Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Fatigue sensitivity and mental health among trauma-exposed firefighters,2022,10,3,146-156,Zvolensky The dialectical model of fatigue in physical activity,2022,10,2,94-106,Ribeiro Hudson Stress anxiety depression and long COVID symptoms,2023,11,1,35-54,Reyes-Meza Exploring fatigue sensitivity in terms of mental health and fatigue severity among a racially and ethnically diverse sample with severe fatigue,2022,10,3,136-145,Zvolensky Mortality in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome,2016,4,4,195-207,McManimen Psychological distress among postural tachycardia syndrome patients in the Fennell Crisis phase,2020,8,2,108-118,Pederson Impacts of online support groups on quality of life and perceived anxiety and depression in those with ME/CFS: a survey,2021,9,2,113-122,Williams Updated ME/CFS prevalence estimates reflecting post-COVID increases and associated economic costs and funding implications,2022,10,2,83-93,Jason