Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Violence against women: aggressors drug users ::: Violência contra a mulher: agressores usuários de drogas ilícitas,2015,7,2,2494-2504,Gomes Repercussions of motorcyclical accident in the life of workers and their families,2020,12,,100-106,Nery The psychosocial repercussions of cranioencephalic trauma caused by motorcycle accidents,2019,11,4,914-920,Nery Repercussions of traffic accidents: an integrative review,2019,11,3,732-738,Nery The bicycle accident in Brazil: an integrative review,2019,11,1,263-269,Coelho Depressive symptoms in elderly people,2019,11,2,297-303,Fernandes Social risk for the family of drug users hospitalized due to physical injury,2019,11,2,510,Marcon The consequences of violence during pregnancy for both fetus and newborn: systematic review,2019,11,2,533,Primo Profile of motorcycle accidents assisted by the Mobile Emergency Service (SAMU) over 2014 and 2015 in a city from the Bahia state,2019,11,4,984-991,Rios Taxi drivers' mental health status and their life quality,2019,11,4,998-1004,Boery Surveillance in health: accidents and deaths caused by venomous animals in the southeast region - Brazil 2005-2015,2020,12,,20-28,Lima The perception of sexual violence's victims about the embracement in a reference hospital in Paraná,2020,12,,169-175,Batistetti Mortality due to external causes in the state of Rondônia: time series analysis from 1999 to 2015,2020,12,,270-275,Pereira Domestic violence against women according to the viewpoint of family health strategy teams,2020,12,,850-855,Oliveira Violence against women in the single health system,2020,12,,146-154,Cavalcanti Nursing care for child/adolescent victims of violence: integrative review,2020,12,,115-123,Milbrath Interpersonal relations between nursing-patient in the perspective of current violence,2020,12,,648-653,Souza Family violence against children: approach to nursing through genogram and ecomapa,2021,13,,1554-1560,Regazzi Epidemiology of trauma victims served by prehospital service,2021,13,,295-301,Dantas Handgrip strength and the fear of falling in elderly,2021,13,,581-587,Garcia Violence against children and adolescents: an analysis of notifications from 2013 to 2014,2021,13,,391-396,Conceição Aggressive behaviors and reactions to aggressive between schools,2021,13,,415-420,Souza Intra-family violence against children and adolescents: the role of nursing,2021,13,,1154-1160,Moura Knowledge of nursing professionals about sexual violence against adolescents,2021,13,,1283-1289,Barreto Scientific production about balance and fear of falling into the elderly: bibliometric study,2021,13,,1656-1663,Garcia Interventions for the prevention of suicidal behavior in colleges: integrative review,2021,13,,1193-1198,Monteiro Produção científica de enfermagem acerca da eutanásia: revisão integrativa da literatura,2014,6,3,1231-1242,Pacheco Comportamentos de risco a saúde em universitários de uma instituição pública,2020,12,,544-550,Silva Cuidados de enfermagem a um paciente portador de tuberculose pulmonar e comorbidades: relato de caso,2018,10,3,683-689,Guimarães Fatores de risco para reincidência da tentativa de suicídio,2022,14,,11929,Marcolan