Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Factors related to frequency of engaging in outside activities among elderly persons living an independent life at home,2006,68,3-4,121-130,Kondo Avoidable mortality measured by years of potential life lost (YPLL) aged 5 before 65 years in Kyrgyzstan 1989-2003,2007,69,1-2,61-70,Bozgunchievz Relation of falls efficacy scale (FES) to quality of life among nursing home female residents with comparatively intact cognitive function in Japan,2008,70,1-2,19-27,Harada Adjustment of the diurnal rhythm in body temperature by a transposition across the longitudes with a moderate speed,1967,29,4,369-375,Hara Internal distribution of uranium compounds in the body and its acute poisoning,1961,24,,133-138,Mizutani Experimental studies on carbon disulfide poisoning,1961,23,,431-460,Hotta Risk behaviours and associated factors among medical students and community youths in Myanmar,2010,72,1-2,71-81,Yoshida Disaster-readiness of medical facilities in Aichi Prefecture,1996,59,3-4,121-128,Yamauchi Impalement injury to the left buttock with massive bleeding: a case report,2013,75,1-2,147-152,Oya Experimental studies on the disturbance of hematopoietic organs due to benzene intoxication,1966,28,3,204-234,Matsushita The outcome of head injuries: the Saudi experience,1989,51,1-4,1-6,Ammar Fatal case of cervical blunt vascular injury with cervical vertebral fracture: a case report,2015,77,3,507-514,Nakashima Associations of alcohol use with mental health and alcohol exposure among school-going students in Cambodia,2016,78,4,415-422,Peltzer Underlying cause of death recorded during 2013 to 2015 at a tertiary general hospital in Vientiane Capital Lao PDR,2017,79,2,199-209,Hamajima Incidence and characteristics of accidental falls in hospitalizations,2017,79,3,291-298,Suzuki Measures and effects on prevention of fall: the role of a fall working group at a university hospital,2017,79,4,497-504,Suzuki Characteristics of outpatient falls that occurred in hospital,2018,80,3,417-422,Suzuki Social determinants of health in teenage girls involved with sexual exploitation on downtown streets late at night,2019,81,4,667-678,Ogawa First-hand knowledge about snakes and snake-bite management: an urgent need,2020,82,4,763-774,Bhargava Relationship between use of sleep medication and accidental falls during hospitalization,2021,83,4,851-860,Nakashima Validity of a fall risk assessment score sheet for patients hospitalized in general wards,2022,84,2,311-318,Ochiai Underlying cause of death at medical facilities in Xaiyabouli Province Lao People's Democratic Republic,2022,84,2,448-461,Hamajima Recurrence of Overdose Suicide Attempt index: a novel scoring system for predicting the recurrence of intentional overdose,2022,84,2,301-310,Takahashi Transorbital penetrating head injury by a wooden chopstick in the cavernous sinus: a case report and literature review,2023,85,1,179-184,Horiuchi Achieving good neurological outcome by combining decompressive craniectomy for acute subdural hematoma and transarterial embolization of intraperitoneal injured arteries for multiple severe trauma: a case report,2022,84,3,640-647,Ito