Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Cognitive development in children born preterm: implications for theories of brain plasticity following early injury,2003,15,4,1017-1047,Luciana Inattention/hyperactivity and aggression from early childhood to adolescence: heterogeneity of trajectories and differential influence of family environment characteristics,2005,17,1,99-125,Fitzgerald The mediating role of alienation in the development of maladjustment in youth exposed to community violence,2006,18,1,215-232,Ruchkin Preschooler witnesses of marital violence: predictors and mediators of child behavior problems,2005,17,2,385-396,Lieberman Child maltreatment and the early onset of problem behaviors: can a program of nurse home visitation break the link?,2001,13,4,873-890,Powers Child maltreatment attention networks and potential precursors to borderline personality disorder,2005,17,4,1071-1089,Cicchetti Children's basic memory processes stress and maltreatment,2006,18,3,759-769,Cicchetti Bringing basic research on early experience and stress neurobiology to bear on preventive interventions for neglected and maltreated children,2006,18,3,651-677,Gunnar Fostering secure attachment in infants in maltreating families through preventive interventions,2006,18,3,623-649,Cicchetti Developmental antecedents of late adolescence substance use patterns,2006,18,2,551-571,Egeland Developmental trajectories of offending: validation and prediction to young adult alcohol use drug use and depressive symptoms,2005,17,1,251-270,Kim Accelerated longitudinal comparisons of aggressive versus delinquent syndromes,1997,9,1,43-58,Verhulst The role of exposure to community violence and developmental problems among inner-city youth,1998,10,1,101-116,Gorman-Smith The effect of the level of aggression in the first grade classroom on the course and malleability of aggressive behavior into middle school,1998,10,2,165-185,Kellam Resolving conflict creatively: evaluating the developmental effects of a school-based violence prevention program in neighborhood and classroom context,1998,10,2,187-213,Jones An ecological-transactional analysis of children and contexts: The longitudinal interplay among child maltreatment community violence and children's symptomatology,1998,10,2,235-257,Lynch Self-regulatory processes in early personality development: a multilevel approach to the study of childhood social withdrawal and aggression,2002,14,3,477-498,Fox Desistance from persistent serious delinquency in the transition to adulthood,2004,16,4,897-918,Stouthamer-Loeber A prospective study of child maltreatment and self-injurious behavior in a community sample,2008,20,2,651-671,Egeland Developmental changes and individual differences in risk and perspective taking in adolescence,2008,20,4,1213-1229,Zelazo Reward-related processing in the human brain: Developmental considerations,2008,20,4,1191-1211,Fareri The neural bases of obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and adults,2008,20,4,1251-1283,Peterson Community violence: a meta-analysis on the effect of exposure and mental health outcomes of children and adolescents,2009,21,1,227-259,Jacques-Tiura Caregiver unresolved loss and abuse and child behavior problems: intergenerational effects in a high-risk sample,2009,21,1,173-187,Kobak Child maltreatment and trajectories of personality and behavioral functioning: Implications for the development of personality disorder,2009,21,3,889-912,Kim Does adolescent self-esteem predict later life outcomes? A test of the causal role of self-esteem,2008,20,1,319-339,Fergusson Childhood abuse and aggression in girls: the contribution of borderline personality disorder,2009,21,1,309-317,Reppucci A neurocognitive model of borderline personality disorder: effects of childhood sexual abuse and relationship to adult social attachment disturbance,2008,20,1,341-368,Poole True and false recall and dissociation among maltreated children: the role of self-schema,2008,20,1,213-232,Cicchetti Female and male antisocial trajectories: from childhood origins to adult outcomes,2008,20,2,673-716,Moffitt Callous-unemotional traits and the emotional processing of distress cues in detained boys: testing the moderating role of aggression exposure to community violence and histories of abuse,2008,20,2,569-589,Frick Early deprivation and home basal cortisol levels: a study of internationally adopted children,2008,20,2,473-491,Long How can the study of biological processes help design new interventions for children with severe antisocial behavior?,2008,20,3,941-973,Fairchild Interactions of child maltreatment and serotonin transporter and monoamine oxidase A polymorphisms: depressive symptomatology among adolescents from low socioeconomic status backgrounds,2007,19,4,1161-1180,Cicchetti Meta-analysis of gene-environment interactions in developmental psychopathology,2007,19,4,1029-1037,Taylor Emotion and resilience: a multilevel investigation of hemispheric electroencephalogram asymmetry and emotion regulation in maltreated and nonmaltreated children,2007,19,3,811-840,Cicchetti Personality adrenal steroid hormones and resilience in maltreated children: a multilevel perspective,2007,19,3,787-809,Cicchetti Developmental risks and psychosocial adjustment among low-income Brazilian youth,2007,19,2,565-584,Raffaelli Children's disruptiveness peer rejection friends' deviancy and delinquent behaviors: a process-oriented approach,2007,19,2,433-453,Pedersen Maternal childhood abuse and offspring adjustment over time,2007,19,2,367-383,Golding Cognitive and emotional differences in young maltreated children: a translational application of dynamic skill theory,2006,18,3,679-706,Ayoub Peer victimization in early adolescence: association between physical and relational victimization and drug use aggression and delinquent behaviors among urban middle school students,2006,18,1,119-137,Kliewer The impact of foster care on development,2006,18,1,57-76,Egeland Developmental trajectories of externalizing and internalizing behaviors: factors underlying resilience in physically abused children,2006,18,1,35-55,Bates Reactivity and distortions in the self: Narcissism types of aggression and the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis during early adolescence,2009,21,4,1249-1262,Adams Examining the developmental history of child maltreatment peer relations and externalizing problems among adolescents with symptoms of paranoid personality disorder,2009,21,4,1181-1193,Cicchetti The stability of psychopathy across adolescence,2009,21,4,1133-1153,Moffitt Developmental origins of early antisocial behavior,2009,21,4,1095-1109,Calkins Changing dynamics in problematic personality: A multiwave longitudinal study of the relationship between shyness and aggressiveness from childhood to early adulthood,2009,21,4,1083-1094,van Aken Predictors and sequelae of trajectories of physical aggression in school-age boys and girls,2010,22,1,133-150,Belsky Neurobiological adaptations to violence across development,2010,22,1,1-22,Beauchaine Young children who commit crime: epidemiology developmental origins risk factors early interventions and policy implications,2000,12,4,737-762,Farrington Ethnicity substance use and development: exemplars for exploring group differences and similarities,1999,11,4,805-822,Barrera Developmental associations between substance use and violence,1999,11,4,785-803,Stouthamer-Loeber Structural and experiential neighborhood contexts developmental stage and antisocial behavior among urban adolescents in poverty,1998,10,2,259-281,Roberts Nurse home visitation and the prevention of child maltreatment: impact on the timing of official reports,2009,21,2,441-453,Eckenrode Emotion socialization child emotion understanding and regulation and adjustment in urban African American families: differential associations across child gender,2009,21,1,261-283,Kliewer Maximizing resilience through diverse levels of inquiry: Prevailing paradigms possibilities and priorities for the future,2007,19,3,931-955,Brown Links between marital and parent-child interactions: moderating role of husband-to-wife aggression,2004,16,3,753-771,Margolin Exposure to partner violence and child behavior problems: a prospective study controlling for child physical abuse and neglect child cognitive ability socioeconomic status and life stress,2003,15,1,199-218,Egeland Diverse patterns of neuroendocrine activity in maltreated children,2001,13,3,677-693,Cicchetti Impoverishment and child maltreatment in African American and European American neighborhoods,1998,10,2,215-233,Korbin The role of self-organization in the promotion of resilience in maltreated children,1997,9,4,797-815,Cicchetti Representations of self and other in the narratives of neglected physically abused and sexually abused preschoolers,1997,9,4,781-796,Cicchetti Trauma and resilience in young refugees: A 9-year follow-up study,2010,22,2,477-489,Montgomery Adolescent females exposed to child maltreatment exhibit atypical EEG coherence and psychiatric impairment: Linking early adversity the brain and psychopathology,2010,22,2,419-432,MacMillan Testing a social ecological model for relations between political violence and child adjustment in Northern Ireland,2010,22,2,405-418,Cairns Delineating the maladaptive pathways of child maltreatment: A mediated moderation analysis of the roles of self-perception and social support,2010,22,2,337-352,Runyan Effects of childhood conduct problems and family adversity on health health behaviors and service use in early adulthood: tests of developmental pathways involving adolescent risk taking and depression,2010,22,3,655-665,Herrenkohl Cascading peer dynamics underlying the progression from problem behavior to violence in early to late adolescence,2010,22,3,603-619,Dishion Competence and psychopathology: cascade effects in the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development,2010,22,3,557-567,Roisman Psychopathology as adaptive development along distinctive pathways,1997,9,4,749-779,Noam Substance use changes and social role transitions: proximal developmental effects on ongoing trajectories from late adolescence through early adulthood,2010,22,4,917-932,Schulenberg Developmental cascades: linking adolescent substance use affiliation with substance use promoting peers and academic achievement to adult substance use disorders,2010,22,4,899-916,Chassin From child maltreatment to adolescent cannabis abuse and dependence: a developmental cascade model,2010,22,4,883-897,Cicchetti Translational research on early language development: current challenges and future directions,2006,18,3,737-757,Beeghly Domestic violence is associated with environmental suppression of IQ in young children,2003,15,2,297-311,Moffitt The relative efficacy of two interventions in altering maltreated preschool children's representational models: implications for attachment theory,2002,14,4,877-908,Cicchetti What violence prevention research can tell us about developmental psychopathology,2002,14,4,713-729,Tolan Effects of early stress on brain structure and function: implications for understanding the relationship between child maltreatment and depression,2001,13,3,451-471,Kaufman Problem behavior: the double symptom of adolescence,2000,12,4,763-793,Siegel Relational Psychotherapy Mothers' Group: a developmentally informed intervention for at-risk mothers,2000,12,2,235-253,Luthar Bipolar depression: diagnostic and treatment considerations,2006,18,4,1213-1230,Thase Psychological autonomic and serotonergic correlates of parasuicide among adolescent girls,2005,17,4,1105-1127,Beauchaine The development of impulsivity and suicidality in borderline personality disorder,2005,17,4,1091-1104,Paris Exposure to peer delinquency as a mediator between self-report pubertal timing and delinquency: A longitudinal study of mediation,2011,23,1,293-304,Ji Individual differences in the development of early peer aggression: Integrating contributions of self-regulation theory of mind and parenting,2011,23,1,253-266,Olson Child and context characteristics in trajectories of physical and relational victimization among early elementary school children,2011,23,1,239-252,Leadbeater Hippocampal volume and sensitivity to maternal aggressive behavior: A prospective study of adolescent depressive