Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Spiral of Violence: Equity of Violent Reprisal in Professional Wrestling and its Dispositional and Motivational Features,2009,53,1,56-75,Davis Sexual Socialization Messages on Television Programs Most Popular Among Teens,2007,51,2,316-336,Eyal Reducing the Aggression-Promoting Effect of Violent Cartoons By Increasing Children's Fictional Involvement with the Victim: A Study of Active Mediation,2000,44,1,125,Nathanson The Context of Graphic Portrayals of Television Violence,2000,44,2,301,Potter A content analysis of music videos,1985,29,3,333-340,Baxter Using social science to improve children's television: An NBC case study,1987,31,4,461-473,Stipp Applying social science research to film ratings: A shift from offensiveness to harmful effects,1990,34,4,443-468,Wilson Measuring television violence: the importance of context,1995,39,2,284-291,Wilson Brandishing guns in American media: two studies examining how often and in what context firearms appear on television and in popular video games,2004,48,4,584-606,Smith Effects of affective orientation and video game may on aggressive thoughts and behaviors,2005,49,4,435-449,Cicchirillo Groups and goblins: the social and civic impact of an online game,2006,50,4,651-670,Williams The effects of profanity in violent video games on players' hostile expectations aggressive thoughts and feelings and other responses,2013,57,2,224-241,Ivory Popular video games: Quantifying the presentation of violence and its context,2003,47,1,58-76,Smith The impact of television viewing on perceptions of juvenile crime,2006,50,1,119-139,Goidel Explaining media choice: the role of issue-specific engagement in predicting interest-based and partisan selectivity,2018,62,1,109-130,Wojcieszak Media Coverage of Adolescent and Celebrity Suicides and Imitation Suicides among Adolescents,2019,63,1,130-143,Lee