Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Mortality from traffic accidents in the Tunja-San Gil Road area Colombia 2001,2003,5,2,158-171,Mayorga Mogollon Influence of violent television upon children of a public school in Bogota Colombia,2005,7,1,70-88,Perez-Olmos Characteristics of suicides in Bogota 1985-2000,2004,6,3,217-234,Orejarena Violence in the university environment: the case of the national University of Colombia,2005,7,2,157-165,Amortegui-Osorio Patterns of violent death in Bogota 1997-2003,2005,7,3,254-267,Sanchez Characteristics of people committing suicide in Medellin Colombia,2005,7,3,243-253,Palacio-Acosta Evaluating the "it's better if we talk" A communication strategy for promoting pacific co-existence in Cali Colombia between 1996-2000,2006,8,3,168-184,Munoz Psychiatric and social characterisation of suicide attempts treated at a children's clinic 2003-2005,2007,9,2,230-240,Perez-Olmos Intra-family violence affecting students attending basic- and middle-schools in Bogota,2007,9,4,516-528,Cepeda-Cuervo Factors associated with suicide attempts and persistent suicidal ideation at a primary care unit in Bogota 2004-2006,2008,10,3,374-385,Perez-Olmos Socio-cultural aspects regarding the perception of quality of life amongst people engaging in extreme (high-risk) sports,2008,10,4,561-570,Pimentel Bullying amongst students attending state basic and middle schools,2008,10,4,517-528,Cepeda-Cuervo Social capital violent deaths and cancer mortality in Colombia: a population approach,2006,8,1,38-51,Idrovo Sexually-transmitted disease prevalence and the factors associated with it in sexually-exploited children in Bogota Colombia,2009,11,3,468-479,Pinzón-Rondón Estimating the morbidity profile amongst Colombian civil aviation personnel,2009,11,3,425-431,Salamanca State school children's opinions regarding violence in the media,2009,11,3,414-424,Piedrahita S Sexual violence amongst young people aged 10 to 19 years. Cali 2001-2006,2009,11,6,887-897,Restrepo-Gutiérrez Pathological alcohol consumption amongst students from the University of Cartagena 2008,2009,11,6,878-886,Arrieta Vergara An analysis of prehospital care for victims of accidents and violence in Recife Brazil,2010,12,1,27-37,Souza Violence management from public health: the Early Prevention Project in Medellin,2003,5,1,24-39,Klevens Patients attended at a Venezuelan Toxicology Centre,2010,12,2,220-227,Tagliaferro Three typologies for adolescents' mental health in north-eastern Medellín Colombia 2006,2010,12,1,51-60,Paniagua-Suárez Prevalence and factors associated with suicidal thinking among university students,2003,5,2,123-143,Sánchez Primary prevention measures for controlling pedestrian injuries and deaths and improving road safety,2010,12,3,497-509,Rodríguez-Hernández The epidemiology of canine rabies in Colombia,2010,12,3,368-379,Cediel The workers health and the Tropical Oil Company. Barrancabermeja 1916-1940,2010,12,1,144-156,Luna-García Evaluation of results and impact of the first phase of a community based mental health model in localities in Bogotá D.C,2003,5,3,272-283,Hernandez Comparing high- and low-lethality factors regarding attempted suicide-associated risk factors,2010,12,5,713-721,García-Rábago Children and adolescents' alcohol and tobacco consumption in Tunja Colombia 2009,2011,13,1,89-101,Manrique-Abril Relationships between psychosocial risk behavior and the family in adolescents' from Suba an urban area in Bogotá,2011,13,1,67-78,González-Quiñones Social inequality delinquency and depression: a study with adolescents in conflict with the law,2011,13,1,13-26,Souza Health-related physical fitness in Brazilian adolescents from areas having a medium/low Human Development Index,2011,13,2,219-228,Petroski Physical activity and tobacco and alcohol use in a group of