Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Can brain scans prove criminals unaccountable?,2014,5,2,35-37,Roache Enhancing motivation by use of prescription stimulants: the ethics of motivation enhancement,2015,6,1,4-10,Kjærsgaard Addiction freedom and responsibility,2015,6,2,19-21,Hardcastle Empathy justice and moral behavior,2015,6,3,3-14,Decety The sources of uncertainty in disorders of consciousness,2018,9,2,76-82,Johnson The dark side of morality - neural mechanisms underpinning moral convictions and support for violence,2020,11,4,269-284,Decety The quest for personal significance and ideological violence,2020,11,4,285-287,Kruglanski Punishing intentions and neurointerventions,2018,9,3,133-143,Birks Why i do not agree that neurointervention is less ethical than incarceration,2018,9,3,144-146,Trafimow Neurointerventions in offenders: ethical considerations,2018,9,3,146-148,Raine Mandatory neurointervention: a lesser evil than incarceration?,2018,9,3,148-149,Shniderman Mandatory neurointerventions could enhance the mental integrity of certain criminal offenders,2018,9,3,150-152,Palk If criminal intentions are nonvoluntary mandatory neurointerventions might be permissible,2018,9,3,154-156,Lavazza Mandatory neurointerventions and the risk of racial disparity,2018,9,3,156-157,Brown Neurointerventions recidivist sex offenders and situated moral agency: an approach from the margins,2018,9,3,158-160,Byrne The negative effects of neurointerventions: confusing constitution and causation,2018,9,3,162-164,Douglas Intending versus merely foreseeing harm: when does it make a difference?,2018,9,3,164-166,Erler Mental integrity and intentional side effects,2018,9,3,166-168,Enck Is incarceration better than neurointervention? On the intended harms of prison,2018,9,3,168-170,Lim Differences in the interior design of prisons and persons,2018,9,3,170-172,Bublitz Telling the truth about pain: informed consent and the role of expectation in pain intensity,2018,9,3,173-182,Gligorov Pure experience and disorders of consciousness,2018,9,2,107-114,Sullivan The impact of a landmark neuroscience study on free will: a qualitative analysis of articles using lLbet and colleagues' methods,2018,9,1,29-41,Racine Perceptions of invasiveness and fear of stigmatization in mental health care,2023,14,1,20-23,Heney Deep Brain Stimulation and Postoperative Suicidality Among Treatment Resistant Depression Patients: Should Eligibility Protocols Exclude Patients with a History of Suicide Attempts and Anger/Impulsivity?,2013,4,1,28-35,Gilbert Managing Suicide Risk in Experimental Treatments of Treatment-Resistant Depression,2013,4,1,38-39,Hall Life Support Suicide and Euthanasia in Disorders of Consciousness,2016,7,1,44-45,Cochrane