Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Social Problem Solving and Health Behaviors of Undergraduate Students,1997,38,1,24-31,Elliott Sexual Communication Sexual Goals and Students' Transition to College: Implications for Sexual Assault Decision-Making and Risky Behaviors,2009,50,5,491-503,Pantalone Social Influence and Selection Processes as Predictors of Normative Perceptions and Alcohol Use Across the Transition to College,2010,51,5,496-508,Maggs African American College Students' Experience of Racial Discrimination and the Role of College Hassles,2010,51,1,23-34,Banks Reducing Sexual Violence on Campus: The Role of Student Leaders as Empowered Bystanders,2009,50,4,446-457,Banyard The Company He Keeps: A History of White College Fraternities,2010,51,1,109-111,Barber Preventing sexual assault through engaging college men,2007,48,5,585-594,Barone Functions of Marijuana Use in College Students,2010,51,6,637-648,Bates The Development of Psychological Well-Being Among First-Year College Students,2010,51,2,180-200,Bowman Understanding the Development of the Whole Person,2009,50,6,573-575,Braxton The First Year Out: Understanding American Teens After High School,2008,49,6,635-637,Brigham The Interrelationship of Self-Determination Mental Illness and Grades Among University Students,2009,50,3,271-286,Brockelman Campus Reactions to Mass Notification,2010,51,4,436-439,Butler A Path Analysis of Social Problem-Solving as a Predictor of White Racial Identity,2010,51,6,622-636,Carr Moral judgment and student discipline: what are institutions teaching? What are students learning?,2007,48,5,595-607,Schwartz A New Lens For Identifying Potential Adult Persistent Problem Drinkers During College,2009,50,1,1-18,Demb Covering: The hidden assault on our civil rights,2007,48,5,608-610,Dilley Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men,2009,50,2,249-251,Dilley Depression and college stress among university undergraduates: Do mattering and self-esteem make a difference?,2008,49,5,412-424,Dixon Influences on College Students' Capacities for Socially Responsible Leadership,2010,51,5,525-549,Dugan “Putting My Man Face On”: A Grounded Theory of College Men's Gender Identity Development,2009,50,2,210-228,Edwards First-Year Male Students' Perceptions of a Rape Prevention Program 7 Months After Their Participation: Attitude and Behavior Changes,2010,51,6,707-715,Foubert College Men's Meanings of Masculinities and Contextual Influences: Toward a Conceptual Model,2010,51,3,297-318,Harris University students' experiences of nonmarital breakups: A grounded theory,2008,49,1,1-14,Hebert Hip-Hop's Influence on the Identity Development of Black Female College Students: A Literature Review,2010,51,3,237-251,Henry Stability and Change in Parental Attachment and Adjustment Outcomes During the First Semester Transition to College Life,2009,50,5,521-538,Hiester Exploring the Etiology of Ethnic Self-Hatred: Internalized Racism in Chicana/o and Latina/o College Students,2010,51,3,319-331,Hipolito-Delgado Examining trends in intake rates client symptoms hopelessness and suicidality in a university counseling center over 12 years,2009,50,5,539-550,Hoeppner Social and Environmental Predictors of Alcohol-Related Legal Infractions in College Students,2010,51,4,373-384,Smyth Perceptions of risk and sex-specific social norms in explaining alcohol consumption among college students: Implications for campus interventions,2007,48,3,297-310,Lewis The process of delivering peer-based alcohol intervention programs in college settings,2008,49,3,255-259,Mallett The Influence of Parental Attachment on the College Adjustment of White Black and Latina/Hispanic Women: A Cross-Cultural Investigation,2010,51,4,419-435,Melendez Did it work? Examining the impact of an alcohol intervention on sanctioned college students,2007,48,5,543-557,Oswalt College student binge drinking and academic achievement: A longitudinal replication and extension,2007,48,6,715-727,Pascarella Perspectives on Identity Disclosure and the Campus Environment Among African American Gay and Bisexual Men at One Historically Black College,2011,52,1,77-100,Patton College Drinking,2010,51,3,353-354,Pollard The effects of heavy episodic alcohol use on student engagement academic