symptoms,2011,23,1,115-129,Yücel Multiple maltreatment experiences and adolescent behavior problems: adolescents' perspectives,1997,9,1,131-149,McGee A positive view of self: risk or protection for aggressive children?,1997,9,1,75-94,Hughes Victimized children's responses to peers' aggression: behaviors associated with reduced versus continued victimization,1997,9,1,59-73,Ladd The impact of classroom aggression on the development of aggressive behavior problems in children,2006,18,2,471-487,Bierman The implications of emotional security theory for understanding and treating childhood psychopathology,2006,18,3,707-735,Davies Nature X nurture: genetic vulnerabilities interact with physical maltreatment to promote conduct problems,2005,17,1,67-84,Moffitt Emotion understanding and theory of mind among maltreated children in foster care: evidence of deficits,2005,17,1,47-65,Pears Developmental foundations of externalizing problems in young children: the role of effortful control,2005,17,1,25-45,Kerr Deviancy training and association with deviant peers in young children: ocurrence and contribution to early-onset conduct problems,2005,17,2,397-413,Stoolmiller Use of harsh physical discipline and developmental outcomes in adolescence,2007,19,1,227-242,Allen A short-term longitudinal study of growth of relational aggression during middle childhood: associations with gender friendship intimacy and internalizing problems,2007,19,1,187-203,Crick The joint development of physical and indirect aggression: Predictors of continuity and change during childhood,2007,19,1,37-55,Tremblay Developmental psychopathology and neurobiology of aggression,2005,17,4,1151-1171,Gollan Moderating effects of family environment on the association between children's aggressive beliefs and their aggression trajectories from childhood to adolescence,2009,21,1,189-205,Watson Neighborhoods and genes and everything in between: understanding adolescent aggression in social and biological contexts,2009,21,3,961-973,Hart Triarchic conceptualization of psychopathy: developmental origins of disinhibition boldness and meanness,2009,21,3,913-938,Patrick Adolescent attachment and trajectories of hostile-impulsive behavior: implications for the development of personality disorders,2009,21,3,839-851,Kobak Neurodevelopmental factors associated with schizotypal symptoms among adolescents at risk for schizophrenia,2009,21,4,1195-1210,Asarnow Antisocial behavior from a developmental psychopathology perspective,2009,21,4,1111-1131,Viding Peer group victimization as a predictor of children's behavior problems at home and in school,1998,10,1,87-99,Bates Factors associated with abusive relationships among maltreated and nonmaltreated youth,1998,10,1,61-85,Lefebvre The role of child maltreatment and attachment style in adolescent relationship violence,1998,10,3,571-586,Wolfe Distorted perceptions in dyadic interactions of aggressive and nonaggressive boys: effects of prior expectations context and boys' age,1998,10,3,495-512,Dodge The implications of different developmental patterns of disruptive behavior problems for school adjustment. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group,1998,10,3,451-467,Stormshak Attenuation of cortisol across development for victims of sexual abuse,2010,22,1,165-175,Noll Attachment security and disorganization in maltreating and high-risk families: a series of meta-analyses,2010,22,1,87-108,van Ijzendoorn The quality of peer relationships among children exposed to family violence,2001,13,1,83-96,McCloskey A longitudinal examination of the associations between mothers' and sons' attributions and their aggression,2001,13,1,69-81,Lamb Maternal prenatal postpartum and concurrent stressors and temperament in 3-year-olds: a person and variable analysis,2001,13,3,629-652,Susman Developmental effects of early immune stress on aggressive socially reactive and inhibited behaviors,2001,13,3,599-610,Granger Developmental vulnerabilities to the onset and course of bipolar disorder,2001,13,3,581-598,Post Developmental traumatology: the psychobiological development of maltreated children and its implications for research treatment and policy,2001,13,3,539-564,De Bellis Low cortisol and a flattening of expected daytime rhythm: potential indices of risk in human development,2001,13,3,515-538,Vázquez Stress and development: behavioral and biological consequences,2001,13,3,473-489,Vermetten The development of dissociation in maltreated preschool-aged children,2001,13,2,233-254,Cicchetti Child abuse and neglect and the development of mental disorders in the general population,2001,13,4,981-999,Cohen The importance of timing: the varying impact of childhood and adolescent maltreatment on multiple problem outcomes,2001,13,4,957-979,Smith Maltreatment of boys and the development of disruptive and delinquent behavior,2001,13,4,941-955,Stouthamer-Loeber Pathways from child maltreatment to internalizing problems: perceptions of control as mediators and moderators,2001,13,4,913-940,Patterson The timing of child physical maltreatment: a cross-domain growth analysis of impact on adolescent externalizing and internalizing problems,2001,13,4,891-912,Bates Childhood maltreatment posttraumatic stress symptomatology and adolescent dating violence: considering the value of adolescent perceptions of abuse and a trauma mediational model,2001,13,4,847-871,Wolfe Multiple maltreatment attribution of blame and adjustment among adolescents,2001,13,4,827-846,Olson The effect of physical abuse on children's social and affective status: a model of cognitive and behavioral processes explaining the association,2001,13,4,805-825,Salzinger The impact of child maltreatment and psychopathology on neuroendocrine functioning,2001,13,4,783-804,Cicchetti Dimensions of child maltreatment and children's adjustment: contributions of developmental timing and subtype,2001,13,4,759-782,Cicchetti Operationalizing child maltreatment: developmental processes and outcomes,2001,13,4,755-757,Cicchetti Resilience among abused and neglected children grown up,2001,13,4,1021-1038,Widom Variants of intrafamilial sexual abuse experience: implications for short- and long-term development,2001,13,4,1001-1019,Putnam An integrative approach to the neurophysiological substrates of social withdrawal and aggression,2004,16,1,69-93,Olson Temperament profiles associated with internalizing and externalizing problems in preadolescence,2004,16,2,421-440,Veenstra Children's emotion processing: relations to emotionality and aggression,2004,16,2,371-387,Schultz Emotion understanding in postinstitutionalized Eastern European children,2004,16,2,355-369,Pollak The expression and regulation of negative emotions: risk factors for young children's peer victimization,2004,16,2,335-353,Eisenberg Forming attachments in foster care: infant attachment behaviors during the first 2 months of placement,2004,16,2,253-271,Dozier When the course of aggressive behavior in childhood does not predict antisocial outcomes in adolescence and young adulthood: an examination of potential explanatory variables,2004,16,4,919-941,Poduska A longitudinal analysis of patterns of adjustment following peer victimization,2002,14,1,69-89,Guerra Males on the life-course-persistent and adolescence-limited antisocial pathways: follow-up at age 26 years,2002,14,1,179-207,Moffitt Contextual social-cognitive mediators and child outcome: a test of the theoretical model in the Coping Power program,2002,14,4,945-967,Wells Effortful control as modifier of the association between negative emotionality and adolescents' mental health problems,2007,19,2,523-539,Verhulst Neurophysiological mechanisms of emotion regulation for subtypes of externalizing children,2007,19,2,455-480,Pepler Biological behavioral and relational levels of resilience in the context of risk for early childhood behavior problems,2007,19,3,675-700,Keane Accelerating the development of emotion competence in Head Start children: effects on adaptive and maladaptive behavior,2008,20,1,369-397,Trentacosta Longitudinal relations between parental drinking problems family functioning and child adjustment,2008,20,1,195-212,Cummings Defining risk heterogeneity for internalizing symptoms among children of alcoholic parents,2008,20,1,165-193,Zucker Smoking during pregnancy and offspring externalizing problems: an exploration of genetic and environmental confounds,2008,20,1,139-164,Lahey Young children's representations of conflict and distress: a longitudinal study of boys and girls with disruptive behavior problems,2008,20,1,99-119,Zahn-Waxler Trajectories of maternal depression over 7 years: relations with child psychophysiology and behavior and role of contextual risks,2008,20,1,55-77,Ashman Predicting aggressive behavior in the third year from infant reactivity and regulation as moderated by maternal behavior,2008,20,1,37-54,Crockenberg Developmental trajectories of boys' delinquent group membership and facilitation of violent behaviors during adolescence,2003,15,1,183-197,Tremblay A sense of containment: potential moderator of the relation between parenting practices and children's externalizing behaviors,2003,15,1,95-117,Cavell Do aggressive/destructive toddlers lack concern for others? Behavioral and physiological indicators of empathic responding in 2-year-old children,2003,15,1,55-71,Calkins A longitudinal behavioral genetic analysis of the etiology of aggressive and nonaggressive antisocial behavior,2003,15,2,383-402,Moffitt Life course turning points: the effect of grade retention on physical aggression,2003,15,2,343-361,Tremblay The role of attentional processes in children's prosocial behavior with peers: attention shifting and emotion,2003,15,2,313-329,Wilson False belief understanding in maltreated children,2003,15,4,1067-1091,Rogosch Factors influencing maltreated children's early adjustment in foster care,2000,12,1,63-81,Milan Emotion management skills in sexually maltreated and nonmaltreated girls: a developmental psychopathology perspective,2000,12,1,47-62,Champion Maternal prenatal smoking parental antisocial behavior and early childhood physical aggression,2008,20,2,437-453,Boivin Gene-environment interaction between peer victimization and child aggression,2008,20,2,455-471,Boivin Changes in the neural bases of emotion regulation associated with clinical improvement in children with behavior problems,2008,20,3,913-939,Pepler The role of the amygdala in bipolar disorder development,2008,20,4,1285-1296,Chang The development of antisocial behavior: what can we learn from functional neuroimaging studies?,2008,20,4,1145-1159,Blair Motherhood during the teen years: a developmental perspective on risk factors for childbearing,1999,11,1,85-100,Miller-Johnson The effects of neonatal stress on brain development: implications for psychopathology,1999,11,3,545-565,Goodman Parent-infant interactions among families with alcoholic fathers,1999,11,4,745-762,Leonard Gonadal and adrenal hormones interact with pubertal maturation to predict depressive symptoms in a group of high-school females,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Josephs Delineating the developmental sequelae of children's risky involvement in interparental conflict,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davies Externalizing the threat from within: a new direction for researching associations between suicide and psychotic experiences,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moffitt Developmental processes in peer problems of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children With ADHD: developmental cascades and vicious cycles,2010,22,4,785-802,Wells Developmental cascades of peer rejection social information processing biases and aggression during middle childhood,2010,22,3,593-602,Dodge Aggression social competence and academic achievement in Chinese children: a 5-year longitudinal study,2010,22,3,583-592,Wang Neuroendocrine activity and memory-related impairments in posttraumatic stress disorder,1998,10,4,857-869,Yehuda Stress memory and emotion: developmental considerations from the study of child maltreatment,1998,10,4,811-828,Pollak The effects of stress and trauma on brain and memory: a view from developmental cognitive neuroscience,1998,10,4,793-809,Nelson Repression: a mistaken impression?,1998,10,4,781-792,Joslyn