Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A triage system for evacuating critical patients before an eventual disaster,2012,27,1,65-66,Sánchez-Palacios Analysis of a register for reporting adverse events to a mutual insurance society for accidents at work. Adverse event reporting of occupational injuries,2012,27,4,204-211,Pallarés-Carratalá Perceived satisfaction and usefulness of suicide prevention information for patients and relatives,2014,29,1,36-42,Triñanes Panem et circenses or how football shows the use of emergency rooms at convenient times,2012,27,2,123-124,Arévalo Consequences of errors in the translation of questionnaires: Spanish version of Downton index,2015,30,4,195-202,Aranda-Gallardo Are our medical centres' assessments for fitness to drive and firearms licences effective?,2015,31,1,34-41,García-Fortea Implementation of a best practice guideline for the prevention of falls: perception among hospitalized patients and its caregivers,2016,31,6,329-337,Córcoles-Jiménez Risk of falls and consumption of medicines in an elderly population,2018,33,2,105-108,Fernandez Improvement in the service provided to patients with depression in primary care,2005,20,1,19-24,Cuenca Patients' rights: A question of quality,2005,20,6,353-356,Hernando On the morality of euthanasia and assisted suicide,2005,20,7,400-407,Martínez-Urionabarrenetxea Ethics and death with dignity: Proposal for a consensus on a correct use of words,2008,23,6,271-285,Simón Lorda