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in theResource Library
July 10-14, 2000
- Alliance Health Care Foundation, Children's Hospital and Health Center, County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency. San Diego County Child and Family Health and Well-Being Report Card 1999. 2000. San Diego, CA: Center for Child Health Outcomes, Children's Hospital and Health Center. (E.30.02 S)
Abstract: This first Report Card of San Diego County's children and families presents a baseline of the current health and well-being status of the County. The Report Card is organized into five sections: Economics; Health; Access to Services; Safety; and Education. Each section begins with an introduction of why that topic is important to the overall health and well-being of San Diego County's children and families. It is followed by the latest data available for each specific measure.
- Miller T, Levy DT. Cost-outcome analysis in injury prevention and control: Eighty-four recent estimates for the United States. Medical Care 2000; 38(6):562-582. (E.45.06 S)
Abstract: This study reviews cost-outcome analyses in injury prevention and control and estimates associated benefit-cost ratios and cost per quality adjusted life-year. More than half of the 84 injury prevention measures reviewed yielded net societal cost savings. Twelve measures had costs that exceeded benefits. Of 33 road safety measures, 19 yielded net cost savings. Of 34 violence prevention approaches studied, 19 yielded net cost savings, whereas 8 had costs that exceeded benefits. Interventions with the highest benefit-cost ratios included juvenile delinquent therapy programs, fire-safe cigarettes, federal road and traffic safety program funding, lane markers painted on roads, post-mounted reflectors on hazardous curves, safety belts in front seats, safety belt laws with primary enforcement, child safety seats, child bicycle helmets, enforcement of laws against serving alcohol to the intoxicated, substance abuse treatment, brief medical interventions with heavy drinkers, and a comprehensive safe communities program in a low-income neighborhood.
- Chang A, Lugg MM, Nebedum A. Injuries among preschool children enrolled in day-care centers. Pediatrics 1989; 83:272-277. (E.71.02 S)
Abstract: In this study, 423 injury incidents among preschool children enrolled in day-care centers reported to the Los Angeles Unified School District during 1983-1984 are reviewed. The relative risk of sustaining an injury was 1.5 times greater for boys than girls. Among sex and age groups, younger boys (2-3 years old) had the highest injury rate and older girls (4-5 years old) had the lowest. The overall incidence was 19.7 injuries per 1000 child-years. The majority of injuries were minor, and medical attention was recommended in only 12.8% of injuries. The highest incidence occurred during the late morning period (9am-12noon). A consumer product was involved in 53.7% of injuries. Three of four injuries were considered preventable.
- California Kids' Plates Playground Safety Training. Berkeley, CA: MIG, Inc., 2000. (E.60.08 S)
Abstract: This curriculum was included as part of the National Institute for Child Care Health Consultants training held in Sacramento, CA April 6-8, 2000. Included in the packet are: CPSC's Handbook for Public Playground Safety; ASTM F 1487-98, the Standard consumer safety performance specification for playground equipment for public use; Proposed accessibility guidelines for play areas; a pamphlet describing the California Kids' Plates program; Training preparation checklist; Training evaluation form; Trainer's report form; Safety first checklist audit and inspection program for children's play areas (2nd edition); Safety training script; and camera ready copies of training materials.
- Morrison ML, Fise ME. Report and Model Law on Public Play Equipment and Areas (third edition). 1-198. 1998. Washington, DC, Consumer Federation of America. (E.60.08 S)
Abstract: This report, originally published in 1992, is meant to serve as a blueprint for designing, building, and maintaining public playgrounds. CFA presents its safety and design criteria in the form of model law provisions that can be adopted by states, cities, counties, recreation and parks departments, child care licensing agencies, or others responsible for public outdoor play spaces. The report discusses injury data which establish common injury scenarios for younger and older children. It also discusses critical developmental issues that affect playground safety, including children's capabilities and limitations at different ages and how that relates to their play and injury patterns. The model law provisions are specific safety and design criteria, presented in three sections: requirements applicable to all play areas and equipment; requirements applicable to preschool age play areas and equipment; and requirements applicable to school age play areas and equipment. References and resources are included.
