Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Intimate partner violence against women: experiences from a woman-focused development programme in Matlab Bangladesh,2005,23,1,95-101,Ahmed Current status and prevention strategy for coal-arsenic poisoning in Guizhou China,2006,24,3,273-276,Liu Violence against children: a challenge for public health in Pakistan,2007,25,2,168-178,Hyder Causes of death among women aged 10-50 years in Bangladesh 1996-1997,2007,25,3,302-311,Rochat Childhood mortality due to drowning in rural Matlab of Bangladesh: magnitude of the problem and proposed solutions,2007,25,3,370-376,Iqbal Sex-trafficking violence negotiating skill and HIV infection in brothel-based sex workers of eastern India adjoining Nepal Bhutan and Bangladesh,2008,26,2,223-231,Parsons Spousal violence in Bangladesh: a call for a public-health response,2008,26,3,366-377,Naved Paramedic-conducted mental health counselling for abused women in rural Bangladesh: an evaluation from the perspective of participants,2009,27,4,477-491,Naved Homeless in Dhaka: violence sexual harassment and drug-abuse,2009,27,4,452-461,Ashraf Use of family care indicators and their relationship with child development in Bangladesh,2010,28,1,23-33,Hamadani Nature of domestic violence against women in a rural area of Bangladesh: implication for preventive interventions,2003,21,1,48-54,Bhuiya A descriptive profile of abused female sex workers in India,2010,28,3,211-220,Panchanadeswaran Causes for hospitalizations at Upazila health complexes in Bangladesh,2010,28,4,399-404,Iqbal Childhood injuries in Pakistan: results from two communities,2010,28,4,392-398,Lasi Causes of death of adults and elderly and healthcare-seeking before death in rural Bangladesh,2010,28,5,520-528,Alam Pregnancy-related deaths in rural Rajasthan India: exploring causes context and care-seeking through verbal autopsy,2009,27,2,293-302,Iyengar Physical violence by partner during pregnancy and use of prenatal care in rural India,2011,29,3,245-254,Stephenson Patterns of alcohol consumption among male adults at a slum in Kolkata India,2012,30,1,73-81,Ghosh Violence against women with chronic maternal disabilities in rural Bangladesh,2012,30,2,181-192,Naved Association between intimate partner violence and child morbidity in South Asia,2015,33,1,16,Ferdousy Alcohol consumption among university students: a Sino-German comparison demonstrates a much lower consumption of alcohol in Chinese students,2016,35,1,e25,Kraemer Prevalence associated factors and disclosure of intimate partner violence among mothers in rural Bangladesh,2020,39,1,e14,Begum Childhood mortality due to drowning in rural Matlab of Bangladesh: magnitude of the problem and proposed solutions,2007,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ahmed A framework for addressing implementation gap in global drowning prevention interventions: experiences from Bangladesh,2014,32,4,564-576,El Arifeen Influence of cyber-victimization and other factors on depression and anxiety among university students in Bangladesh,2023,42,1,e119,Hossain Copeptin: a novel prognostic biomarker in trauma: a review article,2023,42,1,e128,Paydar Factors affecting major depression in Iran: a mixed-method study,2024,43,1,e73,Arab-Zozani Causes of death among women aged 10-50 years in Bangladesh 1996-1997,2007,ePub,ePub,ePub,Akhter Spousal violence in Bangladesh: a call for a public-health response,2008,ePub,ePub,ePub,Naved