Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Potential under-registration of occupational accidents in the Mexican Institute of Social Security,2004,46,3,204-209,Salinas-Tovar Age-period-cohort analysis of mortality caused by traffic accidents in Spain,1999,41,3,170-176,Saiz-Sanchez Severity of injuries in public streets of an urban area in Mexico,2005,47,1,30-38,Híjar-Medina Prevalence of violent events and post-traumatic stress disorder in the Mexican population,2005,47,1,8-22,Medina-Mora Icaza Drowning in Jalisco: 1983-1989,1991,33,6,585-589,Celis Characteristics of mexican women admitted to emergency care units. alcohol consumption and related problems,2001,43,6,537-543,Romero Gender based violence: knowledge and attitudes of health care providers in Nicaragua,2005,47,2,134-144,Kageyama-Escobar Home accidents in children less than 10 years of age: causes and consequences,1992,34,6,615-625,Híjar-Medina Traffic accidents: increasingly frequent and fatal,2005,47,1,3-4,Puentes Safety belt use and severity of injuries in traffic accidents,1996,38,2,118-127,Híjar-Medina Effectiveness of seat belts in automobiles,1989,31,4,469-472,Penuelas Trends of adolescent injury and poisoning mortality,2003,45,Suppl 1,S8-15,Celis Prevalence of domestic violence in the city of Durango,1998,40,6,481-486,Alvarado-Zaldívar The contribution of violence to maternal mortality in Morelos Mexico,2006,48,Suppl 2,S297-306,Espinoza Methodological design for the national survey violence against women in Mexico,2006,48,Suppl 2,S328-35,Olaiz Male violence against heterosexual partners: facts and challenges: Review of Mexican literature,2006,48,Suppl 2,S315-27,Ramírez-Rodríguez Women's perceptions on intimate partner violence in Mexico,2006,48,Suppl 2,S307-14,Herrera Dating violence and associations with depression and risk behaviors: female students in Morelos Mexico,2006,48,Suppl 2,S288-96,Rivera-Rivera Violence in Mexican women using public health services,2006,48,Suppl 2,S279-87,Gómez-Dantés Physical and sexual abuse during childhood and revictimization during adulthood in Mexican women,2006,48,Suppl 2,S268-78,Rivera-Rivera Between denial and helplessness: health care providers facing domestic violence in Mexico,2006,48,Suppl 2,S259-67,Franco Gender violence and other factors associated with emotional distress in female users of public health services in Mexico,2006,48,Suppl 2,S250-8,Híjar-Medina Violence and pregnancy in female users of ministry of health care services in highly deprived states in Mexico,2006,48,Suppl 2,S239-49,Blanco Gender violence prevalence in female users of health services in Mexico,2006,48,Suppl 2,S232-8,Olaiz Violence scale and severity index: a methodological proposal for measuring violence by the partner in Mexican women,2006,48,Suppl 2,S221-31,Híjar-Medina Violence against Mexican women,2006,48,Suppl 2,S219-20,del Río Zolezzi Role of the family in the suicidal attempt of the adolescent,2005,47,1,1-2,Valadez-Figueroa Epidemiology of suicide in Mexico 1970-1984,1996,38,3,197-206,Borges Suicidal ideation and associated characteristics in adolescent women,1998,40,5,430-437,Medina-Mora Icaza Usefulness of geographic analysis in the study of deaths caused by motor vehicle injuries,2000,42,3,188-193,Híjar-Medina Mortality due to homicide in children. Mexico 1979-1990,1994,36,5,529-537,Híjar-Medina Women and violence: an everyday fact,1993,35,2,148-160,Ramírez-Rodríguez Child abuse in Tlaxcala: a case-control study,1992,34,6,626-634,Herrada-Huidobro Traumatism and poisoning in Jalisco: An autopsy-based study on mortality,1991,33,1,77-87,Celis Psychoanalysis and epidemiology of suicide in Guanajuato between 1997-2001. Reflections about groups of youths,2008,50,1,4-5,Roca Chiapas Safe communities: a synopsis,2008,50,Suppl 1,S78-85,Svanström Impact of interventions directed toward motorcyclist death prevention in Cali Colombia: 