Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Relationships among Interparental Conflict Peer Media Effects and the Violence Behaviour of Adolescents: The Mediator Role of Attitudes towards Violence,2013,13,4,2005-2015,Avci The Effectiveness of Psycho-Educational School-Based Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training Program on Turkish Elementary Students,2013,13,2,725-729,Cecen-Erogul The Relationship between Paternalistic Leadership and Bullying Behaviours towards Classroom Teachers,2013,13,2,847-851,Cerit Civilized and uncivilized behaviors in the classroom: an example from the teachers and students from the second stage of primary education,2013,13,4,2393-2398,ApaydIn Mobbing experiences of instructors: causes results and solution suggestions,2013,13,1,193-199,Celep Suicide risk in college students: The effects of internet addiction and drug use,2015,15,4,841-848,Kurt