Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Youth attitudes toward guns and violence: relations with sex age ethnic group and firearm exposure,1998,27,1,98-108,Shapiro Development and factor analysis of a measure of youth attitudes toward guns and violence,1997,26,3,311-320,Shapiro Patterns and correlates of gun ownership among nonmetropolitan and rural middle school students,2000,29,3,432-442,Cunningham Peer functioning family dysfunction and psychological symptoms in a risk factor model for adolescent inpatients' suicidal ideation severity,2000,29,3,392-405,Boergers Why young people do not kill themselves: the Reasons for Living Inventory for adolescents,2000,29,2,177-187,Barrios Suicidal ideation in adolescent psychiatric inpatients as associated with depression and attachment relationships,2000,29,2,155-166,Overholser Knowledge of Safety of High and Low Active-Impulsive Boys: Implications for Child Injury Prevention,1995,24,4,370-376,Peterson Playing with Fire: A Developmental Assessment of Childrens Fire Understanding and Experience,1990,19,2,128-135,Cole Longitudinal family and peer group effects on violence and nonviolent delinquency,2001,30,2,172-186,Tolan Overt and relational aggression in adolescents: social-psychological adjustment of aggressors and victims,2001,30,4,479-491,Boergers Peer victimization and attitudes about violence during early adolescence,1999,28,3,386-395,Hershberger Assessing the status of research on violence-related problems among youth,2001,30,2,152-160,Reynolds Witnessed community violence and antisocial behavior in high-risk urban boys,1999,28,1,2-11,Neugebauer Predictors of violence exposure among inner-city youth,2001,30,2,187-198,Weist A qualitative investigation of perceptions of violence risk factors in low-income African American children,2001,30,2,161-171,Thompson Availability of family support as a moderator of exposure to community violence,1999,28,2,151-159,Graham Reactive aggression among maltreated children: the contributions of attention and emotion dysregulation,1998,27,4,381-395,Cicchetti Assessment of peer neglect in the preschool years: a short-term longitudinal study,1997,26,4,424-432,Olson Global and domain-specific self-concepts of a matched sample of adolescent runaways and nonrunaways,1997,26,4,397-403,Swaim The role of social anxiety in adolescent peer relations: differences among sociometric status groups and rejected subgroups,1997,26,4,338-348,Inderbitzen Evaluation of Responding in Peaceful and Positive Ways (RIPP): a school-based prevention program for reducing violence among urban adolescents,2001,30,4,451-463,Meyer Implementation of an empirically based drug and violence prevention and intervention program in public school settings,2001,30,2,221-232,Cunningham Advancing efforts to address youth violence involvement,2001,30,2,147-151,Weist Child sexual abuse prevention programs: a meta-analysis,2000,29,2,257-265,Davis Psychological cognitive and interpersonal correlates of attributional change in adolescents,2000,29,2,188-198,Kaslow Investigating family-based alternatives to institution-based mental health services for youth: lessons learned from the pilot study of a randomized field trial,1997,26,3,226-233,Cunningham Social problem solving in hyperactive-aggressive children: how and what they think in conditions of automatic and controlled processing,1997,26,2,172-180,Doyle Buffering children from marital conflict and dissolution,1997,26,2,157-171,Gottman Peer relationships of young children: affiliative choices and the shaping of aggressive behavior,1997,26,2,145-156,Snyder Variability in symptom expression among sexually abused girls: developing multivariate models,1997,26,1,24-35,Spaccarelli Impact of exposure to community violence on violent behavior and emotional distress among urban adolescents,1997,26,1,2-14,Farrell Criterion validity and the utility of reactive and proactive aggression: comparisons to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder oppositional defiant disorder conduct disorder and other measures of functioning,1998,27,4,396-405,Pelham Children's responses to overt and relational aggression,2001,30,2,240-252,Phelps Emerging themes