1993-2001,2008,50,Suppl 1,S69-77,Munoz Alcohol and violence in the emergency department: a regional report from the WHO collaborative study on alcohol and injuries,2008,50,Suppl 1,S6-11,Borges Domestic violence surveillance system: a model,2008,50,Suppl 1,S12-8,Espinosa Setting priorities for child health and research: the neglected burden of injuries,2008,50,Suppl 1,S115-7,Hyder The role of supervision of children in injury prevention,2008,50,Suppl 1,S112-4,Mack Injury prevention and control: reflections on the state and the direction of the field,2008,50,Suppl 1,S101-11,Miller Impact-absorbing and containment barriers: reduction in accident mortality,2008,50,Suppl 1,S55-9,Arreola-Rissa Traumatic brain injury in Latin America and the Caribbean: a call for research,2008,50,Suppl 1,S3-5,Hyder Traumatic life events and posttraumatic stress disorder among Mexican adolescents: Results from a survey,2008,50,1,S29-37,Borges Municipal diagnosis of violence and criminality in Jundiai­ - Sao Paulo,2008,50,Suppl 1,S19-28,Neme Prevalence of non-fatal road traffic injuries in Mexico: results from ENSANUT 2006,2008,50,Suppl 1,S38-47,Híjar-Medina Traffic safety and city structure: lessons for the future,2008,50,Suppl 1,S93-100,Mohan Youth violence prevention what works?,2008,50,Suppl 1,S86-92,Guerrero Road traffic injuries among youth: measuring the impact of an educational intervention,2008,50,Suppl 1,S60-8,Híjar-Medina Traffic related deaths in Nuevo Leon Mexico: causes and associated factors,2008,50,Suppl 1,S48-54,Arreola-Rissa Problems related to alcohol drinking among youth in Jujuy Argentina,2008,50,4,300-307,Nah Accidental injuries in older adults: a challenge for the health systems,2008,50,6,463-471,Salgado de Snyder The use of gloves as protector factor against scorpion stings during corn picking in the state of Guerrero Mexico,2009,51,2,126-133,Andersson Spousal violence and depression during pregnancy,2008,50,5,353-354,Sánchez Jiménez Violent deaths in Tijuana Baja California Mexico,2008,50,2,104-105,Molina Corona Determinants of partner violence in health workers of IMSS Morelos,2007,49,5,357-366,Rivera-Rivera The midwives' experiences in the identification of battered women in pregnancy,2004,46,1,56-63,Valdez-Santiago Suicide notes from Mexico and the United States: a thematic analysis,2009,51,4,314-320,Leenaars Substance use in suicides in Mexico: results of the epidemiological surveillance system of addictions 1994-2006,2009,51,4,306-313,Cortes Avenues and dangerous cross-roads in the Federal District,1969,11,3,343-348,Olivares Urbina National plan of assistance in case of disaster and its application on the frontier zone at the time of the cyclone "Beulah",1968,10,4,493-497,Garduño López Suicide as a mental health problem,1966,8,3,441-451,Cabildo Arellano Epidemiological panorama of psychiatric disorders in the Republic of Mexico,1971,13,1,53-63,Cabildo Arellano Brief study on the problem of suicide in the 1960-1969 decade,1972,14,4,487-498,Elorriaga Maguregui Traffic accidents public health problem,1973,15,1,29-41,Huttich Mortality from violent causes in the Federal District of México,1975,17,2,207-218,Olivares Urbina Prevalence of suicidal behavior in the city of Guadalajara during 1975,1977,19,6,851-866,de Jesús Brambila Colado The phenomenon of violent deaths in Mexico,1978,20,6,755-773,Jiménez Navarro Suicide cases in Mexico. Epidemiologic approach,1978,20,1,67-78,Jiménez Navarro Depression a public health problem,1981,23,5,503-508,Calderón Narváez Epidemiological aspects of suicide in Guadalajara,1981,23,3,245-257,García de Alba The psychological autopsy as a method of studying suicide,1983,25,3,285-293,Saltijeral Death wish and reality of the act in subjects who attempted suicide,1984,26,1,39-49,Heman Contreras Consequences of the earthquake of September 1985 in Mexico City,1986,28,5,527-536,López Cervantes