The fate of traumatic memories in childhood and adulthood,1998,10,4,761-780,Christianson Trauma mental representation and the organization of memory for mother-referent material,1998,10,4,739-759,Lynch Trauma memory and suggestibility in children,1998,10,4,717-738,Goodman Children's recollections of traumatic and nontraumatic events,1998,10,4,699-716,Fivush Individual differences in factors that modulate storage and retrieval of traumatic memories,1998,10,4,681-698,Howe Cognitive impact of traumatic events,1998,10,4,625-653,Bower Models of human memory and their implications for research on aging and psychopathology,1998,10,4,607-624,Estes Remembering forgetting and the effects of trauma on memory: a developmental psychopathology perspective,1998,10,4,589-605,Cicchetti Allostatic processes in the family,2011,23,3,921-938,Repetti Interparental aggression and children's adrenocortical reactivity: Testing an evolutionary model of allostatic load,2011,23,3,801-814,Davies Interactive effects of corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1 serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region and child maltreatment on diurnal cortisol regulation and internalizing symptomatology,2011,23,4,1125-1138,Rogosch Child maltreatment and allostatic load: Consequences for physical and mental health in children from low-income families,2011,23,4,1107-1124,Rogosch Prediction of externalizing behavior problems from early to middle childhood: the role of parental socialization and emotion expression,2000,12,1,23-45,Cole Impact of fathers on risky sexual behavior in daughters: A genetically and environmentally controlled sibling study,2012,24,1,317-332,Butler Change and reciprocity in adolescent aggressive and rule-breaking behaviors and parental support and dysfunctional discipline,2012,24,1,301-315,Dekovic The quality of the mother-child relationship in high-risk dyads: Application of the Emotional Availability Scales in an intergenerational longitudinal study,2012,24,1,93-105,Schwartzman Mothers' physical abusiveness in a context of violence: Effects on the mother-child relationship,2012,24,1,79-92,Urquiza The psychosocial characteristics of alcohol users versus problem users: data from a study of adolescents at risk,1999,11,2,321-348,Colder Prenatal teratogens and the development of adult mental illness,1999,11,3,457-466,Mednick Physiological correlates of peer victimization and aggression in African American urban adolescents,2012,24,2,637-650,Kliewer Dissociation between affective sharing and emotion understanding in juvenile psychopaths,2012,24,2,623-636,Decety Children and war: Risk resilience and recovery,2012,24,2,553-558,Werner Adapting to aging out: Profiles of risk and resilience among emancipated foster youth,2012,24,2,475-492,Yates Gene × Environment interaction and resilience: Effects of child maltreatment and serotonin corticotropin releasing hormone dopamine and oxytocin genes,2012,24,2,411-427,Rogosch Mothering fathering and infant negativity as antecedents of boys' externalizing problems and inhibition at age 3 years: Differential susceptibility to rearing experience?,1998,10,2,301-319,Belsky Resilience in maltreated children: Processes leading to adaptive outcome,1993,5,4,629-647,Rogosch Covert antisocial behavior peer deviancy training parenting processes and sex differences in the development of antisocial behavior during childhood,2012,24,3,1117-1138,Schrepferman Reconceptualizing antisocial deviance in neurobehavioral terms,2012,24,3,1047-1071,Patrick Paranoid thinking suspicion and risk for aggression: A neurodevelopmental perspective,2012,24,3,1031-1046,Tone Emotion regulation in children with behavior problems: Linking behavioral and brain processes,2012,24,3,1019-1029,Granic Instantiating the multiple levels of analysis perspective in a program of study on externalizing behavior,2012,24,3,1003-1018,Beauchaine Aggression as an equifinal outcome of distinct neurocognitive and neuroaffective processes,2012,24,3,985-1002,Greenberg The effects of child maltreatment on early signs of antisocial behavior: Genetic moderation by tryptophan hydroxylase serotonin transporter and monoamine oxidase A genes,2012,24,3,907-928,Rogosch Temperamental exuberance and executive function predict propensity for risk taking in childhood,2012,24,3,847-856,Fox Pathways and processes of risk in associations among maternal antisocial personality symptoms interparental aggression and preschooler's psychopathology,2012,24,3,807-832,Davies Toward a new understanding of legacy of early attachments for future antisocial trajectories: Evidence from two longitudinal studies,2012,24,3,783-806,Kochanska Association between a marker for prenatal testosterone exposure and externalizing behavior problems in children,2012,24,3,771-782,Raine Externalizing problems attention regulation and household chaos: A longitudinal behavioral genetic study,2012,24,3,755-769,Deater-Deckard Advancing paternal age and offspring violent offending: A sibling-comparison study,2012,24,3,739-753,Långström Childhood maltreatment and illicit drug use in middle adulthood: The role of neighborhood characteristics,2012,24,3,723-738,Chauhan The neurobiology of oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder: Altered functioning in three mental domains,2013,25,1,193-207,Matthys Maternal separation with early weaning: A rodent model providing novel insights into neglect associated developmental deficits,2012,24,4,1401-1416,Carlyle Resilience and measured gene-environment interactions,2012,24,4,1297-1306,Kim-Cohen The role of limbic system irritability in linking history of childhood maltreatment and psychiatric outcomes in low-income high-risk women: Moderation by FK506 binding protein 5 haplotype,2012,24,4,1237-1252,Rogosch Four factors for the initiation of substance use by young adulthood: A 10-year follow-up twin and sibling study of marital conflict monitoring siblings and peers,2013,25,1,133-149,Neiderhiser Evidence of gene-environment correlation for peer difficulties: Disruptive behaviors predict early peer relation difficulties in school through genetic effects,2013,25,1,79-92,Boivin From boys to men: predicting adult adaptation from middle childhood sociometric status,2004,16,2,441-459,Dishion Do parents respond in different ways when children feel different emotions? The emotional context of parenting,2005,17,2,467-487,O'Neal Historical variation in drug use trajectories across the transition to adulthood: The trend toward lower intercepts and steeper ascending slopes,2013,25,2,527-543,Schulenberg Emotional reactivity and the association between psychopathy-linked narcissism and aggression in detained adolescent boys,2013,25,2,473-485,Frick Interactive contributions of self-regulation deficits and social motivation to psychopathology: Unraveling divergent pathways to aggressive behavior and depressive symptoms,2013,25,2,407-418,Rudolph Chronic bullying victimization across school transitions: The role of genetic and environmental influences,2013,25,2,333-346,Moffitt Maternal sensitivity buffers the adrenocortical implications of intimate partner violence exposure during early childhood,2011,23,2,689-701,Granger Interparental aggression attention skills and early childhood behavior problems,2011,23,2,563-576,Stifter Do positive and negative temperament traits interact in predicting risk for depression? A resting EEG study of 329 preschoolers,2011,23,2,551-562,Olino Risky shifts: How the timing and course of mothers' depressive symptoms across the perinatal period shape their own and infant's stress response profiles,2011,23,2,521-538,Laurent The impact of sexual abuse on female development: Lessons from a multigenerational longitudinal research study,2011,23,2,453-476,Noll School-based strategies to prevent violence trauma and psychopathology: The challenges of going to scale,2011,23,2,411-421,Aber The effects of child maltreatment and polymorphisms of the serotonin transporter and dopamine D4 receptor genes on infant attachment and intervention efficacy,2011,23,2,357-372,Rogosch Deconstructing the externalizing spectrum: Growth patterns of overt aggression covert aggression oppositional behavior impulsivity/inattention and emotion dysregulation between school entry and early adolescence,2013,25,3,817-842,Dodge Relational aggression victimization and adjustment during middle childhood,2013,25,3,801-815,Ostrov Prospective developmental subtypes of alcohol dependence from age 18 to 32 years: Implications for nosology etiology and intervention,2013,25,3,785-800,Moffitt Contextual risk and promotive processes in Puerto Rican youths' internalizing trajectories in Puerto Rico and New York,2013,25,3,755-771,Bird A theoretical model of continuity in anxiety and links to academic achievement in disaster-exposed school children,2013,25,3,729-737,Weems Effects of family cohesion and heart rate reactivity on aggressive/rule-breaking behavior and prosocial behavior in adolescence: The Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey study,2013,25,3,699-712,Veenstra Longitudinal relations between sectarian and nonsectarian community violence and child adjustment in Northern Ireland,2013,25,3,615-627,Cairns Vulnerability to depression: A moderated mediation model of the roles of child maltreatment peer victimization and serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region genetic variation among children from low socioeconomic status backgrounds,2013,25,3,599-614,Crick A developmental and clinical model for the prevention of conduct disorder: The FAST Track program,1992,4,4,509-527, Violent communities family choices and children's chances: An algorithm for improving the odds,1993,5,4,609-628,Martinez Leaders and Followers in Adolescent Close Friendships: Susceptibility to Peer Influence as a Predictor of Risky Behavior Friendship Instability and Depression,2006,18,1,155-172,Allen Trajectories of multiple adolescent health risk behaviors in a low-income African American population,2013,25,4 Pt 1,1155-1169,Bolland Psychological maltreatment: definitional limitations and unstated assumptions,1991,3,1,31-36,Belsky Maturing out of alcohol involvement: Transitions in latent drinking statuses from late adolescence to adulthood,2013,25,4 Pt 1,1137-1153,Chassin Dopamine receptor D4 gene moderates the effect of positive and negative peer experiences on later delinquency: The Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey study,2013,25,4 Pt 1,1107-1117,Verhulst Blunted feedback processing during risky decision making in adolescents with a parental history of substance use disorders,2013,25,4 Pt 1,1119-1136,Crowley The Role of Social Context in the Prevention of Conduct Disorder,1994,5,1-2,263-275,Coie The dynamics of two-session interviews with suspected victims of abuse who are reluctant to make allegations,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hershkowitz Developmental timing and continuity of exposure to interparental violence and externalizing behavior as prospective predictors of dating violence,2013,25,4 Pt 1,973-990,Egeland Childhood exposure to violence and lifelong health: Clinical intervention science and stress-biology research join forces,2013,25,4 Pt 2,1619-1634,Moffitt Relational interventions for child maltreatment: Past present and future perspectives,2013,25,4 Pt 2,1601-1617,Cicchetti Comorbidities and continuities as ontogenic processes: Toward a developmental spectrum model of externalizing psychopathology,2013,25,4 Pt 2,1505-1528,Beauchaine Attention deficits and hyperactivity-impulsivity: What have we learned what next?,2013,25,4 Pt 2,1489-1503,Nigg The developmental psychopathology of irritability,2013,25,4 Pt 2,1473-1487,Leibenluft Adolescent brain development in normality and psychopathology,2013,25,4 Pt 2,1325-1345,Luciana Developmental psychopathology: A paradigm shift or just a relabeling?,2013,25,4 Pt 2,1201-1213,Rutter A longitudinal study of several potential mediators of the relationship between child maltreatment and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms,2014,26,1,81-91,Noll Early adolescent alcohol use in context: How neighborhoods parents and peers impact youth,2014,26,2,425-436,Lengua Coercive family process and early-onset conduct problems from age 2 to school entry,2014,26,4 