performance and time use,2007,48,4,455-467,Porter Transitions: A Mental Health Literacy Program for Postsecondary Students,2010,51,6,723-727,Kutcher Research In Brief: Using Mobile Phones to Collect Daily Experience Data From College Undergraduates,2010,51,3,343-352,Ravert The Influence of Racism-Related Stress on the Academic Motivation of Black and Latino/a Students,2010,51,2,135-149,Reynolds Creating and maintaining safe college campuses: A sourcebook for evaluating and enhancing safety programs,2008,49,3,265-268,Rund Impact of the Headscarf Ban Policy on the Identity Development of Part-Time Unveilers in Turkish Higher Education,2010,51,5,564-583,Seggie Five Years After Graduation: Undergraduate Cross-Group Friendships and Multicultural Curriculum Predict Current Attitudes and Activities,2010,51,4,385-402,Smith Women's Ways of Drinking: College Women High-Risk Alcohol Use and Negative Consequences,2010,51,1,35-49,Smith Parents' Divorce is More Strongly Related to the Self-Perceived Promiscuity and Drinking Behavior of Male than of Female College Students,2010,51,5,599-600,McAndrew Rape Myth Acceptance Hypermasculinity and SAT Scores as Correlates of Moral Development: Understanding Sexually Aggressive Attitudes in First-Year College Men,2009,50,2,195-209,Foubert DUI arrests and academic attrition,2008,49,5,497-508,Thompson Effects of Team Climate on Substance Use Behaviors Perceptions and Attitudes of Student-Athletes at a Large Public University,2010,51,2,162-179,Tomon The Developmental Dimensions of Recognizing Racist Thoughts,2009,50,5,504-520,Torres Sociosexual Identity Development and Sexual Risk Taking of Acculturating Collegiate Gay and Bisexual Men,2010,51,3,279-296,Ross Inside Greek U.: Fraternities Sororities and the Pursuit of Pleasure Power and Prestige,2008,49,6,637-639,Williams Indirect Aggression and Victimization are Positively Associated in Emerging Adulthood: The Psychological Functioning of Indirect Aggressors and Victims,2011,52,1,62-76,Lester Student Generated Protective Behaviors to Avert Severe Harm Due to High-Risk Alcohol Consumption,2011,52,1,101-114,Atkin Conceptualizing the Engaging Bystander Approach to Sexual Violence Prevention on College Campuses,2011,52,1,115-130,Postmus Female college drinking and the social learning theory: An examination of the developmental transition period from high school to college,2007,48,3,344-356,LaBrie Self-reported alcohol use of college fraternity and sorority members,1998,39,1,3-10,Alva The effectiveness of two types of rape prevention programs in changing the rape-supportive attitudes of college students,1998,39,2,131-142,Anderson Assessing wellness in college students: A validation of the salubrious lifestyle scale of the student developmental task and lifestyle assessment,2001,42,3,193-203,Bates Body image self-esteem and weight-related criticism from romantic partners,2001,42,5,407-419,Hull-Blanks Rape prevention education for men: The effectiveness of empathy-induction techniques,1999,40,3,219-234,Berg Gender role attitudes religion and spirituality as predictors of domestic violence attitudes in white college students,2004,45,2,119-133,Berkel Towards a psychodynamic understanding of binge drinking behavior in first-semester college freshmen,2002,43,6,775-791,Bladt Self-esteem among college men as a function of Greek affiliation and year in college,1998,39,6,611-615,Brand College drinking: Content analysis of 30 years of research,2006,47,6,609-627,Broughton Applying sleep research to university students: Recommendations for developing a student sleep education program,2002,43,3,411-416,Brown The importance of person-organization value congruence for female students joining college sororities,1997,38,3,297-300,Burnett Dreams nightmares and pursuing the passion: Personal perspectives on college and university leadership,2005,46,2,212-213,Ching The relationship of perceptions of alcohol promotion and peer drinking norms to alcohol problems reported by college students,2000,41,1,19-26,Clapp An assessment of drinking patterns and drinking problems among community college students: Implications for programming,1999,40,1,98-100,Coll The men's program: How to successfully lower men's likelihood of raping,1999,40,6,755-757,Davis Voices