Effects of the earthquake of 19 September 1985 on the General Hospital of Mexico City. Some considerations,1986,28,5,521-526,Cicero Sabido Alcohol consumption and its relation to suicidal behavior,1986,28,5,489-494,Saltijeral The consequences of the September 1985 earthquakes in Mexico City,1986,28,5,527-536,López Cervantes Effects of the earthquake of 19 September 1985 on Mexico City General Hospital. Some thoughts,1986,28,5,521-526,Cicero Sabido Alcohol consumption and its relation to suicidal conduct,1986,28,5,489-494,Saltijeral Mortality caused by accidents violence and poisoning in the Federal District 1970-1982,1986,28,4,413-437,Híjar-Medina Prospects for health services following the earthquakes of September 1985,1986,28,1,95-111,Campos Attempted suicide among Mexican adolescents: significant clinical and sociodemographic factors,1986,28,1,48-55,Saltijeral 2 years later.... Reflections on the 1985 earthquakes,1987,29,5,448-456,Soberón Acevedo An algebraic procedure for estimating health services demand after the earthquakes,1987,29,5,421-441,Campos Prevalence of post-traumatic stress syndrome in the population surviving a natural disaster,1987,29,5,406-411,Tapia Conyer Morbimortality caused by the earthquakes of September 1985 in Mexico City,1987,29,5,389-398,Sánchez-Carrillo Epidemiology of suicide and attempted suicide in the decade from 1971 to 1980 in Mexico,1987,29,4,345-360,Terroba Garza The prevalence of chronic drinkers in Mexico: an ecologic analysis,1989,31,4,503-518,Borges Accidents violence and traumatic lesions. A new look at the use and conceptual analysis of the terminology,1991,33,3,278-282,Híjar-Medina Psychological effects on medical students caused by earthquakes of 1985,1991,33,3,266-277,Piña Barba Home accident mortality,1970,12,3,301-315,Olivares Urbina Mass communication media and their social impact,1969,11,4,495-499,Menéndez Increase of traffic accidents in the Distrito Federal Mexico,1968,10,2,233-236,Olivares Urbina Deaths caused by traffic accidents in the Federal District,1965,7,1,75-81,Olivares Urbina Deaths through traffic accidents. Epidemiologic study of the trend in the Federal District during 1974,1975,17,6,777-792,Jiménez Navarro Trends of mortality and morbidity in the State of Michoacan,1973,15,5,707-733,Fuentes Aguilar Home accidents. Survey in 10000 Distrito Federal homes,1973,15,3,327-336,Navarro Accidents in the population pertaining to the Instituta del Seguro Social de la Salud de los Trabajadores del Estado. II. Accidents requiring hospital care,1973,15,1,51-57, Circumstantial study of accidents in minors under 15 years of age (study of 100 cases),1973,15,1,43-49,Torregrosa Accidents at work,1972,14,5,719-731,Olivares Urbina Mortality caused by accidents in the United States of Mexico,1972,14,5,709-717,Román y Carrillo Current perspective of accidents. Epidemiological study of 2380 cases of injury cased by accident in the Distrito Federal,1971,13,6,911-929,Muñoz Hernández Accidental poisoning and public health,1971,13,3,341-344,Picchioni Factors associated with accidental poisoning in children,1971,13,3,333-340,Picazo Epidemiologic study of an acute accident of environmental contamination in the Federal District of Mexico,1978,20,1,87-91,Ordóñez de la Mora Hour of incidence of traffic casualties. Description of the phenomenon that took place in the Federal District during 1974,1977,19,2,203-213,Jiménez Navarro Mortality by cause in the city of Veracruz in 1975,1976,18,5,855-869,López Rico Deaths from violent causes and their relation to injuries in the body cavities,1976,18,3,503-508,Olivares Urbina Accidents and injuries in 4 general hospitals of the Distrito Federal,1993,35,5,448-455,Meneses-González Mortality as a result of accidental and intentional injuries in the Federal District from 1970 to 1986,1990,32,4,395-404,Híjar-Medina Alcohol and other human factors involved