422 (75.5%) 17 869 (25.6%) 51 900 (74.4%) 3052 (19.6%) 12 522 (80.4%)
    Helmeted (non-exposed) 7827 (7.7%) 94 183 (92.3%) 7342 (7.8%) 86 212 (92.2%) 485 (5.7%) 7971 (94.3%)
OR = 3.91 (3.80–4.02) OR = 4.04 (3.93–4.16) OR = 4.01 (3.63–4.43) Adjusted ORa = 4.04 (3.93–4.15)

1c. Effect variable: Helmet use
Stratified analysis by head injury
Exposure variable: Crude analysis
Head injury
Non-head injury
Helmeted Non-helmeted Helmeted Non-helmeted Helmeted Non-helmeted

Position on the moped
    Driver (exposed) 93 554 (57.3%) 69 769 (42.7%) 7342 (29.1%) 17 869 (70.9%) 86 212 (62.4%) 51 900 (37.6%)
    Passenger (non-exposed) 8456 (35.2%) 15 574 (64.8%) 485 (13.7%) 3052 (86.3%) 7971 (38.9%) 12 522 (61.1%)
OR = 2.47 (2.40–2.54) OR = 2.59 (2.34–2.86) OR = 2.61 (2.53–2.69) Adjusted ORa = 2.61 (2.53–2.68)

aOdds ratio (95% CI in parentheses).
Percentages are referred to the totals of exposed and non-exposed riders (by rows).