of gender role conflict: The social construction of college men's identity,2002,43,4,508-521,Davis The relevance of sexual orientation to substance abuse and psychological distress among college students,1998,39,2,157-168,DeBord Brotherhood: Gay life in college fraternities,2006,47,5,593-594,Dilley When hope and fear collide: A portrait of today's college student,1999,40,3,318-320,Dollarhide Hate crimes and violence on college and university campuses,1999,40,1,3-9,Downey Binge drinking and college students: An investigation of social problem-solving abilities,2004,45,3,303-315,Ronan Alcohol and other drug use assessment at a university counseling center,1996,37,4,438-447,Droz Consequences of childhood sexual abuse for college students,1997,38,1,13-23,Duane Explorations using the social change model: Leadership development among college men and women,2006,47,2,217-225,Dugan Greek-letter organizations alcohol and the courts: A risky mix?,2003,44,1,67-80,Elkins Attitudes of heterosexual students toward their gay male and lesbian peers,1997,38,6,565-576,Engstrom The impact of an LGBT Safe Zone project on campus climate,2002,43,4,522-539,Evans Multivariate analyses of predictors of heavy episodic drinking and drinking-related problems among college students,2005,46,2,126-140,Fenzel A successful community-based intervention for addressing college student depression,2006,47,1,105-109,Field Reducing rape-myth acceptance in male college students: A meta-analysis of intervention studies,1998,39,5,438-448,Flores Black haze: Violence sacrifice and manhood in black Greek-Letter fraternities,2005,46,3,328-331,Flowers Overcoming men's defensiveness toward sexual assault programs: Learning to help survivors,1996,37,4,470-472,Foubert An all-male rape prevention peer education program: Decreasing fraternity men's behavioral intent to rape,1998,39,6,548-556,Foubert Marilyn Monroe's gender role journey: Promoting women's development,1997,38,5,543-545,Goldberg Effects of psychoeducational interventions on opinions of mental illness attitudes toward help seeking and expectations about psychotherapy in college students,2002,43,1,51-63,Gonzalez Hate speech on campus: Cases case studies and commentary,1998,39,2,231-233,Gregory The effect of the Clery Act on campus judicial practices,2003,44,6,763-778,Gregory The psychological autopsy as a tool in student affairs,1998,39,4,388-392,Grieger Long-distance romantic relationships: Prevalence and separation-related symptoms in college students,1996,37,3,289-296,Guldner The effects of depressed mood on academic performance in college students,1996,37,5,519-526,Haines College of the overwhelmed: The campus mental health crisis and what to do about it,2006,47,1,127-128,Helfrich Creating a safe campus: A guide for college and university administrators,1998,39,2,222-223,Highum Acquaintance rape prevention with high-risk women: Identification and inoculation,1999,40,1,93-96,Himelein Homophobia in the academy,1996,37,3,309-314,Hogan Parents' views on the Clery Act and campus safety,2004,45,1,43-56,Janosik The impact of the Clery Campus Crime Disclosure Act on student behavior,2003,44,1,81-91,Janosik Collegiate alcohol use and high-risk sexual behavior: A literature review,2002,43,6,838-850,Kaly Drinking alcohol policy and attitudes toward a campus riot,2004,45,5,501-516,Campo Campus safety: Perceptions and experiences of women students,2006,47,1,20-36,Kelly The White Ribbon Campaign: Men working to end men's violence against women,1996,37,3,347-348,Kilmartin Gender role conflict and sex-specific drinking norms: Relationships to alcohol use in undergraduate women and men,2003,44,2,204-216,Thombs A comparison of social cognitive and psychosocial predictors of alcohol use by college students,2003,44,2,143-154,Kuther A group motivational interviewing intervention reduces drinking and alcohol-related consequences in adjudicated college students,2006,47,3,267-280,LaBrie Differentiating adjudicated from nonadjudicated freshmen men: The role of alcohol expectancies tension and concern about health,2006,47,5,521-533,LaBrie A new instrument for the evaluation of a date rape prevention program,1997,38,6,673-676,Lanier College drinking and the Greek system: Examining the role of perceived norms