in traffic accidents,1987,29,4,322-330,Vilchis Licón Traffic accidents: a current problem,1986,28,5,537-542,Vilchis Licón Epidemiologic study on accidents and crimes related to alcohol consumption,1986,28,5,515-520,López Medical and social variables related to alcohol consumption in Mexico,1986,28,5,473-479,Varela Traffic accidents a current problem,1986,28,5,537-542,Vilchis Licón Medical and social variables associated with alcohol consumption in Mexico,1986,28,5,473-479,Varela Traffic accident mortality. Federal District Mexico,1983,25,3,307-320,Olivares Uurbina Mortality in public baths,1982,24,5,543-552,Olivares Urbina Mortality from traffic accidents among motorcyclists or caused by them. Federal District Mexico,1981,23,3,219-244,Olivares Urbina Deaths due to traffic accidents on the ignacio zaragoza highway mexico f.D,1963,14,,895-902,Olivaresurbina Accidents at work and productivity,1963,14,,891-893,Mendoza Injury prevention and safety promotion,2008,50,Suppl 1,S1-2,Krug Mortality in young adults: international comparisons,1993,35,2,132-147,Goldsmith Alcoholic beverage consumption in the patients of the emergency services of the city of Pachuca Hidalgo,1999,41,1,3-11,Romero Mother's work and severity of accidental injuries in children,1995,37,3,197-204,Híjar-Medina Evaluation of mechanic protection of houses against the entrance of scorpions,1967,9,2,209-211,Bravo-Becherelle Domestic violence and risk of suicidal behavior among university students,2010,52,3,213-219,Espinoza-Gómez Public health problems resulting from the use of pesticides,1968,10,5,623-630,West A strategy for preventing health injuries due to observing the solar eclipse in Mexico,1993,35,5,494-499,Juan-López Prevalence and factors associated with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among adolescents in upper secondary education in Mexico,2010,52,4,324-333,Rivera-Rivera Suicide and suicidal behavior in Mexico: A Retrospective and current situation,2010,52,4,292-304,Borges Accumulated years of potential productive life lost due industrial accidents in Petróleos Mexicanos,1996,38,2,110-117,Güemez-Sandoval Violence and its repercussions on health: theoretical reflections and magnitude of the problem in Mexico,1997,39,6,565-572,Híjar-Medina Elements for the study of rape,1997,39,6,539-545,Díaz-Michel Confronting bioterrorism: Epidemiologic clinical and preventive aspects of smallpox,2003,45,4,298-309,Franco-Paredes Bioterrorism: notes for an agenda in case of the unexpected,2001,43,6,589-603,Ponce de León-Rosales Prevalence of drug abuse in patients receiving care in adult emergency,1998,40,3,234-240,Rojas Outbreak of poisoning by methyl alcohol in the state of Michoacan,1969,11,3,339-342,Márquez Mayaudón Principal types of intoxications in the Federal District,1969,11,2,203-210,Olivares Urbina Survey on drinking habits with alcoholic beverages,1969,11,6,759-769,Cabildo Arellano Sexual violence and related problems in women attending a health care center,2001,43,3,182-191,Ramos-Lira Application of the revised version of the Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale in adolescent students from Mexico City,2008,50,4,292-299,Ramos-Lira Experience with care of attempted suicide cases at a private hospital of Mexico City. The difficulty of diagnosing depression as risk factor of suicide,2003,45,6,427-428,Gutiérrez-Cadena Acute pesticide poisoning,2000,42,1,53-55,Durán-Nah AIDS mortality in Mexico from 1983 to 1992. The trends and years of potential life lost,1995,37,2,140-148,Sánchez-Pérez Alcohol and traumatic death in Jalisco,1994,36,3,269-274,Valencia Importance of perceived competition and motivation to the mental health of college athletes,2010,52,6,517-523,Castillo Use and non-use of pedestrian bridges in Mexico City: the pedestrian perspective,2010,52,6,502-510,Híjar-Medina Functional dependency and falls in elderly living