Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Not "Anyone's Daughter": Patty Hearst and the Postmodern Legal Subject,2000,52,4,639-681,Isenberg Gender Sovereignty Rights: Native Women's Activism against Social Inequality and Violence in Canada,2008,60,2,259-266,Barker "You trade in 'a' man for 'the' man": Domestic Violence and the U.S. Welfare State,2010,62,2,253-277,Kandaswamy "To die for a lousy bike": bicycles race and the regulation of public space on the streets of Washington DC 1963-2009,2017,69,1,47-70,Bloom Domestic trials: Indian rights and national belonging in works by E. Pauline Johnson and John M. Oskison,2011,63,1,95-116,Piatote A race suicide among the hogs: The biopolitics of pork in the United States 1865-1930,2016,68,1,49-73,Rosenberg