Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Alcohol Myopia Revisited,2010,5,3,265-278,Parrott A Blueprint for Social Cognitive Development,2008,3,3,193-202,Dweck Action's influence on thought: The case of gesture,2010,5,6,664-674,Goldin-Meadow What is ego depletion? Toward a mechanistic revision of the resource model of self-control,2012,7,5,450-463,Inzlicht Directed attention as a common resource for executive functioning and self-regulation,2010,5,1,43-57,Kaplan Advancing science through collaborative data sharing and synthesis,2013,8,4,433-444,Brown An embodied approach to perception by what units are visual perceptions scaled?,2013,8,4,474-483,Proffitt Trust punishment and cooperation across 18 societies: a meta-analysis,2013,8,4,363-379,van Lange The pervasive problem with placebos in psychology: Why active control groups are not sufficient to rule out placebo effects,2013,8,4,445-454,Boot Looking Forward: The Promise of Widespread Implementation of Parent Training Programs,2013,8,6,682-694,Gewirtz The brain on stress: toward an integrative approach to brain body and behavior,2013,8,6,673-675,McEwen Missed programs (you can't TiVo this one): why psychologists should study media,2014,9,2,180-195,Ewoldsen A resource-control account of sustained attention: evidence from mind-wandering and vigilance paradigms,2015,10,1,82-96,Smilek Scientific disintegrity as a public bad,2015,10,3,361-379,Engel A dynamical systems approach to the development and expression of female same-sex sexuality,2007,2,2,142-161,Diamond Are emotions natural kinds?,2006,1,1,28-58,Barrett Reciprocal effects of self-concept and performance from a multidimensional perspective: beyond seductive pleasure and unidimensional perspectives,2006,1,2,133-163,Marsh Political diversity in social and personality psychology,2012,7,5,496-503,Inbar Rest Is Not Idleness: Implications of the Brain's Default Mode for Human Development and Education,2012,7,4,352-364,Immordino-Yang Statistical Evidence in Experimental Psychology: An Empirical Comparison Using 855 t Tests,2011,6,3,291-298,Wagenmakers Is utilitarianism risky? How the same antecedents and mechanism produce both utilitarian and risky choices,2015,10,4,541-548,Galinsky Pay no attention to that data behind the curtain: on angry birds happy children scholarly squabbles publication bias and why betas rule metas,2015,10,5,683-691,Ferguson The limited informativeness of meta-analyses of media effects,2015,10,5,680-682,Valkenburg What is a good skeptic to do? The case for skepticism in the media violence discussion,2015,10,5,674-676,Gentile Video games do indeed influence children and adolescents' aggression prosocial behavior and academic performance: a clearer reading of Ferguson (2015),2015,10,5,671-673,Boxer Finding the middle ground in violent video game research: lessons from Ferguson (2015),2015,10,5,667-670,Markey Do angry birds make for angry children? A meta-analysis of video game influences on children's and adolescents' aggression mental health prosocial behavior and academic performance,2015,10,5,646-666,Ferguson Eye movements during action observation,2015,10,5,591-598,Gredebäck Seven fears and the science of how mobile technologies may be influencing adolescents in the digital age,2015,10,6,832-851,Odgers Angry birds angry children and angry meta-analysts: a reanalysis,2016,11,3,408-414,Furuya-Kanamori A vicious cycle: a social-psychological account of extreme racial disparities in school discipline,2016,11,3,381-398,Walton You'll never guess who wrote that: 78 surprising authors of psychological publications,2016,11,4,419-441,Lilienfeld Situational strategies for self-control,2016,11,1,35-55,Duckworth Microaggressions,2017,12,1,138-169,Lilienfeld What constitutes strong psychological science? The (neglected) role of diagnosticity and a priori theorizing,2017,12,1,46-61,Fiedler The killing of Kitty Genovese: what else does this case tell us?,2017,12,3,374-381,Kassin Psychology's replication crisis and the grant culture: righting the ship,2017,12,4,660-664,Lilienfeld Culture and development: a systematic relationship,2017,12,5,833-840,Keller Prejudices in cultural contexts: shared stereotypes (gender age) versus variable stereotypes (race ethnicity religion),2017,12,5,791-799,Fiske Revisiting "most people are happy"-and discovering when they are not,2018,13,2,166-170,Diener The constructive destructive and reconstructive power of social norms: reprise,2018,13,2,249-254,Griskevicius Developing treatments for antisocial behavior among children: controlled trials and uncontrolled tribulations,2018,13,5,634-650,Kazdin The curious neglect of high functioning after psychopathology: the case of depression,2018,13,5,549-566,Kashdan Conspiracy theories: evolved functions and psychological mechanisms,2018,13,6,770-788,van Prooijen Military deployments and suicide: a critical examination,2018,13,6,688-699,Reger My road to violent extremism (as its researcher that is…),2019,14,1,49-53,Kruglanski Suicide in transgender veterans: prevalence prevention and implications of current policy,2019,14,3,452-468,Tucker Finding common ground in meta-analysis "wars" on violent video games,2019,14,4,705-708,Vanderweele Microaggression research and application: clarifications corrections and common ground,2019,ePub,ePub,1745691619867117,Lilienfeld Latitudinal psychology: an ecological perspective on creativity aggression happiness and beyond,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,van de Vliert How behavioral economics and nudges could help diminish irrationality in suicide-related decisions,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Capron The need to refocus on the group as the site of radicalization,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Suicide in foster care: a high-priority safety concern,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Making sense of the world: infant learning from a predictive processing perspective,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hoehl Protective gun ownership as a coping mechanism,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buttrick Rethinking concepts and categories for understanding the neurodevelopmental effects of childhood adversity,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pollak Reexamining the findings of the American Psychological Association's 2015 Task Force on Violent Media: a meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ferguson Better safe than sorry: a common signature of general vulnerability for psychopathology,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thayer The practical alternative to the p value is the correctly used p value,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lakens "It's not in your head": gaslighting 'splaining victim blaming and other harmful reactions to microaggressions,2021,16,5,1024-1036,Nadal Dismissing "don't know" responses to perceived risk survey items threatens the validity of theoretical and empirical behavior-change research,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Waters A description-experience framework of the psychology of risk,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hertwig A behavioral science framework for understanding college campus sexual assault,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Paluck Toward a psychology of consent,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bohns Balancing the freedom-security trade-off during crises and disasters,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cheek Women get worse sex: a confound in the explanation of gender differences in sexuality,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Conley Epistemic oppression construct validity and scientific rigor: commentary on Woo et al. (2022),2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gómez Overcoming limitations in peer-victimization research that impede successful intervention: challenges and new directions,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pekrun The sins of the parents are to be laid upon the children: biased humans biased data biased models,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dehghani Toward parsimony in bias research: a proposed common framework of belief-consistent information processing for a set of biases,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Imhoff Toward an integrative approach to the study of positive-affect-related aggression,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gagnon "When" versus "whether" gender/sex differences: insights from psychological research on negotiation risk-taking and leadership,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bowles Invalid Claims About the Validity of Implicit Association Tests by Prisoners of the Implicit Social-Cognition Paradigm,2021,16,2,435-442,Schimmack Mental Health During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review and Recommendations for Moving Forward,2022,17,4,915-936,Saxena