in poverty in Mexico,2011,53,1,26-33,Manrique-Espinoza Violence during pregnancy: a population based study in Ometepec Guerrero Mexico,2005,47,5,335-341,Andersson Child abuse: a world problem,1998,40,1,58-65,Santana-Tavira Domestic violence during pregnancy and its relationship with birth weight,1996,38,5,352-362,Valdez-Santiago Prevalence and determinants of male partner violence against Mexican women: a population-based study,2004,46,2,113-122,Rivera-Rivera The meanings of masculinity sexuality power and violence among adolescents,2003,45,Suppl 1,S44-57,Villaseñor-Farías Medical care of injuries caused intentionally by domestic violence,2003,45,4,252-258,Híjar-Medina Violence against women: knowledge and attitudes of the the medical staff at the Mexican Institute of Social Security Morelos Mexico,2003,45,6,472-482,Rivera-Rivera Child abuse: a world problem in public health,2000,42,4,273-274,Loredo Abdalá A third opinion on the prevalence of domestic violence en the city of Durango,1999,41,3,149-150,Téllez Rojo Solís Indicators for the detection of child abuse,1999,41,5,420-425,Herrera-Basto Domestic violence against women: When and how does it emerge as a public health problem?,2009,51,6,505-511,Valdez-Santiago Fall-related injuries among youth under 20 years old who were treated in Nicaraguan emergency departments 2004,2011,53,2,116-124,Mack Median lethal dose and its significance test,1971,13,2,213-216,Bravo-Becherelle Sociocultural aspects of the growth and development of children,1971,13,4,469-475,Menchaca Persistent symptomatology in workers industrially exposed to organophosphate pesticides,1999,41,1,55-61,Palacios-Nava The problem of drug dependency,1972,14,2,169-189,Pucheu Regis Alcohol consumption patterns in patients admitted to emergency services,1998,40,6,487-493,López-Jiménez Bullying and its association with psychiatric disorders in a Mexican students sample,2011,53,3,220-227,Sauceda-García Control of the gases in automobile exhaust,1977,19,1,69-73, The role of the Secretariat of Health and Welfare in disasters,1983,25,2,215-219,Gómez Saborío Various comments on the noise produced by vehicles,1974,16,5,771-773,Márquez Mayaudón Comparing pedestrian injury mortality in Mexico City: Have changes occurred over a decade?,2011,53,4,320-328,Híjar-Medina Mortality by poisoning in children,1998,40,4,347-353,Híjar-Medina Comments on the article about prevalence of domestic violence in the city of Durango,1999,41,3,147-149,Celis de la Rosa Characteristics of sex behavior of men in Mexico City,1999,41,2,95-100,Hernández-Avila Gender differences in alcohol consumption in Mexico City,1999,41,3,177-188,Caraveo-Anduaga Alcohol and drug consumption among students in Pachuca Hidalgo,1999,41,4,297-308,Medina-Mora Icaza Alcoholism as part of current sociopathy,1999,41,5,359,Gutiérrez Masculinity and sexual and reproductive health: a case study among adolescents of Mexico City,2003,45,Suppl 1,S34-43,Stern Determinants of partner violence in health workers of IMSS Morelos - Determinantes de violencia de pareja en trabajadoras del IMSS morelos,2007,49,5,357-366,Rivera-Rivera Dating violence and associations with depression and risk behaviors: female students in Morelos Mexico --- Violencia durante el noviazgo depresión y conductas de riesgo en estudiantes femeninas (12-24 años),2006,48,Suppl 2,s288-s296,Rivera-Rivera Prevalence and determinants of male partner violence against Mexican women: a population-based study --- Prevalencia y determinantes de violencia de pareja masculina en contra de mujeres mexicanas: un estudio con base poblacional,2004,46,2,113-122,Rivera-Rivera Violence scale and severity index: a methodological proposal for measuring violence by the partner in Mexican women --- Escala de violencia e índice de severidad: una propuesta metodológica para medir la violencia de pareja en mujeres mexicanas,2006,48,Suppl 