New This
in theResource Library
May 15-19, 2000
(1) Ellis HM, Nelson B, Cosby O,
Morgan L, Haliburton W, Dew P. Achieving a credible health and safety approach
to increasing seat belt use among African Americans. Journal of Health Care
for the Poor and Underserved 2000; 11(2):144-150.
Abstract: African American youth are 60% less likely than children from other
racial or ethnic backgrounds to be buckled up. Seat belt use among African
American males has largely remained stagnant while that for other groups has
increased. This paper proposes a number of possible solutions, including:
recognition of the role that health care providers play in shaping patient or
consumer attitudes and subsequent behavior in terms of prevention of disease
and injury, educating physicians and health care providers to routinely
recommend seat belt use especially for children, culturally appropriate
educational safety programs, an improved relationship between law enforcement
and communities, and zero tolerance for nonuse of seat belts. (E.52.02.02 S)
(2) Working with the Media. Youth
in Action [14], 1-8. 2000.
Abstract: This bulletin provides specific steps that can be taken to get
started in working with the media to prevent crime in a local community and to
develop a productive partnership. (E.10.22 S)
(3) Making the Most of Your
Presentation. Youth in Action [13], 1-8. 2000.
Abstract: This bulletin provides step by step techniques and proven methods of
planning and conducting an effective presentation that will capture an
audience's interest and motivate them to help implement a plan of action.
(E.19.04 S)
(4) Coker AL, Smith PH, Bethea
L, King MR, McKeown RE. Physical health consequences of physical and
psychological intimate partner violence. Archives of Family Medicine
2000; 9:451-457.
Abstract: This study compared the incidence of physical health consequences
related to psychological intimate partner violence with those associated with
physical IPV. Psychological IPV was as strongly associated with the majority of
adverse health outcomes as was physical IPV. The authors suggest that
clinicians should screen for psychological forms of IPV as well as physical and
sexual IPV. (E.82.02 S)
(5) Fein JA, Ginsburg KR,
McGrath ME, Shofer FS, Flamma JC, Datner EM. Violence prevention in the emergency
department: Clinician attitudes and limitations. Archives of Pediatrics and
Adolescent Medicine 2000; 154:495-498.
Abstract: This paper assessed emergency department clinicians' attitudes and
behaviors regarding identification, assessment, and intervention for youth at
risk for violence in the ED. Results showed that clinicians are able to
identify youth at risk for violence, but less often perform risk assessment to
guide patients to appropriate follow-up resources. (E.76 S)
(6) Flaherty EG, Sege R, Binns
HJ, Mattson CL, Christoffel KK. Health care providers' experience reporting
child abuse in the primary care setting. Archives of Pediatrics and
Adolescent Medicine 2000; 154:489-493.
Abstract: Primary care providers were found to report most, but not all, cases
of suspected child abuse that they identify. Past negative experience with CPS
and perceived lack of benefit to the child were common reasons given by
providers for not reporting. Education increases the probability that providers
will report suspected abuse. (E.80.02 S)
(7) Kerker BD, Horwitz SM,
Leventhal JM, Plichta S, Leaf PJ. Identification of violence in the home:
Pediatric and parental reports. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent
Medicine 2000; 154:457-462.
Abstract: This study compared the rates of domestic violence reported by
mothers with those identified by physicians, compared the rates of harsh
discipline practices reported by mothers with the rates of abuse identified by
physicians, and examined the relationship between reported domestic violence
and harsh discipline practices. Results showed that parents report more cases
of violence than pediatricians detect. The authors recommend that pediatricians
ask parents directly about domestic violence and harsh discipline. (E.82 S)
(8) Scheidt PC, Overpeck MD,
Trifiletti LB, Cheng T. Child and adolescent injury research in 1998: A summary
of abstracts submitted to the Ambulatory Pediatrics Association and the
American Public Health Association. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent
Medicine 2000; 154:442-445.
