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July 24-28, 2000
- Emergency Medical Systems Adminstration. Emergency Medical Services Education Agenda for the Future: A systems approach. 2000. Washington, DC: EMS Authority, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (E.42.04 S)
Abstract: This report describes a consensus vision for the EMS education system of the future, including the elements of an educational system and their interrelationships in a conceptual way. The evolution of EMS education is reviewed, followed by a summary and discussion of the desired attributes of the EMS education system of the future. Appendices include a glossary, supporting documents, list of conference participants, and reference list.
- Newman S, Brazelton TB, Zigler E, Sherman LW, Bratton W, Sanders J et al. America's Child Care Crisis: A Crime Prevention Tragedy. 2000. Washington, DC, Fight Crime: Invest in Kids. (E.71.02 S)
Abstract: This report was published by Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, a nonprofit, anticrime organization. Key findings include: (1) Federal, state and local
governments could greatly reduce crime and violence by assuring families
access to good educational child care programs; (2) Low and moderate income
working parents cannot pay what good child care programs cost any more than
they could pay the full cost of sending their kids to public school; (3)
Governments are dropping the ball; and (4) Investing now in quality child
care and development programs will yield such crime reductions and other
benefits that governments will have more money for Social Security, tax
cuts, or any other purpose in the years ahead.
- Mathews TJ, Curtin SC, MacDorman MF. Infant mortality statistics from the 1998 period linked birth/death data set. National Vital Statistics Reports. 48(12); July 20, 2000. (Periodicals file)
Abstract: This report presents 1998 period infant mortality statistics from the linked birth/death data set (linked file) by a variety of maternal and infant characteristics.
- Woodwell DA. National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 1998 summary. Advance Data. No.315; July 19, 2000. (Periodicals file)
Abstract: This report describes ambulatory care visits made to physician offices within the United States. Statistics are presented on selected characteristics of the physician’s practice, the patient, and the visit.
- U.S. Department of Transportation, NHTSA. Motor vehicle traffic crashes as a leading cause of death in the U.S., 1997. DOT HS 809066, 2000. Washington, DC: NHTSA. (E.50 S)
Abstract: This paper examines the status of motor vehicle traffic crashes as a leading or major cause of death in the United States in 1997. It is based on a study, by age and sex, of the rank-ordering of 64 causes of death which have been adopted by the National Center for Statistics and Analysis of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Section 1 presents background information and methodology of the study. Section 2 examines motor vehicle traffic crashes and the other three major leading causes of death (heart diseases, neoplasms, and cerebrovascular diseases) for all ages combined. Section 3 presents an overview of major leading causes of death at different levels, and Section 4 analyzes traffic crashes as a leading cause at these ages. Section 5 examines deaths and death rates from traffic crashes among older persons.
- Jacobsen P, Anderson CA, Winn DG, Moffat J, Agran P, Sarkar S. Child pedestrian injuries on residential streets: Implications for traffic engineering. ITE Journal on the Web 2000; Feb. 2000: 71-74. (E.51.04 S)
Abstract: In a study conducted in Orange County, California in the early 1990s, the authors found that over half of the pedestrian injury events involving children under the age of 15 years occurred at mid-block locations. Most often these involved children 3-8 years old on residential streets, near their home, in the late afternoon while playing with other children. This article discusses the behavioral and developmental issues that lead to children being injured; the environmental variables that lead to injury; and a traffic calming approach to preventing child pedestrian injuries.
- Howat P, Jones S, Hall M, Cross D, Stevenson M. The PRECEDE-PROCEED model: Application to planning a child pedestrian injury prevention program. Injury Prevention 1997; 3(4):282-2287. (E.51.04 S)
Abstract: This study demonstrates how the PRECEDE-PROCEED model was adapted and applied as a framework for planning the Child Pedestrian Injury Prevention Project (CPIPP). The project was carried out in 47 primary schools in 3 local government areas in the Perth, Australia metropolitan area. The PRECEDE-PROCEED model was used to identify the relevant behavioral and environmental risk factors associated with child pedestrian injuries in the target areas. Modifiable causes of those behavioral and environmental factors were delineated. A description of how the model facilitated the development of program objectives and subobjectives which were linked to strategy objectives, and strategies is provided. The authors conclude that the use of a model such as PRECEDE-PROCEED can enhance the development of a child injury prevention program. In particular, the process can facilitate the identification of appropriate objectives which in turn facilitates the development of suitable interventions and evaluation methods.