2,s221-s231,Híjar-Medina Prevalence of hazardous and harmful consumption of alcohol in the insured population of the Mexican Social Security Institute,2002,44,2,113-121,de la Cruz Morales-García Risk index for attempted suicide in Mexico,2012,54,6,595-606,Borges Drugs and public health: where are we heading to?,2013,55,1,67-73,Medina-Mora Onset of alcohol and tobacco use and transition to other drug use among students from Morelos Mexico,2004,46,2,132-140,Borges At the edge of individual cognitive-behavioural policies: How to walk the public health path to effectively improve population health?,2013,55,4,421-426,Cabieses Burden of disease injuries risk factors and challenges for the health system in Mexico,2013,55,6,580-594,Borges Suicide risk in female victims of domestic violence in Mexico,2013,55,6,555-556,Roca Chiapas Alcohol consumption in the Federal District population,1980,22,3,281-288,Medina-Mora Regulation for the control of inhaled psychoactive substances,1981,23,3,283-287, Mexican reptiles of significance for public health and their geographic distribution,1981,23,4,329-343,Juliá Zertuche Socioeconomic repercussions of ocular injuries due to foreign bodies,1985,27,1,66-70,Fernández Aguilar Evaluation of the problems and programs of research on the use of alcohol and drugs (especially solvents) in Mexico,1978,20,6,733-743,Medina Mora Problems associated with the use of drugs and alcohol among young students,1979,21,5,559-567,Castro Sariñana Opinions on alcohol consumption in a semi-rural community,1981,23,5,473-482,Natera Trauma and poisoning as causes of the demand for emergency services,1989,31,4,447-468,Híjar-Medina Scorpion stings in Guerrero: an epidemiologic study in 20 communities,1988,30,2,234-239,Martinez Maternal depressive symptomatology in México: national prevalence care and population risk profiles,2015,57,2,144-154,de Castro Therapeutic adherence to retraining programs for women and men involved in abusive relationships in Mexico,2015,57,6,537-546,Valdez-Santiago Influence of parental perception of school safety and gender on children's physical activity in Mexico: a cross sectional study,2016,58,1,7-15,Lee Underestimation of mortality caused by traffic in Mexico: an analysis at the subnational level,2016,58,4,412-420,Pérez-Núñez Health inequalities on adolescents' risk behavior indicators in Mexico: analysis of two national health surveys,2016,58,6,657-665,Gutierrez Health inequality on results and access indicators for children in Mexico: analysis of national health surveys,2016,58,6,648-656,Gutierrez An epidemiological but invisibilized marker: indebtedness within an Afromexican town in Oaxaca,2017,59,2,193-201,Hersch-Martínez Family dysfunction in patients with attempted suicide in pediatric emergency areas,2017,59,3,209-210,Ruiz Rodríguez Natural disasters and their impact on mental health. Discussion in the Peruvian context,2018,60,2,123-124,Caycho-Rodríguez Systematic validation of a questionnaire to identify school bullying,2018,60,2,113-114,Ramos-Jimenez Feelings of insecurity regarding organized crime in Tamaulipas Mexico,2018,60,4,442-450,Almanza-Avendaño Validation of a short Spanish version of the instrument Barriers to Physical Activity Questionnaire for People with Mobility Impairments,2018,60,5,539-548,Devís-Devís Psychopathology and self-harm among incoming first-year students in six Mexican universities,2019,61,1,16-26,Borges Suicide ideation and behavior in Mexico: Encodat 2016,2019,61,1,6-15,Borges Occupational health and safety: educational intervention for cleaning workers in research sectors,2019,61,5,657-669,Torres-Pereda Analysis of unintentional injuries in vulnerable populations Mexico 2018,2019,61,6,907-916,Hidalgo-Solorzano Context and results of early childhood development in 12 to 59 months old children living in Mexico,2019,61,6,775-786,de Castro Social factors