- Children's Safety Network, National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety. Snowmobiles and Youth. 2000. Marshfield, WI, National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety. (E.60.02 S)
Abstract: This information packet contains several revised and new materials since it was last published in 1995. Components are intended to provide professionals with relevant injury facts, snowmobile related organizational information, and approaches to assure safe youth participation in snowmobile recreation.
- Children's Safety Network, National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety. Drowning Prevention. 1999. Marshfield, WI, National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety. (E.60.06 S)
Abstract: This information packet contains contains materials related to youth and drowning injury prevention. Components are intended to provide professionals with injury facts, suggestions for preventive actions, and program examples.
- Cerrelli EC. Trends in Large Truck Crashes. DOT HS 808 690. 1998. Washington, DC, U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, National Center for Statistics and Analysis. NHTSA Technical Report. (E.53.04 S)
Abstract: This study examined data on driver licenses, vehicle registrations, vehicle miles traveled, all crashes, fatal crashes, and fatalities involving large trucks and other vehicles for the period 1975-1995. The involvement of various driver age groups in large truck crashes is examined more closely for the last 3 years (1993-1995). Younger drivers appear to be under-represented in large truck crashes. The risk of fatality to passenger vehicle drivers involved in large truck crashes was also found to be greater for younger drivers than for older drivers.
- Cross D, Stevenson M, Hall M, Burns S, Laughlin D, Officer J et al. Child pedestrian injury prevention project: Student results. Preventive Medicine 2000; 30:179-187. (E.51.04 S)
Abstract: Few comprehensive pedestrian safety interventions for primary school aged children have been developed and evaluated. This paper reports the impact of the 3 year (1995-1997) Child Pedestrian Injury Prevention Project (CPIPP) on a cohort of children followed from age 6-9 years. This multicomponent project comprised an educational intervention for students, their parents and teachers, and the local community, as well as several environmental interventions. Three communities were assigned to the treatment conditions: (1) high - education, community, and environmental interventions; (2) moderate - education intervention only; and (3) comparison (usual road safety education). Children's pedestrian knowledge and road crossing and playing behavior were assessed using a pre- and posttest self-report questionnaire. Their self-reported road crossing behaviors were validated using an observational schedule and brief interview. Results showed that children in the high and moderate intervention groups were significantly more likely to cross the road with adult supervision and play away from the road than the comparison group. No differences were detected in the children's pedestrian safety knowledge between the intervention and comparison groups.
- Department of California Highway Patrol. Heads Up! Helmets On! Bicycle Safety Awareness Campaign Final Report. CP 9504. 1996. Sacramento, CA, Department of California Highway Patrol. (E.51.02.02 S)
Abstract: The Department of California Highway Patrol was awarded a $223,765 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) grant through the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). The grant provided funding for presentations in public and private elementary schools focusing on bicycle safety and bicycle helmet usage. Additionally, the program provided for a statewide bicycle helmet poster contest involving children in grades K-9 and provided for the procurement of bicycle helmets, bicycles, and a public awareness campaign in support of bicycle safety awareness. This report presents background information, a description of the program and its methods, an evaluation, and recommendations.
- U.S.Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Campaign Safe & Sober. Campaign Safe & Sober Program Planner 22. 2000. Washington, DC, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Campaign Safe & Sober. (E.50 S)
Abstract: Three times a year, NHTSA publishes Campaign Safe & Sober Program Planners. This packet contains ideas for activities, tools to help implement these ideas, and directions to new resources that can be used to participate in the season's safety weeks and months. Included are: How to use this planner; Program publications for Planner 22; State and local resources; camera ready materials on bicycle safety, safe trips, Halloween safety; transporting children in an ambulance, and logos of highway safety programs; Success stories from around the country; LATCH: Lower anchors and tethers for children; Seat belts and African Americans; Seat belts and Hispanics (English and Spanish versions); How-to pieces; and information about upcoming events and campaigns.
