Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Children's perceptions of vulnerability to illness and accidents. A replication extension and refinement,1971,86,3,247-252,Gochman Why are suicides of young blacks increasing?,1972,87,1,3-8,Seiden Community medicine on the Navajo Reservation,1971,86,8,733-740,Kane Impact of TV violence on children,1971,86,1,21-22, Design of a procedure for health screening of rural adolescents,1971,86,7,609-615,Watson Hospital emergency cases of poisonings and other injuries caused by ingestion,1971,86,11,1042-1050,Tokuhata Yusho a poisoning caused by rice oil contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls,1971,86,12,1083-1091,Matsuzaka Health care in the nation's capital during 30 mass assemblies,1972,87,2,99-109,Meek Establishment of a national system for surveillance of injuries,1972,87,2,137-144,Kraus