Pt 1,917-932,Dishion Impulsivity risk taking and cortisol reactivity as a function of psychosocial stress and personality in adolescents,2014,26,4 Pt 1,1093-1111,Verona Victims bullies and their defenders: a longitudinal study of the coevolution of positive and negative networks,2014,26,3,645-659,Veenstra A longitudinal examination of mothers' and fathers' social information processing biases and harsh discipline in nine countries,2014,26,3,561-573,Dodge Impact of physical maltreatment on the regulation of negative affect and aggression,2014,26,4 Pt 1,1021-1033,Shackman Autonomic reactivity in relation to attachment and early adversity among foster children,2010,22,1,109-118,Schuengel Impulsivity risk taking and cortisol reactivity as a function of psychosocial stress and personality in adolescents-CORRIGENDUM,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Verona Associations between trajectories of perceived racial discrimination and psychological symptoms among African American adolescents,2014,26,4 Pt 1,1049-1065,Lambert Developmental transitions in presentations of externalizing problems among boys and girls at risk for child maltreatment,2014,27,1,205-219,Hussey Viewing relational aggression through multiple lenses: temperament personality and personality pathology,2014,26,3,863-877,Tackett Testing an equifinality model of nonsuicidal self-injury among early adolescent girls,2014,26,3,851-862,Keenan Predicting borderline personality disorder symptoms in adolescents from childhood physical and relational aggression depression and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2014,26,3,817-830,Vaillancourt Borderline personality features in childhood: the role of subtype developmental timing and chronicity of child maltreatment,2014,26,3,805-815,Crick Borderline personality features as a predictor of forms and functions of aggression during middle childhood: examining the roles of gender and physiological reactivity,2014,26,3,789-804,Crick Parenting relational aggression and borderline personality features: associations over time in a Russian longitudinal sample,2014,26,3,773-787,Coyne Social cognitions distress and leadership self-efficacy: associations with aggression for high-risk minority youth,2014,26,3,759-772,Hausman Relational aggression and psychological control in the sibling relationship: mediators of the association between maternal psychological control and adolescents' emotional adjustment,2014,26,3,749-758,Rose Dwelling on it may make it worse: The links between relational victimization relational aggression rumination and depressive symptoms in adolescents,2014,26,3,735-747,Crick Moving against and away from the world: the adolescent legacy of peer victimization,2014,26,3,721-734,Rudolph Profiles of the forms and functions of self-reported aggression in three adolescent samples,2014,26,3,705-720,Frick Why the bully/victim relationship is so pernicious: a gendered perspective on power and animosity among bullies and their victims,2014,26,3,689-704,Rodkin Heightened emotional sensitivity intensifies associations between relational aggression and victimization among girls but not boys: A longitudinal study,2014,26,3,661-673,Zimmer-Gembeck Aggression hostile attributions status and gender: a continued quest,2014,26,3,635-644,Cillessen Physiological stress reactivity and physical and relational aggression: the moderating roles of victimization type of stressor and child gender,2014,26,3,589-603,Crick A gender-balanced approach to the study of peer victimization and aggression subtypes in early childhood,2014,26,3,575-587,Ostrov Experimentation versus progression in adolescent drug use: A test of an emerging neurobehavioral imbalance model,2014,27,3,901-913,Romer Describing and predicting developmental profiles of externalizing problems from childhood to adulthood,2014,27,3,791-818,Dodge Cumulative childhood risk and adult functioning in abused and neglected children grown up,2014,27,3,927-941,Widom Poverty household chaos and interparental aggression predict children's ability to recognize and modulate negative emotions,2014,27,3,695-708,Blair The emergence and evolution of infant externalizing behavior,2014,27,3,663-680,Slep The role of anxiety in the development maintenance and treatment of childhood aggression,2014,26,4 Pt 2,1515-1530,Granic Multilevel risk factors and developmental assets for internalizing symptoms and self-esteem in disadvantaged adolescents: modeling longitudinal trajectories from the Rural Adaptation Project,2014,26,4 Pt 2,1495-1513,Guo Regulating sadness and fear from outside and within: mothers' emotion socialization and adolescents' parasympathetic regulation predict the development of internalizing difficulties,2014,26,4 Pt 2,1369-1384,Zahn-Waxler Genetic moderation of child maltreatment effects on depression and internalizing symptoms by serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) norepinephrine transporter (NET) and corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1) genes in African American children,2014,26,4 Pt 2,1219-1239,Rogosch Familial influences on internalizing symptomatology in Latino adolescents: an ecological analysis of parent mental health and acculturation dynamics,2014,26,4 Pt 2,1191-1207,Smokowski Early-adult correlates of maltreatment in girls with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: increased risk for internalizing symptoms and suicidality,2015,28,1,1-14,Hinshaw Neural correlates of cognitive and affective processing in maltreated youth with posttraumatic stress symptoms: does gender matter?,2014,26,2,491-513,Huettel Oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism perceived social support and psychological symptoms in maltreated adolescents,2014,26,2,465-477,Rogosch Contributions of magnetic resonance spectroscopy to understanding development: potential applications in the study of adolescent alcohol use and abuse,2014,26,2,405-423,Silveri Maternal parenting predicts infant biobehavioral regulation among women with a history of childhood maltreatment,2014,26,2,379-392,Seng The influence of prenatal intimate partner violence exposure on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity and childhood internalizing and externalizing symptoms,2015,28,1,55-72,Levendosky Cognitive impulsivity and the development of delinquency from late childhood to early adulthood: Moderating effects of parenting behavior and peer relationships,2015,28,1,167-183,Pardini Child maltreatment inflammation and internalizing symptoms: investigating the roles of C-reactive protein gene variation and neuroendocrine regulation,2015,27,2,553-566,Rogosch Plasticity of risky decision making among maltreated adolescents: evidence from a randomized controlled trial,2015,27,2,535-551,Kim Childhood maltreatment and its effect on neurocognitive functioning: timing and chronicity matter,2015,27,2,521-533,Rogosch Beating the brain about abuse: Empirical and meta-analytic studies of the association between maltreatment and hippocampal volume across childhood and adolescence,2015,27,2,507-520,van Ijzendoorn The theory of latent vulnerability: reconceptualizing the link between childhood maltreatment and psychiatric disorder,2015,27,2,493-505,Viding Exposure to early adversity: Points of cross-species translation that can lead to improved understanding of depression,2015,27,2,477-491,Andersen Prenatal tobacco exposure and self-regulation in early childhood: Implications for developmental psychopathology,2015,27,2,397-409,de Jong Neural responses to monetary incentives among self-injuring adolescent girls,2015,28,1,277-291,Beauchaine Neural mediators of the intergenerational transmission of family aggression,2015,28,2,595-606,Margolin Child personality facets and overreactive parenting as predictors of aggression and rule-breaking trajectories from childhood to adolescence,2015,28,2,399-413,Dekovic Primary and secondary variants of juvenile psychopathy differ in emotional processing,2012,24,3,1091-1103,Skeem Variability in diurnal testosterone exposure to violence and antisocial behavior in young adolescents,2015,27,4 Pt 1,1341-1352,Susman The effects of violence exposure on the development of impulse control and future orientation across adolescence and early adulthood: time-specific and generalized effects in a sample of juvenile offenders,2015,27,4 Pt 1,1267-1283,Chassin Emerging psychopathology moderates upward social mobility: the intergenerational (dis)continuity of socioeconomic status,2015,27,4 Pt 1,1217-1236,Schwartzman Child fear reactivity and sex as moderators of links between parenting and preschool behavior problems,2015,27,4 Pt 1,1179-1190,Scaramella Emergent patterns of risk for psychopathology: the influence of infant avoidance and maternal caregiving on trajectories of social reticence,2015,27,4 Pt 1,1163-1178,Fox Take your mind off it: Coping style serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region genotype (5-HTTLPR) and children's internalizing and externalizing problems,2015,27,4 Pt 1,1129-1143,Belsky Social and economic antecedents and consequences of adolescent aggressive personality: predictions from the interactionist model,2015,27,4 Pt 1,1111-1127,Conger Violent peer influence: the roles of self-esteem and psychopathic traits,2015,27,4 Pt 1,1077-1088,Van Zalk Mutual influences between child emotion regulation and parent-child reciprocity support development across the first 10 years of life: implications for developmental psychopathology,2015,27,4 Pt 1,1007-1023,Feldman Child maltreatment impulsivity and antisocial behavior in African American children: moderation effects from a cumulative dopaminergic gene index,2015,27,4 Pt 2,1621-1636,Rogosch Lower structural integrity of the uncinate fasciculus is associated with a history of child maltreatment and future psychological vulnerability to stress,2015,27,4,1611-1619,Hariri Child maltreatment callous-unemotional traits and defensive responding in high-risk children: an investigation of emotion-modulated startle response,2015,27,4 Pt 2,1527-1545,Rogosch Maternal elaborative reminiscing mediates the effect of child maltreatment on behavioral and physiological functioning,2015,27,4 Pt 2,1515-1526,Cummings Symptoms of major depressive disorder subsequent to child maltreatment: Examining change across multiple levels of analysis to identify transdiagnostic risk pathways,2015,27,4,1503-1514,Shenk Developmental pathways from child maltreatment to adolescent marijuana dependence: examining moderation by FK506 binding protein 5 gene (FKBP5),2015,27,4,1489-1502,Rogosch A multilevel prediction of physiological response to challenge: interactions among child maltreatment neighborhood crime endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene (eNOS) and GABA(A) receptor subunit alpha-6 gene (GABRA6),2015,27,4,1471-1487,Manly Intergenerational transmission of maltreatment: a multilevel examination,2015,27,4,1429-1442,Leve Individual family and culture level contributions to child physical abuse and neglect: a longitudinal study in nine countries,2015,27,4,1417-1428,Dodge Measuring adolescents' exposure to victimization: the Environmental Risk (E-Risk) Longitudinal Twin Study,2015,27,4,1399-1416,Moffitt Multilevel developmental approaches to understanding the effects of child maltreatment: recent advances and future challenges,2015,27,4,1387-1397,Pollak Multilevel developmental perspectives on child maltreatment,2015,27,4,1385-1386,Cicchetti Identifying the temperamental roots of children's patterns of security in the interparental relationship,2015,28,2,355-370,Davies Children of the postwar years: a two-generational multilevel risk assessment of child psychopathology in northern Uganda,2015,28,2,607-620,Neuner A neuroscience perspective on sexual risk behavior in adolescence and emerging adulthood,2015,28,2,471-487,Hariri The moderating role of parenting on the relationship between psychopathy and antisocial behavior in adolescence,2015,28,2,505-515,Stattin Associations among child abuse mental health and epigenetic modifications in the proopiomelanocortin gene (POMC): a study with children in Tanzania,2016,28,4 Pt 2,1401-1412,Elbert Substance use to regulate intense posttraumatic shame in individuals with childhood abuse and neglect,2016,29,3,737-749,Barnow Trajectories