Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Do guns cause crime? Does crime cause guns? A Granger test,1997,25,3,256-273,Southwick A simple model of crime waves riots and revolutions,1997,25,3,274-288,Tabarrok Preliminary evidence on the allocation of U.S. Army deaths from operation Iraqi Freedom,2006,34,1,3-14,Cebula The wages of sin: Employment and salary effects of violence in the National Hockey League [USA],1997,25,2,191-206,Jones Gun lobbies and gun control: Senate voting patterns on the Brady Bill and the assault weapons ban,1999,27,4,384-393,Kahane The impact of safety regulations on externalities,2003,31,1,62-70,Traynor The effect of war on the economy,1994,22,3,81-81,Lester Gun Ownership and the Gun Control Index,2010,36,4,497-498,Gius How similar are youth and adult alcohol behaviors? panel results for excise taxes and outlet density,2008,36,1,89-104,Nelson Effects of permit-to-purchase laws on state-level firearm murder rates,2017,45,1,73-80,Gius The effect of gun availability on suicide rates,1991,19,2,74,Lester The political economy of medical marijuana laws revisited,2021,49,2,241-243,Zlatoper Does Corruption Affect suicide? Econometric Evidence from OECD Countries,2012,40,2,133-145,Andrés The Empirical Relationship between Suicide and Unemployment Rates 2008-2016,2018,46,3,353-354,Sommers Is suicide a rational behavior?,1993,21,3,e95,Yang