Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Associated factors of depression in pregnant women in Korea based on the 2019 Korean Community Health Survey: a cross-sectional study,2022,28,1,38-45,Kim Association of postpartum depression with postpartum posttraumatic stress disorder in Korean mothers: a longitudinal survey,2022,28,1,46-55,Ahn Concept analysis of transition to motherhood: a methodological study,2022,28,1,8-17,Hwang An integrative literature review on intimate partner violence against women in South Korea,2020,26,4,260-273,Lee Clinical nurses' experiences of workplace verbal violence: a phenomenological study,2022,28,2,154-164,Kim Anger anger expression types problem behaviors and suicide probability in adolescent women using cluster analysis,2015,21,2,128-138,Moon Incidence of osteoporosis and falls and predictors of fracture risk in postmenopausal women,2012,18,4,237-247,Ahn Study on the relationship between gender-role stereotypes sexual assault awareness and permissible limit in the college students,2012,18,2,117-125,Shim Analysis of suicide statistics and trends between 2011 and 2021 among Korean women,2023,29,4,348-356,Lee Factors influencing suicidal ideation among female late adolescents from a Korean rural province,2020,26,3,213-221,Kim Comparison of Health-related Behaviors in Pregnant Women and Breast-feeding Mothers vs Non-pregnant Women,2014,,,185-194,Park