Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Negotiating Sex: The Legal Construct of Consent in Cases of Wife Rape in Ontario Canada,2010,22,2,329-364,Lazar Causation Common Sense and the Common Law: Replacing Unexamined Assumptions with What We Know about Male Violence against Women or from Jane Doe to Bonnie Mooney,2005,17,,87,Sheehy Theorizing Civil Domestic Violence Legislation in the Context of Restructuring: A Tale of Two Provinces,2007,19,,145,Koshan Marital Rape in Ghana: Legal Options for Achieving State Accountability,2010,22,2,505-534,Archampong Causation common sense and the common law: replacing unexamined assumptions with what we know about male violence against women or from Jane Doe to Bonnie Mooney,2005,17,1,87-116,Sheehy Every breath you take: erotic asphyxiation vengeful wives and other enduring myths in spousal sexual assault prosecutions,2012,24,2,328-358,Busby High: marijuana women and the law,2009,21,1,35-54,Boyd Editorial,2007,19,1,i-iv,Boyd Fathers' rights in Swedish family law reform: taking account of fathers' violence against mothers,2016,28,1,152-181,Burman Domestic violence on #qanda: the "Man" question in live Twitter discussion on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Q&A,2016,28,1,211-229,Dragiewicz Case commentary: R. v Walsh and the "myth" of marital rape,2016,28,1,230-240,Vayeghan Battered women under duress: the Supreme Court of Canada's abandonment of context and purpose in R. v Ryan,2017,29,1,60-82,Chambers Challenging colonial norms and attending to presencing in stories of missing and murdered Indigenous women,2017,29,1,157-181,Savarese Criminalization on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity: reframing the dominant human rights discourse to include freedom from torture and inhuman and degrading treatment,2017,29,2,375-400,Bejzyk Non-consensual disclosure of intimate images as a crime of gender-based violence,2018,30,1,117-142,Aikenhead "It happened more than once": Freezing deaths in Saskatchewan,2014,26,1,51-80,Razack