for high-risk behavior,1997,38,6,587-598,Larimer Readings for diversity and social justice: An anthology on racism antisemintism sexism heterosexism albleism and classism,2001,42,6,634-636,Lee The impact of white heterosexual students' interactions on attitudes toward lesbian gay and bisexual people: A longitudinal study,2005,46,3,237-250,Liang Comparison of semistructured interviews with a quantitative measure of moral orientation,1998,39,2,169-178,Liddell Predictors of university student lawbreaking Behaviors,2004,45,5,535-548,Low Body image self-esteem and health-related behaviors among male and female first year college students,2005,46,6,612-623,Befort Addressing homophobia and heterosexism on college campuses,2004,45,1,110-111,Lugris A coordinated campus response to student suicide,1996,37,6,698-699,Mitchell Predicting self-protection against sexual assault in dating relationships among heterosexual men and women gay men lesbians and bisexuals,1999,40,2,132-140,Moore Confronting sexual harassment. What schools and colleges can do,1999,40,1,109-110,Moser Alcohol consumption alcohol-related problems and quality of life among college students,2006,47,1,110-121,Murphy Stressors on the college campus: A comparison of 1985 and 1993,1996,37,1,20-28,Murphy Alcohol use as a predictor of potential fraternity membership,1996,37,6,669-675,OConnor Predicting perceptions of date rape based on individual beliefs and female alcohol consumption,1999,40,6,701-709,Osman Trends and predictors of alcohol use among undergraduate female students,2001,42,5,447-455,Szymanski Violence and other forms of victimization in residence halls: Perspectives of resident assistants,1996,37,3,268-278,Palmer Search and seizure considerations in university-owned housing: Implications for practice,1998,39,3,264-272,Parrish Intimacy development and romantic status: Implications for adjustment to the college transition,1998,39,1,75-86,Paul Attachment and commitment in college students' romantic relationships,1999,40,6,710-720,Pistole Alcohol tobacco and marijuana use: Relationships to undergraduate students' creative achievement,1998,39,5,472-483,Plucker Relationships among racial identity attitudes womanist identity attitudes and self-esteem in African American college women,1997,38,3,288-296,Poindexter-Cameron Differing perceptions: How students of color and white students perceive campus climate for underrepresented groups,2005,46,1,43-61,Rankin Duty to warn and foresee danger created by nonstudents: Challenges for colleges and universities,1999,40,2,178-184,Schuh Creating campus community: In search of Ernest Boyer's Legacy,2003,44,2,267-269,Schuh Voluntary alcohol education: Whom do we reach?,1997,38,3,305-307,Miller Evaluation of a university-based date rape prevention program: Effect on attitudes and behavior related to rape,2000,41,2,193-201,Shultz Parent misperceptions of incoming student use of alcohol and other drugs,2006,47,5,577-585,Oswalt Pathways to prejudice: Predicting students' heterosexist attitudes with demographics self-esteem and contact with lesbians and gay men,1996,37,1,68-78,Simoni Culture peers and delinquency,2004,45,6,704-706,Smith The leader factor: Student leadership as a risk factor for alcohol abuse,2001,42,1,59-67,Spratt Peer educators and close friends as predictors of male college students' willingness to prevent rape,2007,48,1,75-89,Stein Understanding fraternity hazing: Insights from symbolic interactionist theory,1999,40,4,355-364,Sweet Readiness to change among at-risk Greek student drinkers,2000,41,3,313-322,Thombs College students-athletes' attitudes toward help-seeking behavior and expectations of counseling services,2005,46,4,442-449,Watson Racial identity attitudes womanist identity attitudes and self-esteem in African American college women attending historically black single-sex and coeducational institutions,2006,47,3,319-334,Watt Women's perceptions of a “chilly climate” and cognitive outcomes in college: Additional evidence,1999,40,2,163-177,Pascarella Restorative justice on the college campus: Promoting student growth and responsibility and reawakening the spirit of campus community,2006,47,3,355-359,Wilson The relationship of spiritual beliefs and involvement with the experience of