Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Attitudes of Pakistani men to domestic violence: a study from Karachi Pakistan,2005,2,1,49-58,Razzak Prevalence and correlates of domestic violence by husbands against wives in Bangladesh: Evidence from a national survey,2007,4,1,52-63,Aklimunnessa Suicidality in men - practical issues challenges solutions,2007,4,4,393-401,Rihmer A report on the demographic characteristics and the state of men's health in Bulgaria,2004,1,2-3,191-196,Christov Suicides of men in Austria: An epidemiological analysis over a 30-year period,2004,1,2-3,197-202,Sonneck Depression in men: Communication diagnosis and therapy,2005,2,1,95-99,Kilmartin Biopsychosocial aspects in understanding and treating depression in men: A clinical perspective,2006,3,1,10-18,Robbins Patterns of mortality across 44 countries among men and women aged 15-44 years,2006,3,2,139-151,White Per capita income is related to suicide rates in men but not in women,2006,3,1,39-42,Sher Risky business: Explaining the gender gap in longevity,2006,3,1,43-46,Phillips Trends of youth suicide in Europe during the 1980s and 1990s - gender differences and implications for prevention,2006,3,3,250-257,Mittendorfer-Rutz Men's health: impact on women children and society,2007,4,2,124-130,Bonhomme