of marijuana use from late childhood to late adolescence: can temperament × experience interactions discriminate different trajectories of marijuana use?,2016,29,3,775-790,Colder Bullying development across adolescence its antecedents outcomes and gender-specific patterns,2016,29,3,941-955,Veenstra From alcohol initiation to tolerance to problems: discordant twin modeling of a developmental process,2016,29,3,845-861,Bucholz Developmental cascade models of a parenting-focused program for divorced families on mental health problems and substance use in emerging adulthood,2016,28,3,869-888,Tein Romantic relationships and alcohol use: a long-term developmental perspective,2016,28,3,773-789,Dodge The interplay among socioeconomic status household chaos and parenting in the prediction of child conduct problems and callous-unemotional behaviors,2016,28,3,757-771,Willoughby Predicting sexual coercion in early adulthood: the transaction among maltreatment gang affiliation and adolescent socialization of coercive relationship norms,2016,28,3,707-720,Dishion Childhood adversity and epigenetic regulation of glucocorticoid signaling genes: associations in children and adults,2016,28,4 Pt 2,1319-1331,Tyrka Testing the biological embedding hypothesis: is early life adversity associated with a later proinflammatory phenotype?,2016,28,4 Pt 2,1273-1283,Chen An investigation of child maltreatment and epigenetic mechanisms of mental and physical health risk,2016,28,4 Pt 2,1305-1317,Rogosch Neural predictors of alcohol use and psychopathology symptoms in adolescents,2016,28,4 Pt 1,1209-1216,Tapert Mechanisms of comorbidity continuity and discontinuity in anxiety-related disorders,2016,28,4 Pt 1,1053-1069,Corr The dynamics of internalizing and externalizing comorbidity across the early school years,2016,28,4 Pt 1,1033-1052,Gatzke-Kopp Development of self-inflicted injury: comorbidities and continuities with borderline and antisocial personality traits,2016,28,4 Pt 1,1071-1088,Crowell The neurobiology of self-processing in abused depressed adolescents,2016,29,3,1057-1073,Pfeifer The interactive effects of child maltreatment and the FK506 binding protein 5 gene (FKBP5) on dissociative symptoms in adolescence,2016,29,3,1105-1117,Rogosch Maternal abuse history and reduced fetal heart rate variability: abuse-related sleep disturbance is a mediator,2016,29,3,1023-1034,Monk Risk and protective factors for comorbid internalizing and externalizing problems among economically disadvantaged African American youth,2016,29,3,1043-1056,Kertes Longitudinal phenotypes for alcoholism: heterogeneity of course early identifiers and life course correlates,2016,28,4 Pt 2,1531-1546,Jester The long-term effectiveness of the Family Check-Up on school-age conduct problems: moderation by neighborhood deprivation,2016,28,4 Pt 2,1471-1486,Dishion Early unpredictability predicts increased adolescent externalizing behaviors and substance use: A life history perspective,2016,28,4 Pt 2,1505-1516,Simpson Empathy as a "risky strength": a multilevel examination of empathy and risk for internalizing disorders-CORRIGENDUM,2016,28,4 Pt 2,e1567,Tone Developmental and social-ecological perspectives on children political violence and armed conflict,2016,29,1,1-10,Cummings Children's exposure to violent political conflict stimulates aggression at peers by increasing emotional distress aggressive script rehearsal and normative beliefs favoring aggression,2016,29,1,39-50,Huesmann Promoting children's learning and development in conflict-affected countries: testing change process in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,2016,29,1,53-67,Aber Emotional insecurity about the community: a dynamic within-person mediator of child adjustment in contexts of political violence,2016,29,1,27-36,Cummings Building a translational science on children and youth affected by political violence and armed conflict: a commentary,2016,29,1,79-84,Masten Methodological considerations for research on ethnopolitical violence,2016,29,1,71-77,Little Risk and protective factors for comorbid internalizing and externalizing problems among economically disadvantaged African American youth,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kertes Disrupting intergenerational continuity in harsh parenting: Self-control and a supportive partner,2016,29,4,1279-1287,Conger Suicide ideation among high-risk adolescent females: examining the interplay between parasympathetic regulation and friendship support,2016,29,4,1161-1175,Nock Affective startle potentiation differentiates primary and secondary variants of juvenile psychopathy,2016,29,4,1149-1160,Fanti Trajectories of child externalizing problems between ages 3 and 10 years: Contributions of children's early effortful control theory of mind and parenting experiences,2017,29,4,1333-1351,Olson Chronic peer victimization heightens neural sensitivity to risk taking,2018,30,1,13-26,Rudolph Caregiver maltreatment causes altered neuronal DNA methylation in female rodents,2017,29,2,477-489,Roth Attachment states of mind and inferred childhood experiences in maltreated and comparison adolescents from low-income families,2017,29,2,337-345,Rogosch Preoccupied but not dismissing attachment states of mind are associated with nonsuicidal self-injury,2017,29,2,379-388,Cloutier Are impairments in emotion recognition a core feature of callous-unemotional traits? Testing the primary versus secondary variants model in children,2018,30,1,67-77,Dadds Social-ecological predictors of externalizing behavior trajectories in at-risk youth,2018,30,1,255-266,Martinez-Torteya Out of harm's way: secure versus insecure-disorganized attachment predicts less adolescent risk taking related to childhood poverty,2018,30,1,283-296,Laurent Serotonin functioning and adolescents' alcohol use: a genetically informed study examining mechanisms of risk,2018,30,1,213-233,Chassin Externalizing behavior severity in youths with callous-unemotional traits corresponds to patterns of amygdala activity and connectivity during judgments of causing fear,2018,30,1,191-201,Marsh Impulsivity as a mechanism linking child abuse and neglect with substance use in adolescence and adulthood,2018,30,2,417-435,Mackillop Joint trajectories of depression and perfectionism across adolescence and childhood risk factors,2018,30,2,461-477,Vaillancourt Externalizing behavior severity in youths with callous-unemotional traits corresponds to patterns of amygdala activity and connectivity during judgments of causing fear - CORRIGENDUM,2018,30,2,717-718,Marsh History of child maltreatment and telomere length in immune cell subsets: associations with stress- and attachment-related hormones,2018,30,2,539-551,Kolassa Dopamine receptor D2 (DRD2) dopamine transporter solute carrier family C6 member 4 (SLC6A3) and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) genes as moderators of the relation between maternal history of maltreatment and infant emotion regulation,2018,30,2,581-592,Wekerle Effects of a school readiness intervention on hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis functioning and school adjustment for children in foster care,2018,30,2,651-664,Kim Developmental pathways from maltreatment to risk behavior: sexual behavior as a catalyst,2018,30,2,683-693,Negriff Early childhood parenting and child impulsivity as precursors to aggression substance use and risky sexual behavior in adolescence and early adulthood,2018,30,4,1305-1319,Shaw Violence exposure and neural systems underlying working memory for emotional stimuli in youth,2018,30,4,1517-1528,McLaughlin Does striving to succeed come at a physiological or psychosocial cost for adults who experienced child maltreatment?,2017,29,5,1905-1919,Miller From child maltreatment to emerging adult problem drinking:identification of a multilevel internalizing pathway among African American youth,2017,29,5,1807-1821,Rogosch Childhood maltreatment moderates the effect of combat exposure on cingulum structural integrity,2017,29,5,1735-1747,Germain A neurocomputational investigation of reinforcement-based decision making as a candidate latent vulnerability mechanism in maltreated children,2017,29,5,1689-1705,Viding Reward sensitivity impulse control and social cognition as mediators of the link between childhood family adversity and externalizing behavior in eight countries,2017,29,5,1675-1688,Steinberg Cumulative prenatal exposure to adversity reveals associations with a broad range of neurodevelopmental outcomes that are moderated by a novel biologically informed polygenetic score based on the serotonin transporter solute carrier family C6 member 4 (SLC6A4) gene expression,2017,29,5,1601-1617,Meaney Dynamic stress-related epigenetic regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene promoter during early development: the role of child maltreatment,2017,29,5,1635-1648,Seifer Stress exposure and psychopathology alter methylation of the serotonin receptor 2A (HTR2A) gene in preschoolers,2017,29,5,1619-1626,Seifer Shaping long-term primate development: telomere length trajectory as an indicator of early maternal maltreatment and predictor of future physiologic regulation,2017,29,5,1539-1551,Sanchez Intergenerational transmission of violence: the mediating role of adolescent psychopathology symptoms,2019,31,1,233-245,Capaldi Distinct emotion regulation skills explain psychopathology and problems in social relationships following childhood emotional abuse and neglect,2019,31,2,483-496,Berzenski Allocation of attention to scenes of peer harassment: visual-cognitive moderators of the link between peer victimization and aggression,2019,31,2,525-540,Troop-Gordon Maternal depression in the intergenerational transmission of childhood maltreatment and its sequelae: testing postpartum effects in a longitudinal birth cohort,2019,31,1,143-156,Moffitt Enduring effect of childhood maltreatment on cortisol and heart rate responses to stress: the moderating role of severity of experiences,2019,31,2,497-508,Brendgen Brain structural covariance network centrality in maltreated youth with PTSD and in maltreated youth resilient to PTSD,2019,31,2,557-571,Morey The interaction between monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) and childhood maltreatment as a predictor of personality pathology in females: emotional reactivity as a potential mediating mechanism - ERRATUM,2019,31,1,393,Keenan Understanding the link between exposure to violence and aggression in justice-involved adolescents,2018,30,2,593-603,Steinberg Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) sequencing and developmental delay: preliminary evidence for a SNP in the 3' UTR region of the POMC gene-Possible relevance for biological risk and self-injurious behavior,2019,31,2,433-438,Symons Association of direct and indirect aggression and victimization with self-harm in young adolescents: a person-oriented approach,2019,31,2,727-739,Lundh Testosterone-cortisol dissociation in children exposed to prenatal maternal stress and relationship with aggression: Project Ice Storm,2018,30,3,981-994,King Prenatal intimate partner violence exposure predicts infant biobehavioral regulation: moderation by the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene,2018,30,3,1009-1021,Martinez-Torteya Parenting culture and the development of externalizing behaviors from age 7 to 14 in nine countries,2018,30,5,1937-1958,Steinberg Polygenic risk family cohesion and adolescent aggression in Mexican American and European American families: developmental pathways to alcohol use,2018,30,5,1715-1728,Chassin Childhood maltreatment affects adolescent sensitivity to parenting and close friendships in predicting growth in externalizing behavior,2018,ePub,ePub,1-17,Lee Trauma and resilient functioning among Syrian refugee children,2018,30,5,1923-1936,Yaylaci Self-injuring adolescent girls exhibit insular cortex volumetric abnormalities that are similar to those seen in adults with borderline personality disorder,2018,ePub,ePub,1-10,Beauchaine The 5-HTTLPR polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene and child's sex moderate the relationship between disaster-related prenatal maternal stress and autism spectrum disorder traits: the QF2011 Queensland flood study,2018,ePub,ePub,1-15,Brunet Profiles of primary and secondary