- U.S.Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Campaign Safe & Sober. Zero Tolerance Means Zero Chances. 2000. Washington, DC, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (E.52.06.02 S)
Abstract: The Zero Tolerance Means Zero Chances campaign offers tools to expand or enhance current Zero Tolerance awareness activities and events. This kit includes: Zero Tolerance Means Zero Chances brochure; Media guide with sample media materials for spring break, prom, and graduation; Fact sheets; Talking points; Logo sheets; and camera ready artwork for hand-out fliers and print public service announcements for a school paper or club newsletter.
- Poison Control Center Enhancement and Awareness Act. Public Law 106-174, 42 USC 14801-42 USC 14803. S.632 (H.R. 1221): Approved Feb. 25, 2000. (E.55.14 S)
Abstract: This act provides coordination and assistance to regional poison control centers for the establishment of a nationwide toll-free phone number to be used to access such centers.
- Gonzalez Arroyo M, Kurre L. Young Agricultural Workers in California. 1997. Berkeley, CA: Labor Occupational Health Program, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley. (E.65.08 S)
Abstract: The Labor Occupational Health Program (LOHP) conducted a survey of the job health and safety of young agricultural workers in California. This report presents the findings of that study, including a profile of young agricultural workers in California, a discussion of the injury rates and types, major farm hazards for youth, protections for young agricultural workers, key findings from parents, community organizations, youth, and employers, and recommendations. Appendices include a summary of California's child labor laws and the text of "Are you a teen working in agriculture?" in both English and Spanish.
- Bensley L, MacDonald S, Van Eenwyk J, Wynkoop Simmons K, Ruggles D, and Family and Intimate Violence Prevention Team, NCIPC, CDC. Prevalence of intimate partner violence and injuries - Washington, 1998. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2000; 49(26):589-592. (E.82 S)
Abstract: Approximately 20% of emergency department visits for trauma and 25% of homicides of women involve intimate partner violence (IPV). To assess IPV prevalence in Washington, the Washington State Department of Health added questions from the Conflict Tactics Scale and the Revised Conflict Tactics Scale to its 1998 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey. This report describes an analysis of responses to the questions, which indicated that women were more likely than men to experience IPV in their lifetime, and more than three times more likely than men to experience injuries from IPV.
- Crime and Violence Prevention Center, California Office of the Attorney General. Child Death Review Team Directory. 1-81. 2000. Sacramento, CA, California Office of the Attorney General. (E.10.08 S)
Abstract: The Child Death Review Team Directory is designed to assist in facilitating the exchange of information among agencies that have child death identification and investigation responsibilities. It lists representatives of agencies that cooperate with the Department of Justice in carrying out child death reviews. The names and contact information of State Child Death Review Council members is also included.
- Center to Prevent Handgun Violence. ProjectLifeline: Emergency Response Kit. A Health Professional's Guide to Preventing Handgun Violence Through Media Advocacy. 2000. Washington, DC, Center to Prevent Handgun Violence. (E.96.08 B)
Abstract: This kit is intended to guide health and mental health professionals develop media responses to issues of handgun violence. It focuses on educating the public through the most user-friendly features of the local news media - letters to the editor, opinion pieces, radio and TV interviews, and radio and print public service announcements. Topics include: When to respond; Talking points; Getting started; The written word; and On the air. A list of resources is included.
- EMSC News. V.13(1); May/June 2000. Washington, DC: EMSC National Resource Center. Cover story: It’s official: National Congress on Childhood Emergencies achieves a resounding success.
- Building Safe Communities. V.3(4); June 2000. Newton, MA: Education Development Center. Inc. Cover story: EMS and law enforcement.
- The CII Forum. Spring 2000. Los Angeles, CA: Children’s Institute International. Cover Story: Home visitation: Does it work?
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