Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Governing peacekeeping: the role of authority and expertise in the case of sexual violence and trauma,2006,35,3,346-380,Harrington Housing and economic inequality in the long run: the retreat of owner occupation,2022,51,2,161-186,Wood A life worth leaving: Fasting to death as telos of a Jain religious life,2005,34,2,178-199,Laidlaw Durkheim's scenography of suicide,2005,34,2,223-240,Gane Modelling Roman suicide? The afterlife of Cato,2005,34,2,200-222,Edwards Suicide euthanasia and medicine: Reflections ancient and modern,2005,34,2,295-321,Flemming The scenography of suicide: Terror politics and the humiliated witness,2005,34,2,241-260,Bell