callous-unemotional features in youth: The role of emotion regulation,2018,ePub,ePub,1-12,Moretti Investigating multilevel pathways of developmental consequences of maltreatment,2018,ePub,ePub,1-10,Handley Intergenerational associations in physical maltreatment: examination of mediation by delinquency and substance use and moderated mediation by anger,2019,31,1,73-82,Capaldi Informant-specific reports of peer and teacher relationships buffer the effects of harsh parenting on children's oppositional defiant disorder during kindergarten,2018,ePub,ePub,1-12,Boyce Attachment state of mind and childhood experiences of maltreatment as predictors of sensitive care from infancy through middle childhood: results from a longitudinal study of parents involved with child protective services,2019,31,1,113-125,Dozier Role of adolescent exposure to rockets in the links between personality vulnerability and psychopathology,2018,ePub,ePub,1-14,Henrich Intimate partner violence as a mechanism underlying the intergenerational transmission of maltreatment among economically disadvantaged mothers and their adolescent daughters,2018,ePub,ePub,1-11,Manly Childhood adversity externalizing behavior and substance use in adolescence: mediating effects of anterior cingulate cortex activation during inhibitory errors,2018,ePub,ePub,1-12,Jester Longitudinal effects of maternal love withdrawal and guilt induction on Chinese American preschoolers' bullying aggressive behavior,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Yang Caregiver-adolescent co-reminiscing and adolescents' individual recollections of a devastating tornado: associations with enduring posttraumatic stress symptoms,2019,ePub,ePub,1-11,Lochman Parenting style moderates the effects of exposure to natural disaster-related stress on the neural development of reactivity to threat and reward in children,2019,ePub,ePub,1-10,Kotov Testing the cycle of maltreatment hypothesis: meta-analytic evidence of the intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment,2019,31,1,23-51,Alink The reproduction of child maltreatment: An examination of adolescent problem behavior substance use and precocious transitions in the link between victimization and perpetration,2019,31,1,53-71,Henry Intergenerational continuity/discontinuity of child maltreatment among low-income mother-child dyads: the roles of childhood maltreatment characteristics maternal psychological functioning and family ecology,2019,31,1,189-202,Dubois-Comtois The genetic and environmental etiology of child maltreatment in a parent-based extended family design,2019,31,1,157-172,van Ijzendoorn Romantic functioning mediates prospective associations between childhood abuse and neglect and parenting outcomes in adulthood,2019,31,1,95-111,Roisman Maternal history of childhood maltreatment and later parenting behavior: a meta-analysis,2019,31,1,9-21,Tarabulsy Protective factors that buffer against the intergenerational transmission of trauma from mothers to young children: a replication study of angels in the nursery,2019,31,1,173-187,Ippen Testosterone-cortisol dissociation in children exposed to prenatal maternal stress and relationship with aggression: Project Ice Storm - ADDENDUM,2019,31,1,e397,King Development of aggressive-victims from childhood through adolescence: Associations with emotion dysregulation withdrawn behaviors moral disengagement peer rejection and friendships,2019,ePub,ePub,1-21,Ladd Child maltreatment adaptive functioning and polygenic risk: a structural equation mixture model,2019,31,2,443-456,Rogosch Breastfeeding continuation at 6 weeks postpartum remediates the negative effects of prenatal intimate partner violence on infant temperament,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Miller-Graff Difficulties with emotion regulation as a transdiagnostic mechanism linking child maltreatment with the emergence of psychopathology,2019,31,3,899-915,McLaughlin Predicting psychosis-spectrum diagnoses in adulthood from social behaviors and neighborhood contexts in childhood,2019,ePub,ePub,1-15,Hastings Deprivation and threat emotion dysregulation and psychopathology: concurrent and longitudinal associations,2019,31,3,847-857,Sheridan Differential physiological sensitivity to child compliance behaviors in abusing neglectful and non-maltreating mothers,2019,ePub,ePub,1-13,DeGarmo Neural correlates of emotion processing predict resilience in youth at familial risk for mood disorders,2019,31,3,1037-1052,Carlson Intergenerational transmission of emotion dysregulation: Part I. Psychopathology self-injury and parasympathetic responsivity among pregnant women,2019,31,3,817-831,Crowell The intergenerational transmission of childhood maltreatment: nonspecificity of maltreatment type and associations with borderline personality pathology,2019,31,3,1157-1171,Tackett Associations between classroom climate and children's externalizing symptoms: the moderating effect of kindergarten children's parasympathetic reactivity,2019,ePub,ePub,1-12,Boyce Social network isolation mediates associations between risky symptoms and substance use in the high school transition,2019,ePub,ePub,1-16,Ennett Anger in infancy and its implications: history of attachment in mother-child and father-child relationships as a moderator of risk,2018,ePub,ePub,1-14,Kochanska Indirect effects of the early childhood Family Check-Up on adolescent suicide risk: the mediating role of inhibitory control,2019,ePub,ePub,1-10,Dishion Brains of a feather flocking together? Peer and individual neurobehavioral risks for substance use across adolescence,2019,ePub,ePub,1-14,Deater-Deckard When conflict escalates into intimate partner violence: the delicate nature of observed coercion in adolescent romantic relationships,2019,ePub,ePub,1-11,Ha Developmental pathways from child maltreatment to adolescent suicide-related behaviors: the internalizing and externalizing comorbidity hypothesis,2019,ePub,ePub,1-15,Oshri Social-cognitive mechanisms in the cycle of violence: cognitive and affective theory of mind and externalizing psychopathology in children and adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,1-16,McLaughlin Adolescents' externalizing behaviors and antisocial text messaging across the broader peer network: implications for socialization and selection effects,2019,ePub,ePub,1-13,Jouriles How do collective student behavior and other classroom contextual factors relate to teachers' implementation of an evidence-based intervention? A multilevel structural equation model,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bradshaw Group versus individual format of intervention for aggressive children: moderators and predictors of outcomes through 4 years after intervention,2019,ePub,ePub,1-19,Lochman Coping in context: the effects of long-term relations between interparental conflict and coping on the development of child psychopathology following parental divorce,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tein Couples' affect dynamics: associations with trait hostility and physical intimate partner violence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Capaldi Developmental cascades from child maltreatment to negative friend and romantic interactions in emerging adulthood,2019,31,5,1649-1659,Rogosch Maternal alcohol dependence and harsh caregiving across parenting contexts: The moderating role of child negative emotionality,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davies Psychophysiological influences on personality trajectories in adolescent females exposed to child maltreatment,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,MacMillan The Young Adolescent Project: a longitudinal study of the effects of maltreatment on adolescent development,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mennen Dimensions of adversity in association with adolescents' depression symptoms: distinct moderating roles of cognitive and autonomic function,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weisz Disentangling multiproblem behavior in male young adults: a cluster analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Popma Childhood trauma and cognitive functioning in individuals at clinical high risk (CHR) for psychosis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tsuang A process model linking physiological arousal and fear recognition to aggression via guilt in middle childhood,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Malti Toddler dysregulated fear predicts continued risk for social anxiety symptoms in early adolescence,2020,ePub,ePub,1-12,Cole Respiratory sinus arrhythmia as a moderator of early maltreatment effects on later externalizing problems,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dozier Testing alternative cascades from internalizing and externalizing symptoms to adolescent alcohol use and alcohol use disorder through co-occurring symptoms and peer delinquency,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lengua Childhood adversities and mental health outcomes: does the perception or age of the event matter?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Negriff Teen childbearing and offspring internalizing symptoms: the mediating role of child maltreatment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rogosch The structure of psychopathology and association with poor sleep self-harm suicidality risky sexual behavior and low self-esteem in a population sample of adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Teesson Association between maternal adverse childhood experiences and mental health problems in offspring: an intergenerational study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fujiwara Violence exposure posttraumatic stress and affect variability among African American Youth: a time sampling approach,2020,ePub,ePub,eePub,Richards Incipient alcohol use in childhood: early alcohol sipping and its relations with psychopathology and personality,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gonzalez Childhood predictors and moderators of lifetime risk of self-harm in girls with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hinshaw Autobiographical memory as a latent vulnerability mechanism following childhood maltreatment: association with future depression symptoms and prosocial behavior,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Viding Fuel to the fire: the escalating interplay of attachment and maltreatment in the transgenerational transmission of psychopathology in families living in refugee camps,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neuner Insecure attachment to parents and PTSD among adolescents: the roles of parent-child communication perceived parental depression and intrusive rumination,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhou The neurophysiological embedding of child maltreatment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jaffee Cortical thickness of the insula and prefrontal cortex relates to externalizing behavior: cross-sectional and prospective findings,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Debbané Continuity and change in anger and aggressiveness from infancy to childhood: the protective effects of positive parenting,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hay Longitudinal effects of maltreatment intimate partner violence and reminiscing and emotion training on children's diurnal cortisol regulation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Valentino Pathways linking adverse environments to emerging adults' substance abuse and depressive symptoms: a prospective analysis of rural African American men,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kogan Alpha electroencephalogram (EEG) asymmetry among toddlers in foster care,2020,32,5,1743-1753,Fisher Associations between multisystem stress reactivity and peer nominated aggression in early childhood vary by sex,2020,32,5,1888-1898,Boyce Immediate and longitudinal effects of maltreatment on systemic inflammation in young children,2020,32,5,1725-1731,Heim Challenges in researching the immune pathways between early life adversity and psychopathology,2020,32,5,1597-1624,Danese A longitudinal twin study of victimization and loneliness from childhood to young adulthood,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moffitt