university students,2011,13,5,748-758,Gómez-Conesa Physical activity in people aged 15 to 49 living in a particular locality in Bogotá Colombia 2004,2006,8,Suppl 2,69-80,Mantilla-Toloza Socio-cultural characteristics of physical activity in three regions of Colombia,2006,8,Suppl 2,13-27,Robledo-Martínez Violence in the transformation of systems of work in Colombia,2012,14,Suppl 1,84-97,Castillo Neoliberalism in health: the torture of the health care workers of the Bogota s Instituto Materno Infantil (child and maternity hospital),2012,14,Suppl 1,18-31,Abadía-Barrero Illegal psychoactive substance consumption amongst older schoolchildren in the city of Tunja Colombia,2012,14,Suppl 2,86-99,Manrique-Abril Deaths in children during the early twentieth and twenty-first century in Boyacá Colombia,2012,14,Suppl 2,15-31,Manrique-Abril Types and severity of partner violence against women living in the community in Cali Colombia,2012,14,3,377-389,Humphreys Intelligence quotient and associated facts in children attending school in Medellin Colombia,2012,14,4,543-557,Zapata-Zabala Prevalence of occupational accidents and related factors in students of dentistry,2013,15,1,23-31,Arrieta-Vergara Intimate partner violence in the Quindio Department of Colombia,2013,15,2,247-257,Zapata-Giraldo Overall pattern of accidents caused by poisonous animals in Colombia 2006-2010,2012,14,6,1005-1013,Rodríguez-Vargas Healthcare patterns and life styles in adolescents from three schools in Popayán Colombia,2012,14,6,948-957,Vernaza-Pinzón The 20th century legal framework regarding risk at work and occupational health in Colombia,2013,15,3,354-365,Luna-García Labour factors associated with post-traumatic stress in uniformed workers in Medellín,2013,15,3,335-341,González-Penagos Bullying and its related factors amongst high school students from a school in Cali Colombia,2014,16,1,13-24,Cassiani-Miranda The role of the neighborhood family and peers regarding Colombian adolescents' social context and aggressive behavior,2014,16,2,208-220,Caicedo The prevalence and types of bullying in 13 to 17 year-old Brazilian schoolchildren,2014,16,2,173-183,Paiva Factors that influence comorbidity from panic disorder and PTSD after earthquakes,2014,16,5,773-743,Leiva-Bianchi Suicide attempts treated at public health units of Fortaleza-Ceará Brazil,2014,16,5,683-696,Bezerra Filho Direct costs involved in providing medical attention associated with traffic accidents in Bogotá,2014,16,5,673-682,Peña Exposure to VOCs in furniture factories in two populations in northern Colombia,2014,16,6,834-846,Vargas-Ramos A complexity-based approach to batterer intervention programmes,2014,16,3,470-478,Medina-Maldonado The decade of action for road safety in Medellin Colombia to 2015,2015,17,1,140-150,Cabrera-Arana Risk factors related with pediatric accidents in a children's hospital in Bogotá,2015,17,1,74-84,Hurtado-Sierra Hazards for women and children in rural settings,2015,17,1,22-32,Molineri Determining social factors related to pesticide poisoning among rice farmers in Colombia,2016,18,4,617-629,Briceno Occupation- transportation- and leisure-related physical activity: gender inequalities in Santander Colombia,2016,18,2,201-213,Borrell Media influence on adolescent alcohol consumption in schools in Bogotá,2015,17,2,157-170,Suárez-Acevedo Monitoring and impact of the disclosure of five health alerts for drugs in Colombia,2018,20,1,23-26,Machado-Duque Peace experiences in occupational therapy: contributions from Colombian regions,2017,19,5,664-670,Gómez-Galindo Prevalence and associated factors with sexual violence against women: systematic review,2017,19,6,818-826,Salema Coelho Work and health: the constitutional court and the protection of constitutional rights in work-related accidents and illnesses,2017,19,6,772-779,Torres-Tovar