Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The media use of American youngsters in the age of narcissism: Surviving in a 24/7 media shock and awe - distracted by everything,2011,28,2,66-76,Malikhao Estimating cost of fighting against fake news during catastrophic situations,2022,66,,e101734,Shin Examining how and when Facebook intensive use shapes users' online pro-social behaviors,2022,67,,e101753,Ali Motivations of online and offline activism against racism and xenophobia among Asian-American publics during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,67,,e101751,Lee Unravelling social media racial discriminations through a semi-supervised approach,2022,67,,e101752,Balakrishnan Gamification and serious games in depression care: A systematic mapping study,2018,35,1,213-224,Dias