Exposure to early childhood maltreatment and its effect over time on social cognition,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dunn Characterizing competence among a high-risk sample of emerging adults: prospective predictions and biological considerations,2020,32,5,1937-1953,Rogosch Maltreatment timing HPA axis functioning multigenic risk and depressive symptoms in African American youth: differential associations without moderated mediation,2020,32,5,1838-1853,Cicchetti Behavioral and electrophysiological indices of inhibitory control in maltreated adolescents and nonmaltreated adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Genotype-environment correlation by intervention effects underlying middle childhood peer rejection and associations with adolescent marijuana use,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilson Characterization of the effects of age and childhood maltreatment on ELOVL2 DNA methylation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kolassa Childhood maltreatment personality vulnerability profiles and borderline personality disorder symptoms in adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,De Berardis Explaining the accumulation of victimization in vulnerable children: Interpersonal violence among children traumatized by war and disaster in a children's home in Sri Lanka,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neuner Associations between childhood maltreatment poor sleep and prenatal distress in pregnant adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peterson Lower implicit self-esteem as a pathway linking childhood abuse to depression and suicidal ideation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meltzoff Controlling contamination in child maltreatment research: impact on effect size estimates for child behavior problems measured throughout childhood and adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shenk Prefrontal cortex and amygdala anatomy in youth with persistent levels of harsh parenting practices and subclinical anxiety symptoms over time during childhood,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boivin Synergy between callous-unemotional traits and aggression in preschool children: cross-informant and cross-cultural replication in the UK Wirral Child Health and Development Study and the Colombian La Sabana Parent-Child Study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fisher Adolescent girls' stress responses as prospective predictors of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors: a person-centered multilevel study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nock PCIT engagement and persistence among child welfare-involved families: associations with harsh parenting physiological reactivity and social cognitive processes at intake,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,DeGarmo Mental health problems moderate the association between teacher violence and children's social status in East Africa: a multi-informant study combining self- and peer-reports,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neuner The comparative and cumulative impact of different forms of violence exposure during childhood and adolescence on long-term adult outcomes,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McMahon Family cohesion and the relations among peer victimization and depression: a random intercepts cross-lagged model,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston Impact of childhood maltreatment and resilience on behavioral and neural patterns of inhibitory control during emotional distraction,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rogosch Longitudinal associations between justice sensitivity nonsuicidal self-injury substance use and victimization by peers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bondü Negative parental emotional environment increases the association between childhood behavioral problems and impaired recognition of negative facial expressions,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shelton Assembling a cohort for in-depth longitudinal assessments of the biological embedding of child maltreatment: methods complexities and lessons learned,2021,33,2,394-408,Noll Crossroads in juvenile justice: the impact of initial processing decision on youth 5 years after first arrest,2021,33,2,700-713,Steinberg Primary and secondary callous-unemotional traits in adolescence are associated with distinct maladaptive and adaptive outcomes in adulthood,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McMahon Maternal and paternal unsupportive parenting and children's externalizing symptoms: the mediational role of children's attention biases to negative emotion,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davies A latent class analysis of parent-child discrepancies in reports of peer victimization: associations to child sexual abuse status and psychological adjustment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hébert Parents still matter! Parental warmth predicts adolescent brain function and anxiety and depressive symptoms 2 years later,2021,33,1,226-239,Silk Developmental cascade effects of a parenting-focused program for divorced families on competence in emerging adulthood,2021,33,1,201-215,Masten The association between toddlerhood empathy deficits and antisocial personality disorder symptoms and psychopathy in adulthood,2021,33,1,173-183,Zahn-Waxler Assessing internalized beliefs: development of the Pathogenic Belief Scale,2021,33,1,96-108,Silberschatz Pathways to a more peaceful and sustainable world: the transformative power of children in families,2021,33,2,409-420,Pruett Children's learning and development in conflict- and crisis-affected countries: building a science for action,2021,33,2,506-521,Aber Posttraumatic stress disorder and growth: examination of joint trajectories in children and adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhou Associations between HPA axis reactivity and PTSD and depressive symptoms: importance of maltreatment type and puberty,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gordis Socialization processes within adolescents' relationships with parents and peers predicting couples' intimate partner violence in adulthood: a social learning perspective,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elam Child abuse and automatic emotion regulation in children and adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McLaughlin Stress reactivity and social cognition in pure and co-occurring early childhood relational bullying and victimization,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ostrov Multimodal assessment of sustained threat in adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klimes-Dougan Early co-occurrence of peer victimization and aggression,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hoglund Amygdala responses to threat in violence-exposed children depend on trauma context and maternal caregiving,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jovanovic Experiences of adversity in childhood and adolescence and cortisol in late adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zinbarg Longitudinal examination of resilience among child welfare-involved adolescents: the roles of caregiver-child relationships and deviant peer affiliation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yoon School connectedness as a protective factor against childhood exposure to violence and social deprivation: a longitudinal study of adaptive and maladaptive outcomes,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Monk Reducing suicide risk in parentally bereaved youth through promoting effective parenting: testing a developmental cascade model,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tein Childhood temperament as a predictor of adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Olino What is the expected human childhood? Insights from evolutionary anthropology,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Frankenhuis Childhood adversity and co-occurring post-traumatic stress and externalizing symptoms among a predominantly low-income African American sample of early adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Farrell Functional brain plasticity following childhood maltreatment: a longitudinal fMRI investigation of autobiographical memory processing,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maguire Indirect aggression anxiety and empathy: disaggregating between and within person longitudinal associations during childhood and adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vaillancourt Perceptions of childhood unpredictability delay discounting risk-taking and adult externalizing behaviors: a life-history approach,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schmidt Age 18-30 trajectories of binge drinking frequency and prevalence across the past 30 years for men and women: delineating when and why historical trends reversed across age,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schulenberg Developmental pathways from child maltreatment to adolescent pregnancy: a multiple mediational model,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Noll Emotional maltreatment and neglect impact neural activation upon exclusion in early and mid-adolescence: an event-related fMRI study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crowley Personality-specific pathways from bullying victimization to adolescent alcohol use: a multilevel longitudinal moderated mediation analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Conrod Early childhood maltreatment and profiles of resilience among child welfare-involved children,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Slesnick The development of forms and functions of aggression during early childhood: a temperament-based approach,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ostrov Individual differences in the development of youth externalizing problems predict a broad range of adult psychosocial outcomes,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zucker Eight-year trajectories of behavior problems and resilience in children exposed to early-life intimate partner violence: the overlapping and distinct effects of individual factors maternal characteristics and early intervention,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Graham-Bermann Patterns of childhood maltreatment predict emotion processing and regulation in emerging adulthood,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rogosch Child maltreatment severity and sleep variability predict mother-infant RSA coregulation,2021,33,5,1747-1758,Lebourgeois Heterogeneous trajectories of suicidal ideation among homeless youth: predictors and suicide-related outcomes,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Slesnick Developmental pathways from preschool temper tantrums to later psychopathology,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luby Adolescents' internalizing symptoms predict dating violence victimization and perpetration 2 years later,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Côté Efficacy to avoid violence and parenting: a moderated mediation of violence exposure for African American urban-dwelling boys,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Assari Profiles of diurnal cortisol and DHEA regulation among children: associations with maltreatment experiences symptomatology and positive adaptation,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rogosch Adverse childhood experiences sleep problems low self-control and adolescent delinquency: a longitudinal serial mediation analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zucker Detecting social information processing profiles of boys with aggressive behavior problems: an interactive virtual reality approach,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thomaes Illuminating the origins of the intergenerational transmission of psychopathology with a novel genetically informed design,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burt Prosocial behavior and psychopathology: an 11-year longitudinal study of inter- and intraindividual reciprocal relations across childhood and adolescence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Memmott-Elison Predictors of problematic adult alcohol cannabis and other substance use: a longitudinal study of two samples,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dodge Examining protective factors for substance use problems and self-harm behavior during adolescence: a longitudinal co-twin control 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health problems in legal system-involved youth,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baskin-Sommers Autonomic nervous system reactivity to emotion and childhood trajectories of relational and physical aggression,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yates Do testosterone and cortisol levels moderate aggressive responses to peer victimization in adolescents?