Evaluation of the barriers to the practice of physical and sport activities in Spanish adolescents,2017,19,6,739-743,Espada-Mateos Factors associated with hospitalization for injuries in patients treated in emergency departments,2018,20,2,237-242,Gogeascoechea-Trejo Systematic review on bullying and family: an analysis based on bioecological systems,2018,20,3,396-403,dos Santos War is not healthy. Political violence and infant health outcomes in Colombia,2018,20,3,326-333,Urdinola-Contreras Epidemiology of accidents by venomous animals and distribution of antivenon: state of art and world status,2018,20,4,523-529,da Graça Salomão Physical violence against lesbian gay bisexual transvestite and transgender individuals from Brazil,2018,20,4,445-452,Soares Parente Perception of violence from schoolchildren of two educational institutions in the locality of Kennedy Bogotá,2018,20,4,438-444,Barreto-Zorza Psychosocial profile of Mexican elders hospitalized for fall-related hip fracture,2019,21,2,181-186,Gardea-Reséndez Women victims of intimate partner violence in the context of HIV infection in the city of Bogotá. Phase I 2017,2020,21,1,34-41,Arévalo-Mora Exposure to gender violence in a population of women consulting a Community Psychiatry service in Cali Colombia,2022,24,2,e100270,Fandiño-Losada Health workers as hate crimes targets during COVID-19 outbreak in the Americas,2023,22,2,253-257,Orellana Geographies of suicide in Argentina: a spatial ecological study during 1999-2003 and 2008-2012 periods,2023,22,1,14-26,Alazraqui Determining factors of the accident rate and occupational diseases of the shellfish divers of the Coquimbo Region Chile,2023,22,1,77-81,Guevara-Ramírez Trends and impact of mortality from violent causes of death in Colombia and Mexico 2000-2013,2023,21,3,349-356,Pardo-Montaño Medical falls among older adults in Latin American cities,2023,22,5,527-532,Reyes-Ortiz Violence forms among university students from Junin Región Perú,2023,22,4,414-420,Baltazar-Meza Sexual and reproductive health in women victims of the armed conflict,2023,22,4,468-474,Peralta-Jiménez Epidemiology of aquatic animal poisonings reported to a Colombian toxicology control center,2023,21,4,457-461,Zuluaga Toxicology service phone-in assistance 2006-2009,2011,13,4,644-653,Olarte-Olarte Psychosocial risk factors related to suicidal ideation in adolescents Suba (Bogotá) 2006-2018,2022,24,6,1-8,González-Quiñones Universidad y conducta suicida: respuestas y propuestas institucionales Bogotá 2004-2014,2017,19,2,153-160,Cuspoca Caracterización Psiquiátrica y Social del Intento Suicida Atendido en una Clínica Infantil 2003-2005,2007,9,2,230-240,Perez-Olmos Características del suicido en Medellín Colombia,2005,7,3,243-253,Palacio-Acosta Características de los suicidas en Bogotá: 1985-2000,2004,6,3,217-234,Orejarena Factores de riesgo asociados a intento de suicidio comparando factores de alta y baja letalidad,2010,12,5,713-721,García-Rábago Factores asociados al intento suicida e ideación suicida persistente en un Centro de Atención Primaria. Bogotá 2004-2006,2008,10,3,374-385,Perez-Olmos Neoliberalismo en salud: La tortura de trabajadoras y trabajadores del Instituto Materno Infantil de Bogotá,2012,14,supl.1,18-31,Abadía B. Problemas y decisiones al final de la vida en pacientes con enfermedad en etapa terminal,2012,14,1,116-128,Sarmiento-Medina Pacientes atendidos en un Centro Toxicológico de Venezuela,2010,12,2,220-227,Tagliaferro Prevalencia y factores asociados a ideación suicida en estudiantes universitarios,2003,5,2,123-143,Tejada Tentativas de suicídio atendidas em unidades públicas de saúde de Fortaleza-Ceará Brasil,2014,16,5,687-699,Bezerra Filho Tres tipologías de salud mental de los adolescentes de una zona de Medellín-Colombia 2006,2010,12,1,51-60,González-Posada