- Celis A. Home drowning among preschool age Mexican children. Injury Prevention 1997; 3(4):252-256. (E.60.06 S)
Abstract: This study estimates the relative risk of drowning by different bodies of water in and near the home for children aged 1-4 years old in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, Mexico. A population case control study was used, with cases being children who drowned at their homes, and controls being a random sample of the general population. The risk of drowning for children whose parents reported having a water well at home was almost 7x that of children in homes without a water well. Risk ration adjustments for other bodies of water were: swimming pools (OR = 5.8); water barrel (OR = 2.4); underground cistern (OR = 2.1); and a basin front (courtyard pool to store water) of 35 or more liters (OR = 1.8). Drowning at home is frequent in Guadalajara, Mexico, but the cause are different from those found in developed countries. Accordingly, preventive strategies must be different.
- Voas RB, Tippetts AS, Fisher DA. Ethnicity and alcohol related fatalities: 1990 to 1994. DOT HS 809 068. Washington, DC, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (E.52.06 S)
Abstract: This report covers road users (drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and cyclists) who died in a crash within the 50 states and DC where information on ethnicity was available. It compares the percentage of each ethnic group's fatal crashes that are alcohol-related. This comparison clearly shows that Caucasian Americans, African Americans, and Hispanic Americans have approximately the same proportion of alcohol related fatalities. In contrast, Native Americans have a substantially higher percentage of alcohol related fatalities, and Asian/Pacific Islander Americans have a substantially lower percentage of such fatalities. Data are corrected for differences between ethnic groups in age distribution and gender. These data, as well as the distribution of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians-cyclists among ethnic groups are provided in tables. Also shown in the tables are the relationship of the driver drinking at the time of the crash relative to safety belt usage, license status, prior DUIs, number of passengers, and age of vehicle.
- Core competencies for involvement of health care providers in the care of children and adolescents in families affected by substance abuse. Pediatrics 103[5 (part 2 of 2)], 1083-1144. 1999. (E.47.02 S)
Abstract: The materials in this supplement, and the initiative that led to its genesis, grew out of the deliberations of an Expert Working Group of the National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA). The papers presented in this supplement are intended to present a thorough review of the literature and to serve as a basis for the Core Competencies. The Core Competencies is a set of statements that articulate three distinct levels of care. In addition, it attempts to recognize and account for the individual differences among health providers and to recognize that although primary care providers might be responsible for identifying the problem, they are not expected to solve, manage, or treat the problem by themselves.
- Puzzanchera C, Stahl AL, Finnegan TA, Snyder HN, Poole RS, Tierney N. Juvenile court statistics 1997. 2000. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. (E.10.04.02 S)
Abstract: This report describes the delinquency and status offense cases handled between 1988 and 1997 by U.S. Courts with juvenile jurisdiction. Analyses of the data show that juvenile courts handled more than 1.7 million delinquency cases in 1997 - a 48% increase from 1988. In 1997, juvenile courts petitioned and formally disposed an estimated 158,500 status offense cases - a 101% increase from 1988.
- America under the gun: What must be done; Protecting your kids. Newsweek August 23, 1999. (E.96 S)
Abstract: This edition of Newsweek Magazine contains an editorial on what must be done to stem the tide of firearm violence, and a 35 page special report on the cult of the gun and how to protect your children.
- Finkelhor D, Ormrod, R. Characteristics of crimes against juveniles. OJJDP Juvenile Justice Bulletin. June 2000. (E.10.04.02 B)
Abstract: This Bulletin reviews data from the 1997 NIBRS data file that pertain to juvenile victims, revealing that while juveniles made up 26% in the population of the 12 States participating in the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) in 1997, they accounted for only 12% of the reported crime victims. However, 71% of all sex crime victims and 38% of all kidnapping victims reported to NIBRS were juveniles.
- HELP Network News. Summer 2000. Chicago, IL: The HELP Network. (Newsletter files) Cover story: HELP promotes initiative to expand firearm injury data.
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