Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Accepting "total and complete responsibility": new age neo-feminist violence against women,1992,2,1,113-119,Sethna Feminist Research Practice,2007,17,2,149-161,Guimaraes Progress and Backlash: Research on Male Violence to Women,2002,12,3,389-398,Eliasson Alpha Bias and Beta Bias in Research on Labour and Love: The Case of Enhancement versus Scarcity,2003,13,2,201-223,Febbraro Feminist Psychology in Canada,2006,16,3,235-241,Senn Shifting Passions Changing Genres,2008,18,1,21-34,Bhavnani Woman Abuse in South Africa: A Brief Contextual Analysis,2005,15,1,99-103,Boonzaier Revisiting the Orifice: A Reappraisal of `A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Orifice: Women in Gynecology Textbooks',2003,13,1,5-10,Braun Stories from Outside the Frame: Intimate Partner Abuse in Sexual-minority Women's Relationships with Transsexual Men,2007,17,3,373-393,Brown Across and Between: Reflections on Researching `Race' Gender and Mental Health,2003,13,3,302-309,Chantler Downplaying Danger: A Reponse to Haaken and Yragui’s ‘Going Underground’,2004,14,4,583-587,Chester-James Mars and Venus Collide: A Discursive Analysis of Marital Self-Help Psychology,2004,14,1,63-79,Crawford From Sex to Gender and Back Again: Co-optation of a Feminist Language Reform,2007,17,4,481-486,Crawford Anatomy of a Workshop: Women's Struggles for Transformative Participation in Latin America,2009,19,3,343-353,Crosby Women Who Drink and Fight: A Discourse Analysis of Working-Class Women's Talk,2003,13,2,141-158,Day 'Spontaneous' Sexual Consent: An Analysis of Sexual Consent Literature,2007,17,1,93-108,Beres Same-Sex Marriage Revived: Feminist Critique and Legal Strategy,2004,14,1,101-126,Auchmuty Claiming Volition and Evading Victimhood: Post-Feminist Obligations for Young Women,2010,20,2,186-204,Baker Women in Prison and Secure Psychiatric Settings: Whose Needs Whose Dangerousness?,2004,14,2,215-219,Aitken Midwifery Informed Choice and Reproductive Autonomy: A Relational Approach,2007,17,1,39-56,Thachuk Intersectional disgust? Animals and (eco)feminism,2010,20,3,397-406,Twine Sexual Objectification by Research Participants: Recent Experiences and Strategies for Coping,2002,12,2,261-268,Zurbriggen From Inside and Out: Reflecting on a Feminist Politics of Gender in Psychology,2007,17,4,487-494,Unger Quality of Women's Lives in India: Some Findings from Two Decades of Psychological Research on Gender,2007,17,3,337-356,Vindhya Constructions of 'Culture' in Accounts of South Asian Women Survivors of Sexual Violence,2009,19,1,7-28,Ahmed Sexual Abuse Counselling and Compensation: Discourses in New Zealand Newspapers,2009,19,1,29-47,Frewin The Social Construction of a Serial Killer,2009,19,2,267-280,Bartels Justice by Any Means Necessary: Vigilantism among Indian Women,2009,19,3,313-327,White The Political Economy of Children's Trauma: A Case Study of House Demolition in Palestine,2009,19,3,335-342,Shalhoub-Kevorkian Facing Gender-based Violence in El Salvador: Contributions from the Social Psychology of Ignacio Martín-Baró,2009,19,3,368-374,Madrigal Naming Our Reality: Low-income LGBT People Documenting Violence Discrimination and Assertions of Justice,2009,19,3,375-380,Billies Going Underground: Conflicting Perspectives on Domestic Violence Shelter Practices,2003,13,1,49-71,Haaken Feminism and Psychology in the Context of Nordic Welfare Ideologies and Policies,2005,15,2,123-126,Magnusson Feminism Psychology and Identity Transformations in the Nordic Countries,2005,15,2,236-247,Haavind The Nordic Countries - Welfare Paradises for Women and Children?,2005,15,2,227-235,Haavind 'I Must Have Been an Idiot to Let it Go On': Agency and Positioning in Battered Women's Narratives of Leaving,2005,15,2,169-188,Hydén Sexualized Torture and Abuse at Abu Ghraib Prison: Feminist Psychological Analyses,2008,18,3,301-320,Zurbriggen The sexual politics of double suicide,1997,7,1,148-154,Lester Decontexualizing Female