Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author In Vino Veritas: the Truth About Blood-Alcohol Presumptions in State Drunk Driving Law,1989,64,1,141-181,Pariser Involuntary psychiatric commitments to prevent suicide,1974,49,2-3,227-269,Greenberg The amazing vanishing second amendment,1998,73,3,831-840,Volokh The commonplace second amendment,1998,73,3,793-821,Volokh Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Legal System Falls Short in Protecting Basic Rights,2013,88,6,1953-1982,Jefferson More than "johns" less than traffickers: in search of just and proportional sanctions for buyers of sex with trafficking victims,2015,90,2,626-670,Gregorio Malice aforethought and self-defense: mutually exclusive mental states?,2016,91,4,1027-1059,Spies Conditional spending and the need for data on lethal use of police force,2017,92,,2051-2093,Leeper Guided by history: protecting the public sphere from weapons threats under Bruen,2023,98,6,1795-1830,Siegel Policing in the age of the gun,2023,98,6,1831-1880,Friedman 'A map is not the territory': the theory and future of sensitive places doctrine,2024,99,,438-452,Miller Anti-gay bullying in schools-are anti-bullying statutes the solution?,2012,87,1,248-283,Connolly Notes Death and its dignities,2016,91,5,1279-1315,Loveland