Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A clinical and epidemiological study on spider bites in Turkey,2011,4,2,159-162,Ozkan Antihaemolytic and snake venom neutralizing effect of some Indian medicinal plants,2011,4,9,743-747,Kumarapppan Assessment of traumatic brain injury degree in animal model,2014,7,12,991-995,Wang Faunal data and envenomation emergency first aid of cone snails (Conus spp.) in Qeshm Island the Persian Gulf,2017,10,12,1167-1171,Ghasemi Dengue epidemic in Pakistan: strategic management efforts and recommendations,2022,15,12,e529,Qamar Analysis of determinants of suicide ideation among Hainan medical students based on structural equation model,2019,,12,35,Liu