Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Timed Up and Go test: Predicting falls in ALS,2007,8,5,292-295,Montes ALS in Italian professional soccer players: The risk is still present and could be soccer-specific,2009,10,4,205-209,Chio Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis physical exercise trauma and sports: results of a population-based pilot case-control study,2010,11,3,289-292,Beghi Is head trauma a risk factor for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? An evidence based review,2012,13,4,351-356,Armon A systematic review of behavioural changes in motor neuron disease,2012,13,6,493-501,Raaphorst Aggressiveness sexuality and obsessiveness in late stages of ALS patients and their effects on caregivers,2012,13,5,452-458,Marconi