Criminality: Treating Abused Women in Prison in the United States,2004,14,2,250-255,Marcus-Mendoza 'You Couldn't Say "No" Could You?': Young Men's Understandings of Sexual Refusal,2006,16,2,133-154,O'Byrne Innocent Girls or Active Young Women? Negotiating Sexual Agency at a Detention Home,2003,13,3,345-367,Overlien Gender Nationalism and Ethnic Difference: Feminist Politics and Political Psychology?,2006,16,1,44-51,Palmary Caught between Feminism and Psychoanalysis: Researching Child Abuse,2007,17,3,302-308,Papadima Bare and Vulnerable Behind the Bars: Women in Need of Psychiatric Care in Indian Jails,2004,14,2,220-225,Roy Putting on Sunday Best: The Silencing of Battered Women Within Christian Faith Communities,2010,20,1,94-113,Knickmeyer Are We Medicalizing Women’s Misery? A Critical Review of Women’s Higher Rates of Reported Depression,2010,20,1,9-35,Ussher Gender relations the gendered division of labour and health: the case of the women factory workers of Rio Tinto northeast Brazil 1924-91,1996,6,3,381-399,Ferreira De Macedo No Funds for Dirty Washing,2001,11,3,429-432,Saphira Conceptualizing lesbian sexual identity development: Narrative accounts of socializing structures and individual decisions and actions,2010,20,4,491-510,Stewart Gender Power and Resistance to Change among Two Communities in the Western Cape South Africa,2008,18,2,157-182,Simbayi 'The One God Sent to Stop the Boys from Killing Me': Using Storytelling to Communicate Survey Findings about Liberian Women Living in Displaced-Persons Camps,2003,13,3,295-301,Jennings Roosters hawks and dawgs: Toward an inclusive embodied eco/feminist psychology,2010,20,3,365-380,Jones Doing Feminist Conversation Analysis,2000,10,2,163-193,Kitzinger The Social Construction of Rape in the Talk of a Convicted Rapist,2001,11,1,11-33,Lea A Discursive Investigation into Victim Responsibility in Rape,2007,17,4,495-514,Lea Lesbians and Bisexual Women in the Eyes of Scientific Psychology,2007,17,1,109-127,Crawford In Whose Interest Do We Work? Critical Comments of a Practitioner at the Fringes of the Liberation Paradigm,2009,19,3,354-367,Lindorfer Holding Up the Sky? Reflections on Marriage in Contemporary China,2004,14,1,195-202,Liu Victim and Survivor: Narrated Social Identities of Women Who Experienced Rape During the War in Bosnia-Herzegovina,2006,16,4,373-403,Skjelsbæk Making Sense of Gender Age Power and Disciplinary Position: Intersecting Discourses in the Academy,2005,15,2,189-208,Søndergaard Why feminist-vegan now?,2010,20,3,302-317,Adams Lads’ Mags Young Men’s Attitudes towards women and acceptance of myths about sexual aggression,2011,21,1,144-150,Coy Telling stories without the words: ‘Tightrope talk’ in women’s accounts of coming to live well after rape or depression,2011,21,1,49-73,McKenzie-Mohr Managing accountability for domestic violence: Identities membership categories and morality in perpetrators’ talk,2011,21,1,5-28,LeCouteur Leaving Jekyll and Hyde: Emotion work in the context of intimate partner violence,2011,21,1,29-48,Enander An imperfect feminist journey: Reflections on the process to develop an effective sexual assault resistance programme for university women,2011,21,1,121-137,Senn 'Cry Wolf' Cried the Wolf: Constructing the Issue of False Rape Allegations in New Zealand Media Texts,2001,11,3,341-360,Gavey The Re-Branding of Marriage: Why We Got Married Instead of Registering a Civil Partnership,2004,14,1,127-150,Kitzinger Dialogical Management of Morality in Domestic Violence Counselling,2001,11,2,187-208,Wahlstrom Reinhabiting the Body,2001,11,2,172-176,Piran Discharged for Homosexuality from the Canadian Military: Health Implications for Lesbians,2009,19,4,496-516,Poulin Empowerment/Sexism: Figuring Female Sexual Agency in Contemporary Advertising,2008,18,1,35-60,Gill Domestic Violence and Health Care: Opening Pandora's Box - Challenges and Dilemmas,2005,15,4,441-460,Lavis From Culturally Avant-garde to Sexually Promiscuous: Troubling