Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Using functional analytic psychotherapy strategies for supporting Latinas victims of interpersonal partner violence,2022,43,1,74-80,Muñoz-Martínez Sexual victimization in early childhood: a narrative review of clinical aspects,2023,44,1,15-21,Pereda On the possibility of forgiveness in child sexual abuse,2023,44,1,28-35,Prieto-Ursúa Protective factors promoting resilience to suicide in young people and adolescents,2014,35,3,181-192,Sánchez-Teruel Psychology and climate change,2019,40,3,167-173,Clayton Suicide and mental disorder: A necessary critique,2020,41,1,35-42,García-Haro Suicide in andalusia: An analysis of the phenomenon in the last 10 years (2008-2017),2020,41,2,99-105,Gomez Psychology of emergencies in Spain: Current analysis norms and regulatory proposal,2021,42,1,46-55,Soto-Baño Suicidal behavior in adolescents under review: fostering hope through action,2022,43,3,173-184,Pedrero