Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Medical risks in epilepsy: a review with focus on physical injuries mortality traffic accidents and their prevention,2004,60,1,1-16,Beghi Right-sided vagus nerve stimulation in humans: an effective therapy?,2008,82,2-3,232-234,Spuck Co-occurrence of major depression or suicide attempt with migraine with aura and risk for unprovoked seizure,2007,75,2-3,220-223,Hauser Black-white differences in the psychosocial outcomes of epilepsy,2000,42,1,63-73,Chang The epidemiology of epilepsy in the Russian Federation,2010,92,2-3,209-218,Hauser Professional privilege driving and epilepsy the doctor's responsibility,1997,26,3,415-421,Beran Endogenous rhythm of absence epilepsy: Relationship with general motor activity and sleep-wake states,2011,93,2-3,120-127,Smyk Death in epilepsy with special attention to suicide cases,2002,51,3,233-236,Kanemoto Effect of topiramate on attention,1997,27,1,29-32,Burton Adult attachment style and childhood interpersonal trauma in non-epileptic attack disorder,2008,79,1,84-89,Holman Levetiracetam in newly diagnosed late-onset post-stroke seizures: a prospective observational study,2008,82,2-3,223-226,Calabresi Attention and psychomotor speed decline in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: a longitudinal study,2006,72,2-3,89-96,Piazzini Epilepsy and driving: Current status of research,2012,102,3,135-152,Charlton The interface of preclinical evaluation with clinical testing of antiepileptic drugs: role of pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics,2002,50,1-2,41-54,Holmes Visual impairment at large eccentricity in participants treated by vigabatrin: visual attentional or recognition deficit?,2009,87,2-3,213-222,Derambure Relative influences of adjunctive topiramate and adjunctive lamotrigine on scanning and the effective field of view,2008,78,2-3,140-146,Drazkowski Self-rated and assessed cognitive functions in epilepsy: impact on quality of life,2014,108,8,1461-1468,Giovagnoli Current psychiatric disorders in patients with epilepsy are predicted by maltreatment experiences during childhood,2017,135,,43-49,Neuner Use of antiepileptic drugs and risk of falls in old age: a systematic review,2017,138,,98-104,Johnell Drowning in epilepsy: a population-based case series,2018,145,,123-126,Pollanen Epidemiology of traumatic brain injury-associated epilepsy and early use of anti-epilepsy drugs: an analysis of insurance claims data 2004-2014,2018,146,,41-49,Kancherla Harmonization of lateral fluid-percussion injury model production and post-injury monitoring in a preclinical multicenter biomarker discovery study on post-traumatic epileptogenesis,2019,151,,7-16,O'Brien Epilepsy-related and other causes of mortality in people with epilepsy: a systematic review of systematic reviews,2019,157,,106192,Simpson Effects of seizure frequency depression and generalized anxiety on suicidal tendency in people with epilepsy,2020,160,,e106265,Liu Seizure-related injury and postictal aggression in refractory epilepsy patients,2020,160,,e106281,Rao Epidemiology of traumatic brain injury-associated epilepsy in western China: an analysis of multicenter data,2020,164,,e106354,Zhong Essential oil related seizures (EORS): a multi-center prospective study on essential oils and seizures in adults,2021,173,,e106626,Mathew Impulsivity in persons with epilepsy: association with seizure severity and suicide risk,2021,179,,e106825,Lee Suicidal ideation among Nigerian patients with epilepsy,2022,187,,e107031,Ogundare Premature mortality risk in individuals with convulsive epilepsy: results from a longitudinal prospective population-based study,2023,197,,e107243,Zhang Characterizing women veterans receiving seizure care in the veterans affairs healthcare system,2022,180,,e106849,Van Cott