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Calvete Contextual factors of child behavioral health across developmental stages,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maguire-Jack Risk and resilience factors for psychopathology during pregnancy: an application of the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hankin The longitudinal interplay between insecure attachment behaviors and psychosocial strengths among children in child welfare services,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Browne Types of co-occurring patterns of mental health among the disaster victims in South Korea,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee A prospective longitudinal study of multidomain resilience among youths with and without maltreatment histories,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walsh Adolescent predictors of psychiatric disorders in adulthood: the role of emotional distress and problem drinking in emerging adulthood,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neppl The longitudinal associations between bullying perpetration bullying victimization and internalizing symptoms: bidirectionality and mediation by friend support,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Siennick An RDoC-based approach to adolescent self-injurious thoughts and behaviors: the interactive role of social affiliation and cardiac arousal,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Prinstein Interplay between genetic risk and the parent environment in adolescence and substance use in young adulthood: a TRAILS study,2023,35,1,396-409,Vollebergh The interplay of childhood maltreatment and maternal depression in relation to the reward positivity in youth,2023,35,1,168-178,Suor Timing of childhood adversities and self-injurious thoughts and behaviors in adolescence,2023,35,1,410-420,Fox The relationship between attachment and 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American families: adaptive capacities to navigate toxic oppressive upstream waters,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murry Linked head injury and conduct problem symptom pathways from early childhood to adolescence and their associated risks: evidence from the Millennium Cohort Study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall Diversity protects: the role of school and classroom racial/ethnic diversity on the experience of peer victimization during the middle school years,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Echols Childhood emotional abuse and alcohol use disorders in a national Nepali women sample: the mediating role of borderline personality traits,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Emery Explaining the "parenting - callous-unemotional traits - antisocial behavior" axis in early adolescence: The role of affiliative reward,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roman Dimensions of child maltreatment and longitudinal diurnal cortisol patterns: the roles of resilience and child sex,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lin Failure in reflective functioning as a key factor in the association between problematic social networking sites use attachment and childhood maltreatment: A network analysis approach on gender differences,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Salcuni Maternal childhood maltreatment trauma resolution: development of a novel narrative coding measure and implications for intergenerational parenting processes,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sturge-Apple The relative effects of parental alcohol use disorder and maltreatment on offspring alcohol use: unique pathways of risk,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Handley Children's resilience to sibling victimization: the role of family peer school and neighborhood factors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bowes Risk and resilience in Syrian refugee children: a multisystem analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Karam Childhood maltreatment and mental health problems in a 10-year follow-up study of adolescents in youth residential care: a latent transition analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schmeck Is there really a healthy context paradox for victims of bullying? A longitudinal test of bidirectional within-and between-person associations between victimization and psychological problems,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veenstra Childhood maltreatment and internalizing/externalizing disorders in trauma-exposed adolescents: Does posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) severity have a mediating role?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seedat Effects of neighborhood disadvantage and peer deviance on adolescent antisocial behavior: testing potential interactions with age-of-onset,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steinberg Daily nonsuicidal self-injury thoughts in emerging adulthood: the relevance of pre-adolescent borderline traits,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,De Clercq Longitudinal associations between early risk and adolescent delinquency: mediators moderators and main effects,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cabrera Collateral effects of coping power on caregiver symptoms of depression and long-term changes in child behavior,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Morgan-Lopez Stress and emotion recognition predict the relationship between a history of maltreatment and sensitive parenting behaviors: a moderated-moderation,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bérubé Unraveling the link between childhood maltreatment and depression: insights from the role of ventral striatum and middle cingulate cortex in hedonic experience and emotion regulation,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhao Childhood abuse and neglect and profiles of adult emotion dynamics,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Jonge Unique roles of adolescents' friends and fathers in predicting verbal aggression in future adult romantic relationships,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Allen Associations between forms of aggression and peer victimization: does prosocial behavior matter?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fite Polygenic risk and hostile environments: links to stable and dynamic antisocial behaviors across adolescence,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Paquin Are prosocial tendencies relevant for developmental psychopathology? The relations of prosocial behavior and empathy-related responding to externalizing problems internalizing problems and autism spectrum disorder,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eisenberg The effects of childhood maltreatment recent interpersonal and noninterpersonal stress and HPA-axis multilocus genetic variation on prospective changes in adolescent depressive symptoms: a multiwave longitudinal study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cao Examination of protective factors that promote prosocial skill development among children exposed to intimate partner violence,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holmes Parenting in a post-conflict region: associations between observed maternal parenting practices and maternal child and contextual factors in northern Uganda,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neuner How a defensive mindset develops from early adverse experiences and guides antisocial outcomes,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dodge The long and winding road: pathways from basic research to implementation and evaluation,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerulli Patterns and predictors of alcohol misuse trajectories from adolescence through early midlife,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rose Social anxiety moderates the association between adolescent irritability and bully perpetration,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luby Psychopathology as long-term sequelae of maltreatment and socioeconomic disadvantage: neurocognitive development perspectives,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Deater-Deckard The influence of friendships on the mental health of maltreated youth: a pre-registered systematic review using a developmental psychopathology perspective,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Prediction of internalizing and externalizing symptoms in late childhood from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms in early childhood,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chandran A genetically informed longitudinal study of early-life temperament and childhood aggression,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luczak Childhood maltreatment and resting-state network connectivity: the risk-buffering role of positive parenting,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhu Trajectories of maternal depressive symptoms from infancy through early childhood: the roles of perceived financial strain social support and intimate partner violence,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blair Cortical volume alterations in the limbic network in adolescents with high reactive aggression,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blair Interviewing young offenders about child-on-child sexual abuse,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hershkowitz The future of childhood maltreatment research: diversity and equity-informed perspectives for inclusive methodology and social justice,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Narayan Insights into child abuse and neglect: findings from the Minnesota Longitudinal Study of Risk and Adaptation,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Englund Rethinking peer influence and risk taking: a strengths-based approach to adolescence in a new era,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Allen Sleep problems predict next-day suicidal thinking among adolescents: A multimodal real-Time monitoring study following discharge from acute psychiatric care,2021,33,5,1701-1721,Conwell Post-adoption experiences of discrimination moderated by sleep quality are associated with depressive symptoms in previously institutionalized youth over and above deprivation-induced depression risk,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gunnar Agreement between retrospective and prospective assessments of childhood abuse revisited,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carlson A person-centered approach to studying associations between psychosocial vulnerability factors and adolescent depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation in a Canadian longitudinal sample,2021,33,1,351-362,Labelle The mediating role of adolescents' loneliness and social withdrawal in the association between maternal depressive symptoms and suicidality in adolescence: A 20-year population-based study,2022,34,3,1045-1053,Boivin Representations of the caregiver-child relationship and of the self and emotion regulation in the narratives of young children whose mothers have borderline personality disorder,2009,21,3,993-1011,Macfie The influence of early familial adversity on adolescent risk behaviors and mental health: Stability and transition in family adversity profiles in a cohort sample,2020,32,2,437-454,Hiller