Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The mediating processes of revictimization after child abuse in a sample of adult women,2021,18,2,162-183,Neuner Examining the reciprocal relationships between parent functioning and child posttraumatic stress throughout trauma therapy,2021,18,2,139-161,Muller Mississippi's experience implementing a statewide Child Advocacy Studies Training (CAST) initiative,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cross Reunification alienation or re-traumatization? Let's start listening to the child,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chester Group-based parenting education programs and their influence on protective factors for child abuse and neglect,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Commentary: Use of the term "parental alienation" may be part of the problem,2021,18,3,217-220,Kleinman Witnessing domestic violence versus exposure to domestic violence: implications for assessing male adolescents adjudicated for sex offenses,2021,18,3,241-262,Rasmussen Exploring the test-retest differences of self-reported adverse childhood experiences among adolescents in residential treatment,2021,18,3,263-278,Zettler Characteristics incidence and trends of intimate partner homicides in Massachusetts: patterns by birthplace race and ethnicity,2021,18,4,353-371,Dang Coercion in families and child resistance to contact with a parent after family separation,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Champion Violence victimization in Latina/o/x young adults: the multiplicative effects of cultural and high betrayal trauma,2023,20,2,216-238,Ahrens Trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress disorder among youth in a high-risk family study: associations with maternal and paternal alcohol use disorder,2020,17,2,116-134,Bucholz Post-separation abuse: a literature review connecting tactics to harm,2024,21,2,145-164,Hardesty