Subjectivities and Intersections in the Social Transition from Childhood into Youth,2005,15,2,149-167,Staunæs 'If the man says you must sit then you must sit': The relational construction of woman abuse: Gender subjectivity and violence,2008,18,2,183-206,Boonzaier Happily Never after: Young Women's Stories of Abuse in Heterosexual Love Relationships,2001,11,3,305-321,Jackson ‘Body Art’ and Social Status: Cutting Tattooing and Piercing from a Feminist Perspective,2000,10,4,409-429,Jeffreys Fatally flawed? Discursive evidence from the movement to establish Lesbian Studies programs,2011,21,2,218-227,Taylor 'Suffering in a silent vacuum': Woman-to-woman partner abuse as a challenge to the lesbian feminist vision,2011,21,2,233-239,Barnes The interACT model: Considering rape prevention from a performance activism and social justice perspective,2010,20,4,511-528,Rich I. New views of rape prevention and resistance: Enlightening men empowering women,2011,21,2,257-261,Rozee II. Building men's commitment to ending sexual violence against women,2011,21,2,262-267,Flood III. Politics and the fine art of preventing rape,2011,21,2,268-272,Vetten Textual transformations of subjectivity in men's talk of gender-based violence,2012,22,4,423-442,Stevens Women's disclosure of dating violence: A mixed methodological study,2012,22,4,507-517,Gidycz The world of the fearful: Battered women's narratives of leaving abusive husbands,1999,9,4,449-469,Hydén 'Selves' in contradiction: power and powerlessness in South African shelter residents' narratives of leaving abusive heterosexual relationships,2014,24,3,314-331,Boonzaier The melancholy of murderous mothers: depression and the medicalization of women's anger,2014,24,4,461-478,Kruger II. History and current approaches to violence towards women in Japan,2011,21,4,510-515,Muramoto Present but un-named: feminist liberation psychology in Portugal,2009,19,3,394-406,Nogueira Constructing abortion as a social problem: "Sex selection" and the British abortion debate,2017,27,1,15-33,Lee An examination of nonconsensual pornography websites,2018,28,1,50-68,Terrance Tweeting rape culture: examining portrayals of victim blaming in discussions of sexual assault cases on Twitter,2018,28,1,90-108,Rader Old jokes new media - online sexism and constructions of gender in internet memes,2018,28,1,109-127,Day Bystanders in "sketchy" sexual situations: their constructions of the "girl" the "guy" and themselves,2019,29,3,391-408,Lamb Silencing racialised shame and normalising respectability in "coloured" men's discourses of partner violence against women in Cape Town South Africa,2019,29,2,177-194,van Niekerk Chafing masculinity: heterosexual violence and young men's shame,2019,29,2,286-302,Gottzén The happiness imperative: exploring how women narrate depression and anxiety during pregnancy,2018,28,2,173-193,Staneva Guns on campus: an autoethnography of "concealed carry" policies,2022,32,2,265-280,Graves II. Keeping older women safe from harm,2015,25,1,105-108,Andrews IV. Sandra Bem Feminism assisted suicide and euthanasia,2015,25,1,113-117,Tulloch III. A feminist case against self-determined dying in assisted suicide and euthanasia,2015,25,1,109-112,Callahan I. Feminism and the 'right to die': Editorial introduction to the Special Feature,2015,25,1,101-104,Kitzinger VII. Feminism and suicide in the face of dementia,2015,25,1,131-136,Davis VI. From the theoretical to the personal: Weighing further feminist concerns on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia,2015,25,1,124-130,Martin VIII. A right to 'dying well' with dementia? Capacity 'choice' and relationality,2015,25,1,137-142,Harding X. Refusing to live with advanced dementia: Contemporaneous and prospective decision-making,2015,25,1,148-154,Wilkinson V. Why I hesitated about "an act relative to death with dignity" and then voted for it,2015,25,1,118-123,Gullette Embodied shame and gendered demeanours in young women in Sri Lanka,2019,29,2,157-176,Marecek