Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The search for authenticity: An exploration of an online skinhead newsgroup,2006,8,2,269-294,Campbell Policy Commentary: Mobilizing information and communications technologies for effective disaster warning: lessons from the 2004 tsunami,2005,7,6,731-747,Samarajiva Cyberbullying among youngsters: profiles of bullies and victims,2009,11,8,1349-1371,Vandebosch Cyberbullying and its correlation to traditional bullying gender and frequent and risky usage of internet-mediated communication tools,2010,12,1,109-125,Erdur-Baker Mapping the digital empire: Google Earth and the process of postmodern cartography,2010,12,6,869-888,Farman Podologues: conversations created by science podcasts,2010,12,6,889-909,Birch ‘This is citizen journalism at its finest’: YouTube and the public sphere in the Oscar Grant shooting incident,2010,12,8,1280-1296,Antony Communicating thin: A grounded model of Online Negative Enabling Support Groups in the pro-anorexia movement,2011,13,1,40-57,Haas Tools of the trade: Drugs law and mobile phones in Canada,2011,13,1,134-150,McEwen Wielding new media in Web 2.0: Exploring the history of engagement with the collaborative construction of media products,2011,11,1-2,155-178,Harrison Labors of love: netporn Web 2.0 and the meanings of amateurism,2010,12,8,1297-1312,Paasonen Cyberstalking and the technologies of interpersonal terrorism,2002,4,1,71-92,Spitzberg Illusions of perfect information and fantasies of control in the information society,2002,4,1,93-122,Winseck Towards a digital adolescent society? The social structure of the Icelandic adolescent blogosphere,2011,13,4,645-662,Bjarnason Parental mediation of teenagers' video game playing: Antecedents and consequences,2011,13,6,945-962,Wonsun Shin Review article: Hoping they'll stand still long enough to study them: Cell phone users and their phones,2011,13,4,678-682,Poor The socio-demographics of texting: An analysis of traffic data,2012,14,2,281-298,Ling Sexting as media production: Rethinking social media and sexuality,2013,15,4,449-465,Hasinoff Morality and ethics behind the screen: Young people's perspectives on digital life,2013,15,6,834-852,Flores Violent computer games in the German press,2013,15,6,963-981,Sørensen Mobile voice communication and loneliness: Cell phone use and the social skills deficit hypothesis,2013,15,7,1094-1111,Jin Exploring old and new media: Comparing military blogs to Civil War letters,2013,15,7,1151-1167,Shapiro Mobile phone distraction while studying,2014,17,10,1661-1679,David Unreal: hostile expectations from social gameplay,2009,11,4,509-531,Eastin Communication in multiplayer gaming: examining player responses to gender cues,2013,15,4,541-556,Kuznekoff The obligation to know: From FAQ to Feminism 101,2015,18,5,691-707,Reagle New media and the war in Afghanistan: the significance of blogging for the Swedish strategic narrative,2015,17,1,6-23,Hellman Gang violence on the digital street: case study of a South Side Chicago gang member's Twitter communication,2017,19,7,1000-1018,Patton Boogaloo and Civil War 2: memetic antagonism in expressions of covert activism,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiggins The challenges of studying 4chan and the Alt-Right: 'Come on in the water's fine',2022,24,1,5-30,Colley Inside a White power echo chamber: why fringe digital spaces are polarizing politics,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Törnberg Tactics of news literacy: how young people access evaluate and engage with news on social media,2023,25,3,505-521,Swart Fact-checking reputation and political falsehoods in Italy and the United States,2023,25,3,540-558,Ceron The role of impulsivity social relations online and offline and compulsive internet use in cyberaggression: a four-country study,2023,25,1,181-198,Paek "I did it without hesitation. Am I the bad guy?" Online conversations in response to controversial in-game violence,2022,25,7,,Bowman Encountering distressing information in online research: A consideration of legal and ethical responsibilities,2003,5,2,249-266,Stern Feminist sexualities race and the internet: An investigation of,2007,9,4,577-602,Magnet Suicide online: Portrayal of website-related suicide by the New Zealand media,2011,13,8,1355-1372,McKenna The production of pro-suicide content on the internet: A counter-discourse activity,2012,14,5,764-780,Westerlund "It Gets Better": Internet memes and the construction of collective identity,2016,18,8,1698-1714,Gal Effects of exposure to self-harm on social media: Evidence from a two-wave panel study among young adults,2019,21,11-12,2422-2442,Scherr Equal access to online information? Google's suicide-prevention disparities may amplify a global digital divide,2019,21,3,562-582,Haim Online news media and propaganda influence on radicalized individuals: Findings from interviews with Islamist prisoners and former Islamists,2020,22,8,1437-1461,Neumann Fictitious online victimization: Exploration and creation of a measurement instrument,2022,24,1,156-177,Vandebosch