associated with tobacco and alcohol consumption in Mexican adolescents from populations under 100 000 inhabitants,2019,61,6,764-774,Rivera-Rivera Obstetric violence from the perspective of traditional midwives,2020,62,3,e232,Aranda-Téllez Attention to child abuse in emergency services,2020,62,4,453-454,Barriga-Marín Prevalence and psychological factors associated with suicidal behavior in adolescents. Ensanut 2018-19,2020,62,6,672-681,Rivera-Rivera Factors associated with early childhood development in Mexican children,2020,62,6,714-724,Barrientos-Gutierrez Non-fatal unintentional injuries in Mexican population: prevalence and associated factors. Ensanut 2018-19,2020,62,6,829-839,Hidalgo-Solorzano Trends in female mortality from violence in Brazil,2020,62,6,875-876,Serejo da Costa Collaborative care for depression and suicide prevention: a feasible intervention within the Mexican health system,2021,63,2 Mar-Abr,274-280,Borges Comparative analysis of the legal framework on mental health and suicide in Mexico,2021,63,4,554-564,Valdez-Santiago Domestic violence against adult women during confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic in Mexico,2021,63,6,782-788,Ramos-Lira Addressing the challenges of noncommunicable diseases and injuries in Latin America and Asia-Pacific countries,2022,64,,S3-S5,Miranda Psychological discomfort and binge drinking in Mexican adults,2022,64,5,498-506,Colchero Suicide and Covid-19 in Mexico: an update to 2021,2023,65,4 jul-ago,402-406,Borges Social determinants associated with suicidal ideation during the Covid-19 pandemic in Mexico,2023,65,1,1-9,Rivera-Rivera Psychoanalysis and epidemiology of suicide in Guanajuato from 1997 to 2001. Reflections on the youth,2008,50,1,4-5,Chiapas Intimidación escolar ideación e intento suicida en adolescentes colombianos,2017,59,3,206-207,Viancha-Pinzón Identidad étnica e ideación suicida en adolescentes indígenas,2017,59,1,7-8,Gálvez-Nieto Adolescentes con autolesiones e ideación suicida: un grupo con mayor comorbilidad y adversidad psicosocial,2016,58,3,335-336,Ulloa Flores Aplicación de la Escala de Depresión del Center of Epidemiological Studies en adolescentes de la Ciudad de México,2008,50,4,292-299,Ramos-Lira Consumo de sustancias y suicidios en México: resultados del sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica de las adicciones 1994-2006,2009,51,4,306-313,Cortes El papel de la familia en el intento suicida del adolescente,2005,47,1,1-2,Valadez-Figueroa Experiencia en atención de intentos suicidas en un hospital privado de la Ciudad de México: la dificultad en el diagnóstico de la depresión como factor de riesgo para el suicidio: [carta al editor],2003,45,6,427-428,Gutiérrez-Cadena La contribución de la violencia a la mortalidad materna en Morelos México,2006,48,supl.2,s297-s306,Espinoza Prevalencia y factores asociados a la ideación e intento suicida en adolescentes de educación media superior de la República Mexicana,2010,52,4,324-333,Rivera-Rivera Psicoanálisis y epidemiología del suicidio en Guanajuato de 1997 a 2001: reflexiones sobre jóvenes: [carta al editor],2008,50,1,4-5,Chiapas Suicidio en adolescentes de Sudamérica: un problema creciente,2012,54,4,363-364,Díaz-Vélez Suicidio y conductas suicidas en México: retrospectiva y situación actual,2010,52,4,292-304,Medina-Mora Youth who neither study nor work: mental health education and employment,2012,54,4,410-417,Medina-Mora Violencia doméstica y riesgo de conducta suicida en universitarios adolescentes,2010,52,3,213-219,Espinoza-Gómez Disordered eating behaviors and psychological correlates. Data from the Ensanut 2018-19,2022,64,5 sept-oct,471-477,Villalobos-Hernández Epidemiología del suicidio en México de 1970 a 1994,1996,38,3,197-206,Rosovsky La mortalidad por el SIDA en México de 1983 a 1992: tendencias y los años perdidos de vida potencial,1995,37,2,140-148,Izazola Licea