Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Concurrent predictors of drug use consequences among u.S. And russian adolescents,2009,9,2,129-148,Rohrbach Psychosocial consequences of cannabis regulation: a qualitative study,2022,22,2,10-21,Molina-Fernández Cognitive impairment in people who consume benzoylmetilecgonine and its derivatives: a bibliographic review,2022,22,2,63-77,Solórzano Guerrero Representations and stereotypes about drug use among young people: a content analysis of video clips made by university students,2022,22,1,8-25,Perales Albert Life quality psychosocial risks and substance use among employees at ski resorts,2022,22,1,67-78,Lalaouna Domínguez Systematic review of school-based preventive interventions for alcohol and tobacco consumption in adolescents,2022,22,1,108-121,Jimenez Padilla Dating violence: analysis of its directionality perception acceptance consideration of severity and help-seeking,2022,22,1,132-151,Rojas-Solís Enjoyment and personal fulfillment in sport as protective factors for alcohol consumption in young population: the moderating effect of the impulsive sensation seeking trait,2022,22,2,102-118,Schmidt Protective factors and protected sexual behaviors in Venezuelan high school students,2022,22,2,46-62,Guerrero Alcedo Relationship between suicide risk coping behavior and self-efficacy among alcohol dependents,2014,14,2,121-129,Jiménez Psychological effects of confinement due to CoViD-19 pandemic in a sample in addiction treatment in Spain,2022,22,1,288-303,Bedoya Cardona