Abstract: This paper describes the current research in child and adolescent
injury prevention by pediatric and public health investigators for comparison
with national recommendations and agendas. Injury prevention research projects presented
at the 1998 Pediatric Academic Societies and American Public Health Association
meetings were proportionate to the frequencies of injury by age and by external
cause. However, in comparison with recommendations for agendas of national
injury prevention research, more research is needed to improve injury
prevention methods and to evaluate interventions. (E.45.02 S)
(9) Moody-Williams JD, Athey JL,
Barlow B, Blanton D, Garrison H, Mickalide A et al. Injury prevention and
emergency medical services for children in a managed care environment. Annals
of Emergency Medicine 2000; 35(3):245-251.
Abstract: This article continues the white paper series by the Emergency
Medical Services for Children Managed Care Task Force. Pediatric injuries
become an important issue for managed care organizations because of concerns
for member safety and increasing medical costs related to treatment. Because
effective prevention decreases health care consumption, injury prevention often
costs less than treating injuries. Simple devices, such as bicycle helmets,
smoke detectors, and child safety seats help keep children safe and save money.
Appropriate emergency care at the scene of an injury, poison control centers
that dispense expert advice over the telephone, and triaged regional trauma
systems improve the outcome and save money. (E.10.18 S)
(10) Does Your Youth Program
Work? Youth in Action [17], 1-5.
Abstract: By providing the key components of effective evaluations, the
bulletin helps community agencies measure how well they have implemented their
youth programs and whether the programs have had the intended impact. (E.07.02
(11) U.S.Department of Labor. Lost
worktime injuries and illnesses: Characteristics and resulting time away from
work, 1998. USDL 00-115. 4-20-2000. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Abstract: This report looks at the distribution and incidence rate of injuries
in 1998 that resulted in at least one day away from work. Worker and case
characteristics are described.
(12) State and Territorial Injury
Prevention Directors' Association. STIPDA Newsletter. V.6(5); Spring 2000. (Newsletter files)
(13) Mack MG, Thompson D, Hudson
S. Playground injuries in the 90s. Parks and Recreation 1998;
Abstract: This article reviews playground injury statistics over a 6 year
period in an attempt to provide a broader, more complete picture of how and
where children are being injured on playgrounds. It discusses injuries by child
characteristics, equipment characteristics, place and time of injury, and other
factors. (E.60.08 S)
(14) Chalmers DJ, Marshall SW,
Langley JD, Evans MJ, Brunton CR, Kelly AM et al. Height and surfacing as risk
factors for injury in falls from playground equipment: A case control study. Injury
Prevention 1996; 2:98-104.
Abstract: This study evaluated the effectiveness of the height and surfacing
requirements of the New Zealand standard for playgrounds and playground
equipment. Results indicated that falls from heights in excess of 1.5m increased
the risk of injury 4.1 times over that of falls of 1.5m or less. It was
estimated that a 45% reduction in children attending emergency departments
could be achieved if the maximum fall height was lowered to 1.5m. (E.60.08 S)
(15) Waller PF, Olk ML, Shope JT.
Parental views of and experience with Michigan's graduated licensing program. Journal
of Safety Research 2000; 31(1):9-15.
Abstract: In 1997, Michigan became the first jurisdiction to enact a Graduated
Driver Licensing program that required certification by a responsible adult
that a young driver had received at least 50 hours of supervised practice, with
a minimum of 10 hours practice at night. Policy makers were reluctant to place
such requirements on parents. This report describes results from a survey of
parents of young drivers who had completed the supervised driving requirement.
On the whole, parents were extremely positive about the new program, reporting
an average of 75 hours of supervised driving. (E.52.04.04 S)
(16) Robitaille Y, Laforest S, Lesage D,
Dorval D. Search for a simple means to identify dangerous surfaces under play
equipment. Journal of Safety Research 2000; 31(1):29-34.
Abstract: The instrument used to measure the capacity of material under
playground equipment that absorbs impact caused by a child falling on it is
expensive and impractical when carrying out field experiments. This study
compares results obtained by simple observation with those obtained from using
such a device. Where resources are scarce, the height of equipment and an
obviously hard packed surface are useful factors for identifying surfaces
requiring more immediate attention. (E.60.08 S)
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