anger and stress in college students,2005,46,5,515-529,Winterowd A university counseling center problem checklist: A factor analysis,1996,37,6,692-697,Zalaquett Effects of Two Versions of an Empathy-Based Rape Prevention Program on Fraternity Men's Survivor Empathy Attitudes and Behavioral Intent to Commit Rape or Sexual Assault,2006,47,2,133-148,Foubert A hierarchy of 21st birthday drinking norms,2012,53,4,581-585,Neighbors A combination of cognitive relaxation and behavioral coping skills in the reduction of general anger,1990,31,4,351-357,Deffenbacher The Incidence of Violence and Acquaintance Rape in Dating Relationships Among College Men and Women,1988,29,4,305-311,Aizenman Effects of a University Rape Prevention Program on Attitudes and Empathy Toward Rape,1988,29,2,132-136,Borden A typology of college students who use violence in their dating relationships,1992,33,5,411-421,Stith Utilizing peer education theater for the primary prevention of sexual violence on college campuses,2014,55,1,78-85,Postmus Where do college drinkers draw the line? A qualitative study,2014,55,1,63-74,Carey But we're not laughing: white male college students' racial joking and what this says about "post-racial" discourse,2014,55,1,1-15,Cabrera Parental and peer support as predictors of depression and self-esteem among college students,2014,55,2,120-138,Li Identity stress and behavioral and emotional problems in undergraduates: evidence for interaction effects,2014,55,4,368-384,Burt An exploration of policies governing faculty-to-student consensual sexual relationships on university campuses: current strategies and future directions,2014,55,4,337-352,Richards The adverse impact of racial microaggressions on college students' self-esteem,2014,55,5,461-474,Nadal Perceptions of safety by on-campus location rurality and type of security/police force: the case of the community college,2014,55,5,451-460,Patton Mental and Social Health Impacts the Use of Protective Behavioral Strategies in Reducing Risky Drinking and Alcohol Consequences,2009,50,1,35-49,LaBrie Domestic violence and international students: an exploratory study of the practices and role of us university international offices,2013,54,4,527-533,Sorenson Does alcohol use mediate the association between consequences experienced in high school and consequences experienced during the first semester of college?,2013,54,2,215-221,Romosz Relational aggression and victimization in college students,2013,54,2,140-154,Dahlen The sexual assault Teach In program: building constructive campus-wide discussions to inspire change,2013,54,6,654-657,Katz Keeping it frat: exploring the interaction among fraternity membership disinhibition and hypermasculinity on sexually aggressive attitudes in college-aged males,2014,55,6,548-562,Corprew Drinking and dating: examining the link between relationship satisfaction hazardous drinking and readiness-to-change in college dating relationships,2016,57,1,32-46,Stuart Nonsuicidal self-injury: exploring the connection among race ethnic identity and ethnic belonging,2015,56,2,127-139,Wester Perceived racial/ethnic discrimination and adjustment among ethnically diverse college students: family and peer support as protective factors,2016,57,4,380-394,Ittel College students' willingness to engage in bystander intervention at off-campus parties,2016,57,4,472-476,Silver Expanding capacity for suicide prevention: the ALIVE @ Purdue train-the-trainers program,2015,56,8,861-866,Servaty-Seib The role of self-efficacy for bystander helping behaviors in risky alcohol situations,2017,58,3,451-456,Neighbors Did you help? Intervening during incidents of sexual assault among college student bystanders,2023,64,2,208-224,O'sullivan Posttraumatic growth moderates suicide risk among trauma exposed undergraduates,2017,58,3,402-412,Sheline Outcomes of a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training on a University Campus,2011,52,3,350-361,Mirsu-Paun Risk and protective factors associated with Asian American students' suicidal ideation: A multicampus national study,2011,52,4,396-407,Joel Wong Depression and attempted suicide among LGBTQ college students: Fostering resilience to the effects of heterosexism and cisgenderism on campus,2018,59,4,421-438,Weber