Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author From tobacco to health care and beyond--a critique of lawsuits targeting unpopular industries,2001,86,6,1334-1385,Jensen Governmental Liability for Negligent Failure to Detain Drunk Drivers,1992,77,4,873-904,Tullier Defining the scope of the due process right to protection: the Fourth Circuit considers child abuse and good faith immunity,1985,70,5,940-967,Kassel Design defect litigation revisited,1976,61,4,541-558,Henderson The use and abuse of warnings in products liability--design defect litigation comes of age,1976,61,4,495-540,Twerski Invisible and involuntary: female genital mutilation as a basis for asylum,2010,95,3,599-626,Harivandi As the tide turns: the changing HIV/AIDS epidemic and the criminalization of HIV exposure,2009,94,3,707-742,McArthur Voluntary active euthanasia for the terminally ill and the constitutional right to privacy,1984,69,2,363-383,Wolhandler Judging sex,2012,97,6,1461-1504,Tuerkheimer Circumvention tourism,2012,97,6,1309-1398,Cohen At the intersection of domestic violence and guns: The public interest exception and the Lautenberg Amendment,2000,85,3,822-858,Nathan The militia movement and Second Amendment revolution: Conjuring with the people,1996,81,4,879-952,Williams Criminalizing normal adolescent behavior in communities of color: the role of prosecutors in juvenile justice reform,2013,98,2,383-461,Henning Asylum at last? Matter of A-R-C-G-'S impact on domestic violence victims seeking asylum,2016,101,4,1053-1086,Bachmair Constitutional liberty and the progression of punishment,2017,102,2,413-486,Smith Suicide and euthanasia: The international perspective on the right to die,2019,104,3,715-744,Feldman