and challenges in understanding youth violence involvement,2001,30,2,233-239,Tolan Development and evaluation of school-based violence prevention programs,2001,30,2,207-220,Farrell Emotional and behavioral impact of exposure to community violence in inner-city adolescents,2001,30,2,199-206,Frantz How much does physical appearance say about the psychological adjustment of competent and dysfunctional children?,2001,30,3,385-398,Dumas Parental maltreatment and emotion dysregulation as risk factors for bullying and victimization in middle childhood,2001,30,3,349-363,Cicchetti Exposure to violence and neighborhood affiliation among inner-city youth,2001,30,4,464-472,Perez-Smith Mother-infant interaction: effects of a home intervention and ongoing maternal drug use,2000,29,3,424-431,Nair Narrative representations of moral-affiliative and conflictual themes and behavioral problems in maltreated preschoolers,2000,29,3,307-318,Cicchetti Obscene telephone calls to children: a retrospective field study,2000,29,4,626-632,Leth Patterns and temporal changes in peer affiliation among aggressive and nonaggressive children participating in a summer school program,2000,29,4,603-614,Realmuto The use of laboratory and performance-based measures in the assessment of children and adolescents with conduct disorders,2000,29,4,540-554,Frick The structure of self-reported aggression drug use and delinquent behaviors during early adolescence,2000,29,2,282-292,Valois Mother and father self-reports of corporal punishment and severe physical aggression toward clinic-referred youth,2000,29,2,266-281,Mahoney Cognitive interference for trauma cues in sexually abused adolescent girls with posttraumatic stress disorder,2000,29,2,245-256,Freeman Proactive and reactive aggression in delinquent adolescents: relations to aggression outcome expectancies,2000,29,1,86-93,Simons Concurrent and longitudinal correlates of depressive symptoms among low-income urban African American children. Family Health Project Research Group,2000,29,1,76-85,Forehand Disentangling the impact of low cognitive ability and inattention on social behavior and peer relationships. Conduct Problems Prevention Re search Group,2000,29,1,66-75,Bierman Diagnostic status and symptomatic behavior of hard-to-manage preschool children in middle childhood and early adolescence,1999,28,1,44-57,Ewing Social competence and conduct problems in young children: issues in assessment,1999,28,1,25-43,Webster-Stratton Preschoolers' characterizations of multiple family relationships during family doll play,1999,28,2,256-268,Schwartz Influence of the teacher-student relationship on childhood conduct problems: a prospective study,1999,28,2,173-184,Hughes Emotional understanding: a comparison of physically maltreating and nonmaltreating mother-child dyads,1999,28,3,407-417,Zeman Play creativity and adaptive functioning: implications for play interventions,1998,27,4,469-480,Russ Identification and assessment of problematic interpersonal situations for urban adolescents,1998,27,3,293-305,Farrell Diagnostic efficacy of posttraumatic symptoms in children exposed to disaster,1998,27,3,255-267,Lonigan Children's fantasy play and emotional understanding,1999,28,2,269-277,Russ Posttraumatic stress symptoms in children following orthopedic or traumatic brain injury,1999,28,2,232-243,Taylor "There ain't nobody on my side": A new day treatment program for Black urban youth,1985,14,3,214-219,Tolmach Neighborhood disadvantage stressful life events and adjustment in urban elementary-school children,1994,23,4,391-400,Tolan Aggressive assertive and submissive behaviors in disadvantaged inner-city preschool children,1994,23,4,382-390,Holden Concurrent Validity of the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory,1990,19,1,75-78,Eyberg Innovative Models of Treatment and Service Delivery in the Juvenile Justice System,1994,23,Suppl,19-25,Borduin A test of the hopelessness theory of depression in youth psychiatric inpatients,2000,29,2,167-176,Joiner Preliminary examination of sex differences in depressive symptoms among adolescent psychiatric inpatients: the role of anxious symptoms and generalized negative affect,1999,28,2,211-219,Wagner