Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The fallout from emerging technologies: Surveillance social networks and suicide,2011,30,3,13-17,Michael Suicide bombers and their deity (several comments),2002,21,3 Spec. Iss.,4-6+31,Johnson Cell phone use while driving: risk implications for organizations,2014,33,4,65-72,Parry Protecting workers from step voltage hazards,2016,35,1,69-74,Baka Suicide bombers and their deity [letters],2002,21,3 SPEC.,4-6+31,Deutsch Suicide bombers and their deity,2002,21,1,5-6, Persuasive Technology for Mental Health: One Step Closer to (Mental Health Care) Equality?,2021,40,1,80-86,Kolenik